It's been a fun past few months running and managing DarkRP for ER, but sadly, it is time to shut it down. DarkRP started to stagnate shortly after release, and with most of the staff being super busy at the most inconvenient of times (including myself), the server pretty much died out and sat here with no purpose.
With that, Hoog and Myself have agreed that it needs to be shutdown. We don't want to dedicate any more resources to it, because of how far deep in the hole it is - and in reality, once your playerbase turns to none on a gmod server, the server will most likely sit there for eternity only getting a few random players every few weeks.
Thank you all who have participated in the beta, that helped out staffing, or just generally played and enjoyed the server. We wouldn't have made it this far without you, and I appreciate all of you
. This server wouldn't have been anything without this community behind it. The server is already closed and will have no closing event due to lack of interest in the recent times. The forums will be put into archives shortly also. If you ever need anything from the server, just shoot Hoog or myself a PM, as we have backups of the server.
With that, I assure you that I still (and a few others) have a few plans up their sleeves still, so stay tuned in the future!
With that, Hoog and Myself have agreed that it needs to be shutdown. We don't want to dedicate any more resources to it, because of how far deep in the hole it is - and in reality, once your playerbase turns to none on a gmod server, the server will most likely sit there for eternity only getting a few random players every few weeks.
Thank you all who have participated in the beta, that helped out staffing, or just generally played and enjoyed the server. We wouldn't have made it this far without you, and I appreciate all of you

With that, I assure you that I still (and a few others) have a few plans up their sleeves still, so stay tuned in the future!