REVIVAL OF MAFIA: Dire Streets {(OVER: FENCE WIN + town)}

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Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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Hold up. Why are people voting road? I think notme's was a joke vote, but there was nothing else in his post and you can never tell what's a joke with this guy.

Ltin is saying road should know better. Than to what? No lynch D0? Iirc, road never wants to lynch on D0. (I could be wrong.). I don't even know what he said, ltin quoted three other people when he voted but not road!

Geekenstein gave no reason, just up and voted, then asked a question. And that question sure sounds to me like he just wants somebody dead.

So my question. What had road actually done to be voted? Or is he just the unfortunate first victim of a bloodthirsty mob?
You seem to be right about road not wanting to lynch (i looked through some past games). Then again, dont most of our d0s end in no-lynch?



SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
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Geek, Friendy and Ltin are all suspicious in my book. Inconsistancy in their posts and/or being very willing to lynch someone.

We should not lynch ruin right now and I ask all townies to retract their vote on ruin. Personally I'm for no lynch but if we want to try something the best chance of getting a scum is IMO Geek or Ltin.
I'm not willing to lynch at all, but someone has to do it and I want Geek out to get rid of noobiness ;)


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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Geekenstein gave no reason, just up and voted, then asked a question. And that question sure sounds to me like he just wants somebody dead.
First off I'll start with correcting He to She as I am female (like it says on my profile page)

And secondly, I did vote to kill Road earlier on (if you cared to read the thread) and I had a 'reason' there. I then unvoted jokingly and then decided to revote after a little contemplation on if I should lynch them.

Thirdly, I am new to mafia and I will make mistakes so please don't blow up at me. I'm learning and you were in that position at one point in your time playing mafia. That question was simply curiosity as if we did lynch someone I just wanted to know if I'd find out who they were, a reasonable question for a first time player.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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(1)First off I'll start with correcting He to She as I am female (like it says on my profile page)

And secondly, (2)I did vote to kill Road earlier on, and I had a 'reason' there. I then unvoted jokingly and then decided to revote after a little contemplation on if I should lynch them.

Thirdly, (3)I am new to mafia and I will make mistakes so please don't blow up at me. 4)I'm learning and you were in that position at one point in your time playing mafia. 5)That question was simply curiosity as if we did lynch someone I just wanted to know if I'd find out who they were, a reasonable question for a first time player.
1) Sorry, I'll keep that in mind in the future.

2) I'm not really buying this. Here is the post I believe you're talking about (It's your only other vote against Road)

Vote Road To Ruin

Nice trick m8
And that's it. That's the whole post. The only part of the post that isn't a vote is "Nice trick m8." A reason it is not. A 'reason' I guess you could call it. You voted right after Notme, whose reason was "Nice try, scum" Looked like a joke vote to me. And so did yours, until now since you're using it as backup for your latest vote. Come up with a reason or unvote.

3) Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as 'blowing up at you' for making a mistake. Though if you wanted to interpret me as blowing up at you, it wouldn't be for making a mistake; it'd be for not having a reason for your vote.

4) First thing to learn: Don't vote without a reason, it makes you look suspicious. I'd rather you not have to learn that the hard way by getting lynched early on in your first game.

5) Yeah, it's a reasonable question for a first time player. It could've been answered by taking a peek through a previous mafia game, but hey, asking is more convenient, no fault there. Though if you've got the time, I'd definitely recommend at least skimming through previous games (especially ones hosted by GmK), you can learn a lot about what goes on in a mafia player's head.

----The above is my response specifically to geek. Below will be general thoughts on lynching vs no-lynching.----

Reasons to lynch: The mafia most likely don't know who each other are yet, which means today is the only time when a mafia member might vote another mafia member unknowingly.

Reasons not to lynch: We also have no indication of who the mafia might be. (Or rather, any indication of who the mafia might be could just as easily be joke votes and the like.)

The reason why Day Zero lynches are beneficial when there is an odd number is because it plays to the towns advantage with a typical rule that is not in place this game. That rule is that a no-lynch would only take half of the alive players to pass instead of a majority as it is in this game. We don't have that rule, so that whole argument regarding Day Zero lynches goes out the window. I hope that made sense. If it doesn't someone say so and I'll explain further/more clearly.

