The Bastard Game: Day 5


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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So, about Notty, Inf, Jivvi.

As the conversation continues and I think about it more I lean closer to believing notty rather than Jivvi/Inf, for two reasons.

1. Inf's really strange role. Idk about the rest of you, but compared to my role and most of the other that have claimed/been revealed, inf's is all over the place. If someone were to ask me: "could you explain inf's claim?" I would use all sorts of BUTs and ANDs and maybe a THEN or two. But from what I can tell most of our roles (or at least the parts we are told about) are pretty close to stuff you would expect in a normal game. Also I still think it is silly with the demoted/promoted thing.

2. It is highly unlikely Notty is mafia. Why?
Because Inf said so.

Possibility 1: Inf and Jivvi are exactly who they say they are. Notty has somehow aquired a false result, but according to inf, she is not mafia. Notty is either a modified cop, or her investigation was somehow screwed with (or she is a malicious third party, though I don't think that is likely purely on vibes). I doubt this, partially for reason 1.

Possibility 2: Inf and Jivvi are mafia friends. Inf and Jivvi have planned this whole thing out. They would have access to the info that notty is not mafia, and that the Mafia did not attack her (hm convenient his role only brings up mafias isn't it). Notty's result is legit (and thus she is confirmed).

Either way, Notty is town.

Now that I think think this through, fos: Jivvi and Inf.
this is stupid because you said that notty is town because inf says so, yet notty is still apparently town in the scenario where inf is mafia :thinking:

everyone is forgetting that both our claims are """proven""" by inf's horrible confusing train of posts


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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this is stupid because you said that notty is town because inf says so, yet notty is still apparently town in the scenario where inf is mafia :thinking:
It isn't valid to say that the negation of "inf and Jivvi are mafia and notty is town" is "inf and Jivvi are town and notty is mafia"
My discreet math professor told me to say stuff like that.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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So Jivvi made this chat or am I misunderstanding? And Jivvi can you make a new one every night or is it the same people every night?
So whats up with this claimed town PR that can supposedly 'investigate' the alignment and role of not one but two players during the night am I the only one who finds this unbelievable. Like what you just get to confirm 4 people after n2 as if that's balanced alongside having an actual cop?
two new people every night, i assume it's balanced because notty's an insane cop, plus the fact that im screwed if i pick a mafia (they can kill me before i get my results out).

of the current claims, iirc we have me, an insane cop, a basic blocker, inf's weird doctor thing, and foggy's weird thing (which i doubt because of the number of broken/illogical ways turning any role townsided could go). it just seems like the theme of the game is there's a lot of targeting going on and there's probably at least one or two roles that can mess with that, like a bus driver or someone who messes with swapping player/rolenames. i also stand by my opinion that there is surely some kind of killer that can bypass the game gimmick, mostly because that would balance my role by letting mafia kill me immediately should i pick one by accident.


It isn't valid to say that the negation of "inf and Jivvi are mafia and notty is town" is "inf and Jivvi are town and notty is mafia"
My discreet math professor told me to say stuff like that.
what the fuck that is not even remotely similar to what i said

notty isnt proven, because inf isn't proven (except by me)
i'm not proven, because i'm only proven by inf

all 3 claims are at least somewhat codependent which supports the theory of notty being insane or otherwise tampered with.


Resident Roadman
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
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Lads, good job ignoring a vital piece of information. As Danni suggested, we can cause Unu to properly vote for who we want because of this mechanic:


also, if this is really the master plan of the town, may i remind you guys that abstaining is a possibility
This means that if Unu votes for who we want, and only him; this results in a majority for that person and they get lynched. Then we don't need to claim names to find out who to lynch.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
This means that if Unu votes for who we want, and only him; this results in a majority for that person and they get lynched. Then we don't need to claim names to find out who to lynch
not sure who came up with this idea first, but this is very interesting.

i have one concern though, if for example we decide to lynch player X. what is limiting said player X from also placing a vote, thus stopping the plan, since we only have unu's 1 vote?


