I think Les's Pepsi made everything better, but this newfound peace may not last forever, so I'll write this. I'm on holiday today - Saturday, so if I get back and I see yet more flaming, well... you're not going to have fun. I won't call anyone out individually, because we all know where that gets us, but I've got no idea how I'm not getting slated for my absolutely awful performance as Advertiser - if there even was a "performance" from me in the first place... On the survey, the main response for the advertiser section was "We have an advertising team?" Hex's organisation with it all behind the scenes is already showing me he'll do better than me, and he's barely started. So, #GiveHexAChance, stop meming each other to death, and if you're incapable of that, either rant about how bad I was or get out.
Thank you.