I'm going to err on the side of caution and agree that we shouldn't lynch anyone unless someone is practically confirmed to be mafia.
no need to prolong this day

vote No Lynch
Not necessarily true. The longer this Day Zero is, the more things are said, and the more things that are said, the more we get a feel for who we're playing with.


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
First off I'll start with correcting He to She as I am female (like it says on my profile page)

And secondly, I did vote to kill Road earlier on (if you cared to read the thread) and I had a 'reason' there. I then unvoted jokingly and then decided to revote after a little contemplation on if I should lynch them.

Thirdly, I am new to mafia and I will make mistakes so please don't blow up at me. I'm learning and you were in that position at one point in your time playing mafia. That question was simply curiosity as if we did lynch someone I just wanted to know if I'd find out who they were, a reasonable question for a first time player.
she's lying she just doesn't like the heat!!!!!!!!


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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I do believe there was a post stating that I thought Road was suspicious.
Right now I'm learning and yes, I could've skimmed through mafia games but to be honest... I'm not entirely sure how to play so far and the fact that the majority of the time I am on mobile does make it difficult for me to easily scroll through forum pages. I'm not gonna say I'm copying some people but I'm learning through actions taken by people.
At this stage I am fairly new to the entire feel of a mafia game and how it works (previously I wasn't entirely interested but now with the 'all skill levels' game that we are currently playing I decided to join).

Can you kill people at night? I think if we just get an honest answer to that this game will go pretty well.
Just quoting that section that made me suspicious.
I'm reading over it and it could be an innocent question. Gonna stay neutral for now.



Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I do believe there was a post stating that I thought Road was suspicious.
Is this the post in question?
Well their post seemed a bit suspicious how they asked if you could kill people at night. It's a perfectly alright reason to lynch someone even if they are innocent.
If so, then we have differing opinions on what is a "Perfectly alright reason to lynch someone even if they are innocent."
The only time it becomes ok to lynch someone who is innocent is if they are doing more harm than good. (unless you're mafia in which case you always want innocents lynched).

Many games, players get the ball rolling by posing questions for everyone to answer. One of those questions is almost always "Are you mafia?" or something to the effect. It wasn't suspicious. It wasn't an "innocent question." And it is surely not a reason to lynch someone! It was a joke.

New or not, the way you are responding to things is seriously making me consider you may be mafia. I won't press it for the time being, but I've got my eyes on you.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Hmmmmm interesting day so far.
we may be getting more info but so are the mafia and i dont think we should give them a head start on which people are the big targets
We can't rely solely on our cop, so this is the *main* way that we, as a town, can get information. Talking is EVERYTHING in this game. Plus, some mafia games the mafia do not actually know whom each other are day 0, so this would be the best day to talk/lynch (dunno if we can get confirmation from mars on whether they know each other already yet or not, but i'll go on the assumption that we can't). I usually am against lynching on day 0, but only because few people actually take advantage of day 0 to be serious enough for anything to get done. but we absolutely should prolong the day to get as much discussion out of it as possible.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I'm totally cool with (and in favor of) a no lynch. I also want to use as much time as we can during this Day Zero. He have a bit under 30 hours from now until the deadline. I'm not going to vote now because I don't want people just going "Yeah gonna vote no-lynch now let's end the day" but if it starts to look like someone will be autolynched without a majority due to the deadline, I will.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
My thoughts on geekenstein: New player, didn't completely understanding the joking nature of the first few pages so she took road's question about "can you kill" seriously. (Here's where she posted why she was suspicious of him)

Well their post seemed a bit suspicious how they asked if you could kill people at night. It's a perfectly alright reason to lynch someone even if they are innocent.
I first thought it was a little weird how seriously tim took geek's voting, but i'd guess he's just excited to do something since it's been awhile since the last mafia game here =p

Ltin's bit where he said better to lynch with odd players then pushing for a lynch seemed weird to me, but I still don't think it's enough to do anything about or make any assumptions.

Everything else is joking or small enough to not take note of (in my eyes).
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