Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Exile Island Duel Results

After a while we finally have a winner! Congratulations... nitasu987

You've won one more chance to come back to Survivor Tuvalu!


Nitasu987 had a perfect 21!
Endersteve had a 20.
FoxMccloud64 had 18.
Timdood3 had 24.
BiggestKirbyFan had 25.


I'm going to go ahead and give a brief summary of the Duel. PLEASE do read everything! Because lots happened here.


He drew Lookout and Ace. But Endersteve BOMBED him and Fox lost the Ace. He then drew 8 and 10. Giving him a total of 18 and staying with that. He also used the Lookout on Endersteve (He had a total of 9 in that time)


He drew a Bomb and 9 first. Then a Bomb, Ace, Bomb, 2, 3. After this, he decided to BOMB Ender. He then drew 6, giving him a total of 21! But then BiggestKirbyFan used Lookout on him (Revealing to her that Tim had perfect 21). Therefore Kirby BOMBED Tim (Making him lose the 9). He then drew 5 and 4. Giving him AGAIN a total of 21! He then decided to BOMB Nitasu and BOMB BiggestKirbyFan. But then BiggestKirbyFan BOMBED Timdood once again (Making him lose the 5). He finally drew 8, which made him go over 21. Game over for him.


She drew Lookout and Bomb first. (Enderfive here used Lookout on her). She then drew Ace and 4. And then BOMBED Timdood (Making him lose his first 21). She thend rew 9 and Discard. But then Timdood BOMBED her and she lost the Discard. She then drew a Bomb. And she decided to BOMB Ender. She then drew another Bomb. And decided to BOMB Tim once again (Making him lose his second 21). She then chose 2 and 9. Making her go over 21. Game over.


He first drew 4 and 5. Then 2, Discard, Bomb and Ace. He then decided to Discard his #2. To make is total 20 and stay with that. And then he BOMBED Fox. He then got BOMBED (Not sure whose bomb was it, since he got bombed so many times. So bare with me), making him lose the Ace. He then drew another Bomb but someone BOMBED him (Making him lose that Bomb). Here Fox used Lookout on him. Ender then drew his final Bomb. Then Nitasu used Lookout on him as well. He then drew 10. Giving him a total of 19 and staying with that. He then BOMBED Nitasu (Making him lose a Bomb). After that, someone BOMBED him (Making him lose the 10). He then drew Lookout and 9. He decided to use Lookout on BiggestKirbyFan (She had a Bomb and Lookout). He decided to stay with a total of 18. But then someone BOMBED him again! He then drew 8 and 3, giving him a total of 20. He stayed with that.


He first drew 5 and 6. Then Ace and Bomb. He then decided to BOMB Enderfive. He then drew 2 and Lookout. (Using Lookout on Ender). He then drew a Bomb but Enderfive BOMBED him, making him lose the Bomb. He then drew another Bomb and decided to BOMB Ender again. He then drew 3. Giving him a total of 17 and staying with that.
Timdood3 decided to BOMB him. Making him lose the 6. Which helped him because now he had a total of 21!


This was such an intense Duel! It went back and forth every second.

I'm afraid that's the end of the road for Enderfive BiggestKirbyFan Timdood3 and FoxMccloud64 No chance of winning the game anymore. You all did a great job, though. Be proud.

Just make sure you keep in touch and relax in that Jury House, because you'll be very important at the end.



Congratulations, Final 6!


There won't be anymore Exile Island! Which means that if you're voted out, you're out for good.

ONLY 3 more Survivors need to be voted out before the Final. So give it your all if you want to be sitting in the Final 3.

Once again, congrats Nitasu987! And New Challenge will be coming soon.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The World Challenge

Very simple Challenge. Your job is to send me through PM the name of 25 Countries around the world (Nowadays. Not countries from 50 years ago that aren't even countries anymore)

Once the six of you send me their countries, I'll compare each country to everyone else's. If someone else chose the SAME country as you, then they'll cancel each other.

So the winner of this Challenge is going to be that Survivor who chose the most countries that NO ONE else did.

There's some strategy into this. Remember, winning immunity is the ONLY way to secure a spot in the Final 5. Winning immunity is very valusble right now.

This is an individual Challenge. Meaning that you can't help each other.

755someone755 Infected_alien8_ CaffeinatedKitty nitasu987 mythelf Ooglie101

Good Luck!​


Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
why can't they choose vatican city or monaco or liechtenstein
Because everyone would pick them.

Alfred Lichenstein said:
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Or was it choosing the smallest country available? Damnit, I'm getting old."


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
i wouldn't pick them, if anything, I'd expect people to choose the most obscure countries that come to mind, like moldova or tajikistan or something
I think that's the point.
If you pick the same obscure countries, no one will get any points. And no one will get any obvious picks like the united states or england.
....I'd have fun with this challenge.
....If Kirby hadn't bombed me twice...