The Bastard Game: Day 5


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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A) doesnt seem like inf is online so i can tell you now and inf can confirm later if Enderfive confirms whether or not the title/mechanics of the pm itself are against the rules.

it's kinda on the line, honestly

i guess you can talk about this, if only because i'm curious to see where this leads


May 31, 2014
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Huh, I just thought of something. Maybe Jivvi is a cult leader or something and every night he invites two people and he chooses one to join his cult. As this is a bastard set up, he may even be mafia and he recruits a new mafia every night or something like that.

I mean, it's unlikely but it would add up with Notty's report.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Also, the two people who are picked by Jivvi tonight should both tell a small lie each so we can see if Jivvi's lie detector thing is true or not. If only one person who visited survives again, then something shady is probably going on.
That's not how his role works + if it were up ot me he wouldn't have another tonight


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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So you're saying you would get the results of people lying at the end of the night? (meaning they're blockable)
yeah. i can see what you're fishing for cause i sorrtaa implied it was realtime with the timezone bit but it's not
i'm the town interrogator. at night i choose two people and they join a chat with me (told nothing by ender but "you may converse here tonight"), and ender tells me when they lie about their role or alignment. it's slightly clunky because of timezones but thats the price i pay for living upside-down i guess.
yeah it's at the end of the night. realtime would be unreasonable because ender isn't always immediately available so it'd be pretty dodgy (as i said at the time. reason i tried to imply that it was realtime was for tonight, so that if i got anyone that was mafia and lying i could try and call their bluffs so that the other person had something to relay to the town were i to die

if it is against the rules, dont respond to it, i was just wondering if there was possibly a small difference to the things he said, that could have potentially meant something
"The Bastard Game: Interrogator Nightchat". we discussed just using the vague term "lie detector chat" and reckoned it was better than just coming out with rolenames (since if mafia have a stalker-type role they may not immediately realise what i does and how high on their priority list i should be). HOWEVER, inf is braindead and told everyone that the lie detector chat is created by/for the interrogator anyway soooo

Also, the two people who are picked by Jivvi tonight should both tell a small lie each so we can see if Jivvi's lie detector thing is true or not. If only one person who visited survives again, then something shady is probably going on.
notty's wrong i think? that would work because if they just claim fake roles i can confirm the lies. only problem is i'd need the doctor on me cause mafia know my name and i'd need to wait til the next day to get the results. this is the safest option we can take tho cause if i was (theoretically) mafia, i wouldn't be able to relay the roles to my team, so i think this is what we should do.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
yeah. i can see what you're fishing for cause i sorrtaa implied it was realtime with the timezone bit but it's not

yeah it's at the end of the night. realtime would be unreasonable because ender isn't always immediately available so it'd be pretty dodgy (as i said at the time. reason i tried to imply that it was realtime was for tonight
So I caught you in a lie about these supposed 'lie detector mechanics' that your role has that's not suspicious at all.

so that if i got anyone that was mafia and lying i could try and call their bluffs so that the other person had something to relay to the town were i to die
I mean what even is this excuse you're trying to give for lying? You say ' if i got anyone that was mafia and lying'. How would you know anyone is Mafia if you don't get result realtime? How would you know they're lying if you don't get results realtime? You don't thats how (unless you'd like to go back on you saying you don't get results realtime).

So you're going to call out someone in your inn you have a gut feeling about but no actual info from Ender how theyre 'lying' and if you die the other town member is supposted to relay your gut feeling as truth since they would think you actually were told by Ender they were lying. Was there a gas leak in this inn or something because now not only Inf but also you want to pass gut feelings off as something told by Ender.

"The Bastard Game: Interrogator Nightchat". we discussed just using the vague term "lie detector chat" and reckoned it was better than just coming out with rolenames (since if mafia have a stalker-type role they may not immediately realise what i does and how high on their priority list i should be). HOWEVER, inf is braindead and told everyone that the lie detector chat is created by/for the interrogator anyway soooo
Congratulations you are the 1000th lie told about this night chat you've won an IPhone click here to get your prize!


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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So I caught you in a lie about these supposed 'lie detector mechanics' that your role has that's not suspicious at all.
yeah no. i literally said why i did it; mafia knowing means they can lie, kill me, and the other person in the chat will be none the wiser.
I mean what even is this excuse you're trying to give for lying? You say ' if i got anyone that was mafia and lying'. How would you know anyone is Mafia if you don't get result realtime? How would you know they're lying if you don't get results realtime? You don't thats how (unless you'd like to go back on you saying you don't get results realtime).
i'm not going back on my statement, but i'm allowed to have suspicions, and i may as well question people wil they're in the chat (hur dur what would an interrogator role do). if they're mafia and slip, fantastic. if they're not, i know when the day starts and everything's fine. it's not too hard to see what i'm getting at here but you're choosing to tunnel me instead.
So you're going to call out someone in your inn you have a gut feeling about but no actual info from Ender how theyre 'lying' and if you die the other town member is supposted to relay your gut feeling as truth since they would think you actually were told by Ender they were lying. Was there a gas leak in this inn or something because now not only Inf but also you want to pass gut feelings off as something told by Ender.
obviously the person would not relay it asa host-confirmed fact if i die. you're legitimately twisting what i'm saying now which is bizarre for a town cop. if i die, it obviously casts some degree of suspicion on the people in the inn that night, so if one is townsided they can claim so and state what was happening in the chat. naturally they'll most likely be cc'd by the mafia from the chat but at least you then have a 50/50 situation to go from.
Congratulations you are the 1000th lie told about this night chat you've won an IPhone click here to get your prize!
good meme but i'm pretty sure my 'lies' are withholding information for my own safety until pressed for it which is a perfectly reasonable thing to do

