Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The World Challenge Results

This was such a CLOSE Challenge. But congratulations... Ooglie101

He used quite an interesting strategy. He went for the kind of common countries.

You're the winner. You've won immunity and CAN'T be voted out for this round. You've secured your post in the Final 5.


Here's the countries that they chose and no one else picked.

Ooglie101: Total of 15 Countries. (Japan, India, Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Argentina)

Nitasu987: Total of 13 Countries. (Bahrain, Barbados, Bhutan, Comoros, Djibouti, Iceland, Palau, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote D'Ivoire, Indonesia, Liberia and Sierra Leone)

Infected_Alien8_: Total of 13 Countries. (Guinea, Kiribati, Latvia, Lebanon, Morocco, Norway, Pero, Republica of Korea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Yemen and Zambia)

755someone755: Total of 11 Countries. (Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Cyprus, El Salvador, Montenegro, Nepal, Serbia, Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Trinidad and Tobago and Turkmenistan)

Mythelf: Total of 10 Countries. (Gambia, Central African Republic, East Timor, Sao Tome and Principe, Costa Rica, Guyana, Samoa, Tanzania, Myanmar and San Marino)

CaffeinatedKitty: Total of 6 Countries. (United States, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Austria,Mozambique and Azerbaijan)


Here's the countries that were picked by 2 or more:

Gabon (Nitasu and Caff)
Malta (Nitasu and 755)
Nauru (Nitasu, Myth and Alien)
Mongolia (Nitasu, 755 and Ooglie)
Chad (Nitasu, Caff and Alien)
Congo (Nitasu and Myth)
Democratic Republic of Congo (Nitasu, Myth, Caff and 755)
Belize (Nitasu and Caff)
Egypt (Nitasu and Caff)
Sri Lanka (Nitasu and Myth)
Suriname (Nitasu and Myth)
Vietnam (Nitasu, 755 and Alien)
Cameroon (Caff and Myth)
Bangladesh (Caff, 755 and Ooglie)
Canada (Caff and Ooglie)
Australia (Caff and Ooglie)
Niger (Caff and Alien)
Paraguay (Caff and Myth)
Dominican Republic (Caff and Myth)
Nicaragua (Caff and Myth)
Belarus (Caff and 755)
Italy (Caff and Ooglie)
Bosnia Herzegovina (Caff and 755)
Croatia (Caff, 755 and Alien)
Slovakia (Caff and 755)
Chile (755 and Ooglie)
Eritrea (755 and Alien)
China (755 and Ooglie)
Russia (755 and Ooglie)
Tajikistan (755 and Myth)
France (Ooglie and Alien)
Seychelles (Myth and Alien)
Georgia (Myth and Alien)
Kuwait (Myth and Alien)
Togo (Myth and Alien)
Burundi (Myth and Alien)


Tribal Council

Send me a PM with the name of 2 Survivors you wish to send to the Duel

Remember, Ooglie101 is safe from elimination.

Survivors in Danger: CaffeinatedKitty nitasu987 mythelf Infected_alien8_ 755someone755

Good Luck!​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score

I apologize for posting the results till now. I had no internet all day.

The Survivors who received the most votes and will be in danger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu are... Infected_alien8_ and nitasu987

Infected_Alien8_ received 4 votes.
Nitasu987 received 4 votes.
CaffeinatedKitty received 2 votes.
Mythelf received 2 votes.


Duel #20

Infected_alien8_ vs. nitasu987

I'll PM you both with the Duel's details.

Remember that whoever loses this Duel will be out for good.

The other one will be in the Final 5 and still fight to win it.

Good Luck!​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Duel Results

The 21th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu... And for a second time... nitasu987

Which means Infected_alien8_ still has a shot to win Survivor.


They had to come up with 2 sentences convincing people why they shouldn't smoke ot stop smoking.

Infected_Alien8_'s Sentences:

"You might want to relax, you might want to clear your head, so take a refreshing walk in the park instead of a trip to a hospital bed. You're wasting money, looking worse for it and ruining precious life given to you; inviting bad health to worry you and your loved ones and influencing your children to do so, too."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->I found these sentences so powerful. Its as if he's telling a story from start to finish. And honestly, it gets to you. It makes you think.[/BCOLOR]

Nitasu987's Sentences:

"Smoking can clog up your lungs with harmful chemicals and give you cancer- you could perish. How would your loved ones react when they realize when you're dead, they'll have no moments with you that they'll cherish?"

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->This was such a good one, too. I can't really say what's wrong with it. Instead it comes down to Alien's sentences being better. More intensity to it and a tad more creative.[/BCOLOR]


Nitasu987, you've become the [BCOLOR=#ffffff]10th Member of the Jury[/BCOLOR]. You'll be very important at the end. So stay in touch. For now, you'll be enjoying your time in the Jury House.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Nitasu987, AKA Neutral, the Tribe has spoken once again.

21 down. 5 left.


New Challenge coming soon.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Perfect Circle Challenge

Simple. You're going to click this link:

Your objective is to draw the most perfect circle ever. After you're done, you click the option analyze and the website will give you a score. The highest score out of the 5 of you will win immunity.


-Can't ask for help.
-You NEED to take a screenshot of your circle AND score. The screenshot needs to be of your whole computer screen.
-The Circle CAN'T be small. It needs to be at least as the size of the palm of your hand.

You can try as many times you'd like. And send me as many screenshots you'd like (Send it by PM) I'll choose the highest one of them all.


We're in Top 5 already. There's only 2 Challenges left before the Final 3.

These immunities are VERY important.

So win it and secure a place in that Final Immunity Challenge.

mythelf CaffeinatedKitty Ooglie101 Infected_alien8_ 755someone755

Good Luck!​


Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
I have a drawing tablet, but it's only because I'm left handed and a right handed mouse doesn't work very well when drawing. Don't expect me to win even with one lol.
use one of those kewl circular rulers and adjust the sensitivity?

also update:
1. using phone only makes it worse
2. i don't have the money for a drawing tablet
3. thank god my hands are small (for a 18yo guy)