so was it called -EXACTLY- this
yes would u like a screencap


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Is interrogator normally a town sided or a mafia sided role?
lie detectors are pretty unconventional but iirc there was a townsided one in a gmk game?

jailer is a vaguely similar common town role that starts a nightchat with people at night although it's different in that it gets the option to kill the interrogated player instead of detecting lies, so it's slightly less of an investigative role


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
i'm not going back on my statement, but i'm allowed to have suspicions, and i may as well question people wil they're in the chat (hur dur what would an interrogator role do). if they're mafia and slip, fantastic. if they're not, i know when the day starts and everything's fine. it's not too hard to see what i'm getting at here but you're choosing to tunnel me instead.
Heres a nice example of you trying to pass of my legit arguments as some weird tunneling experience.

You're free to question people in your chat sure but that's not what you were saying before. You were talking about lying in the chat about how Ender told you they were lying. You claimed you would do this so that if you die the other person in the chat could relay this info to the town. Except there is no info since it would be a lie because Ender hadn't told you anything. AKA you said you lied about the realtime thing so that in turn a town member would relay your lies as truth since they wouldn't know any better and a possible town could be lynched this isn't even remotely a town thing to do and it's a trash excuse for you lying about getting results realtime. It's extremely easy to see what you're getting at as I wrote it in this paragraph and you litterally claimed that yourself so it's not speculation.

obviously the person would not relay it asa host-confirmed fact if i die. you're legitimately twisting what i'm saying now which is bizarre for a town cop. if i die, it obviously casts some degree of suspicion on the people in the inn that night, so if one is townsided they can claim so and state what was happening in the chat. naturally they'll most likely be cc'd by the mafia from the chat but at least you then have a 50/50 situation to go from.
I'm not twisting anything you said you would lie in the chat to call peoples 'bluffs' even though you knew exactly 0 about if they're Mafia or lying and wanted the town person to relay those lies incase you it's as simple as that. If you die it casts 0 suspicion on them because of the name thing but I guess since you're insisting anti-town don't have those mechanics even though thats an unreasonable assumption in my opinion.

Ofcourse naturally they'd be CC'd by the second person in the chat since you lied about them lying in the chat whether they're Mafia or not you'd be pitting two people against each other with those lies that's not very town-like of you to want to do.

good meme but i'm pretty sure my 'lies' are withholding information for my own safety until pressed for it which is a perfectly reasonable thing to do
Having new info pop up around every corner because you/Inf aren't telling the whole truth is not at all unsettling and annoying for the town


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
"The Bastard Game: Interrogator Nightchat"
yes would u like a screencap

so i'm the Town Neighbour and i share a day chat with another neighbour (i wont reveal them obv - btw i have no information about their allignment) BUT our day chat is called "The Bastard Game: Neighbours' Day Chat" as opposed to "The Bastard Game: Neighbours' Daychat"

this goes back to notty's theory about jivvi being a mafia innkeeper, meaning that he himself would have to create the inn name rather than ender. as part of the mafia team, i assume their night chat is called "The Bastard Game: Mafia's Night Chat" (or whatever the mafia are called this game) as it would be consistent with the naming given by ender in my neighbour chat (space inbetween day/night and chat), but then jivvi when creating the inn name named it "The Bastard Game: Interrogator's Nightchat" since he didnt remember the space inbetween instead of "The Bastard Game: Interrogator's Night Chat"

i swear to god if you suddenly say that you accidentally typed nightchat in the thread instead of night chat i will DESTROY YOU

HONESTLY i feel like it still k i n d a risky to lynch between the two investigative roles but tbh im back on nottys side and im in favour of a jivvi lynch today & foggy said that he already selected to take real jivvi's role as an insurance policy incase he is actually the town interrogator so IM GONNA GO WITH MY HEART AND

vote Nottykitten


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Heres a nice example of you trying to pass of my legit arguments as some weird tunneling experience.

You're free to question people in your chat sure but that's not what you were saying before. You were talking about lying in the chat about how Ender told you they were lying. You claimed you would do this so that if you die the other person in the chat could relay this info to the town. Except there is no info since it would be a lie because Ender hadn't told you anything. AKA you said you lied about the realtime thing so that in turn a town member would relay your lies as truth since they wouldn't know any better and a possible town could be lynched this isn't even remotely a town thing to do and it's a trash excuse for you lying about getting results realtime. It's extremely easy to see what you're getting at as I wrote it in this paragraph and you litterally claimed that yourself so it's not speculation.
uh unless i get the reaction test i want and then tell them that it's not confirmed if i don't get anything solid?

ie 1) i am suspicious of player a 2) i interrogate player a and they claim vanilla 3) i think their claim is sus so i tell them that it came up as a lie 4) i gauge their reaction and then tell them and the other player that i don't get the results until morning, so if i die they have the reaction test to use in their lynch consideration and if i survive i can confidently confirm them either way. see:
if i got anyone that was mafia and lying i could try and call their bluffs so that the other person had something to relay to the town were i to die
call their bluffs = reaction test. something to relay to the town = observations of said reaction test. you're just misreading it deliberately.

Having new info pop up around every corner because you/Inf aren't telling the whole truth is not at all unsettling and annoying for the town
operating under the assumption that you're thirdparty/insane cop (which you are) i would very much like to preserve my ability to do any kind of useful thing at night so that town has a chance at getting something that resembles useful information at any point this game. the investigations last game were a shitshow and i didn't want the same thing to happen this game


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
so i'm the Town Neighbour and i share a day chat with another neighbour (i wont reveal them obv - btw i have no information about their allignment) BUT our day chat is called "The Bastard Game: Neighbours' Day Chat" as opposed to "The Bastard Game: Neighbours' Daychat"
man this is fucking dumb

Enderfive can you confirm that spacing in pm titles, particularly in the general vicinity of the word 'chat' is inconsistent across the game since it was with your blessing that i dove into pm titles in the first place


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
And before I get some post from Jivvi about how my stuff is more tunneling and twisting words let me
reason i tried to imply that it was realtime was for tonight, so that if i got anyone that was mafia and lying i could try and call their bluffs so that the other person had something to relay to the town were i to die
Lets list some facts here!
  1. He can't know if someone is Mafia because he doesn't get results real-time.
  2. He can't know if someone is lying because he doesn't get results real-time.
  3. Calling their bluffs(which 100% has to mean claiming someone is lying about their role/alignment in the chat) would thus not be based on any actual evidence but instead a lie by Jivvi since Ender has told him nothing about any role/alignment claims in that chat since he doesn't get results real-time.
reason i tried to imply that it was realtime was for tonight, so that if i got anyone that was mafia and lying i could try and call their bluffs so that the other person had something to relay to the town were i to die
Lets list some more facts here!
  1. Jivvi claims he could call peoples bluffs so that the other person can relay this info to the town if Jivvi dies.
  2. The calling peoples bluffs as previously established is claiming that they're lying about their role/alignment.
  3. Any info relayed to the town by the other person is thus the info that Jivvi claimed that a person is lying about their role/alignment. This info is a lie because like established before Jivvi doesn't get results real-time.
  4. Thus the info relayed to the town is a lie but the person relaying the info won't know that it's a lie and will thus claim that that person was lying about their role/alignment even though that isn't actually true.
  5. This could cause us to lynch the person we would think is lying because of Jivvi's lieswhich is not at all good for the town.

Inb4 Jivvi is going to say that I'm blowing nothing out of proportion but I'm really not, his reason for lying to us about the mechanics of his role is a terrible reason that would be detrimental to the town as explained above. I get bluffing/calling people out in that chat if you were truely the Town Interrogator but honestly, claiming that you would do it so that the other person can relay your lies is completely stupid and proves to me I caught you in contradicting your role mechanics and now you're making up trash excuses to try and explain why you're suddenly changing your role mechanics.


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score

so i'm the Town Neighbour and i share a day chat with another neighbour (i wont reveal them obv - btw i have no information about their allignment) BUT our day chat is called "The Bastard Game: Neighbours' Day Chat" as opposed to "The Bastard Game: Neighbours' Daychat"

this goes back to notty's theory about jivvi being a mafia innkeeper, meaning that he himself would have to create the inn name rather than ender. as part of the mafia team, i assume their night chat is called "The Bastard Game: Mafia's Night Chat" (or whatever the mafia are called this game) as it would be consistent with the naming given by ender in my neighbour chat (space inbetween day/night and chat), but then jivvi when creating the inn name named it "The Bastard Game: Interrogator's Nightchat" since he didnt remember the space inbetween instead of "The Bastard Game: Interrogator's Night Chat"

i swear to god if you suddenly say that you accidentally typed nightchat in the thread instead of night chat i will DESTROY YOU

HONESTLY i feel like it still k i n d a risky to lynch between the two investigative roles but tbh im back on nottys side and im in favour of a jivvi lynch today & foggy said that he already selected to take real jivvi's role as an insurance policy incase he is actually the town interrogator so IM GONNA GO WITH MY HEART AND

vote Nottykitten
I will just remind you that I have selected NottyKitten as my target, but am still unsure as to whether that is real or fake notty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