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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Notty pls I s w e a r you were attacked last night and if you don't claim your name you will most likely die tonight
inffy why are you so desperately trying to get notty to claim flavour name? If it is the case that you are telling the truth, surely you believe notty's cop claim then? else why would you want her to claim so she can be protected. If you do believe her, what is your exact opinion on notty's guilty report n jivvi, and jivvi's claim, what could have happend? (OTHERS FEEL FREE TO COMMENT)
- - - - -
and the fact he basically completely ignored the entire main discussion this day, only giving a tiny brief sentence of "i agree with notty", seems very avoid-ant of him and I can't see why he'd do this as town
alright then since you are so desperate for me to do more in the main discussion (which seems to be jivvi/notty/you situation), ill open up this chaos of a situation and try to figure out more. (note i still dont agree with what you said about me not contributing, and it seems others dont agree either)
[Night 1] The Lie Detector
Ender: welcome, u can talk here
inf: hello
<silence for like a day>

jivvi: hi so this is the lie detector, im the town interrogator, i chose oog/<insert my role> but you guys joined instead which confirms the mechanic works on actions so bear that in mind. the way the lie detector works is <bla bla bla claims role>, now tell me info and if i die tonight the other of you should be suspicious that the other person is anti-town, lied and killed me to silence me
inf: <claims>
Alright, i dont really see both you and jivvi somehow making up this lie detecter together, since it would mean two mafia players claimed two powerful town PR's day 1, and it could be checked easily if this is actually a thing or not (like after next night). I still find it very tricky that notty has that guilty report on jivvi, and i still townread notty. This Lie Detector seems quite strong, and overall very shady in my eyes. If jivvi was confirmed to be telling the truth, you could basically have 2 accurate cop reports, since they cant lie 'otherwise jivvi will get told' and if they refuse to share info and we believe jivvi they are quite confirmed scum. It just seems too much.

combine this info and that bottles down to: ill believe your word on what went down in the lie detecter, and i find jivvi's claim quite suspicious (besides that his original responses to notty gave off scum vibes to me, but that could have been cus he was tired, and there was still confusion about how the flavour names worked).

SO, what i want from you is: more details! Was the title of the room exactly 'The Lie Detector'/ did ender exactly say that / did jivvi actually start of with 'hi so this is the lie detector'? Can you give more info on what jivvi told about his role? Why did you instantly claim after jivvi's 1 post?

this whole bit just feels quite fabricated to me. if this actually went down, i'm not sure if jivvi would be able to make all that up from scratch, but i feel that could be a possibilty. Maybe he was given the ability to create a night chat each night with 2 other players, and came up with that fake name and mechanic?

ask if anything needs explanation/feel free to comment


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score

I decided to look into Rune, because something inffy said somewhere, about scum trying to look as if they contribute while they actually dont to look town, seemed to apply to Rune kinda.

Only thing he really did was claim as town roleblocker, and work with notty to come up with the idea to block me tonight to avoid blocking anyone important. Which i felt was towny, but also kinda empty gesture. Then today he posted

Lads, good job ignoring a vital piece of information. As Danni suggested, we can cause Unu to properly vote for who we want because of this mechanic:

This means that if Unu votes for who we want, and only him; this results in a majority for that person and they get lynched. Then we don't need to claim names to find out who to lynch.
which also feels like a way to make it seem he is coming up with great plans, while actually not saying much. (i also kinda have my worries about this plan, but thats in previous posts)

Here comes the banger! I looked back at his posts, and something came up with his claim.
I'm not the Investigator but I am the Town Bartender where I can visit someone and block their night action.

Last night I blocked Nottycat
so either:
- Rune lied.
- Jivvi was blocked, and therefore his story is bogus, and inffy is in kahoots with him.
- Jivvi was blocked, but his action still went through, meaning he was still able to have the chat.
- Something bastardy is going on, and there is still much unknown about this gamemode.
- Rune's block ability is able to ignore the flavour name mechanic, meaning actual notty was blocked, and her cop claim is bogus.
- Rune's block somehow got put on someone else, bus driver like

I am very confused about this situation. Everyone be sure t0 comment on what you think is going on, but especially Runemen4 Nottykitten Jivvi Infected_alien8_.

I dont know which possibility seems most likely to me, because:
-Why would Rune lie? He litteraly claimed out of the blue as a town PR, why would he do that if it wasnt true?
-If inffy and jivvi are both lying, that would been have too great a risk
-If jivvi did get blocked, how the f*ck did he still get to use his role?
-Since inffy got told his role ignored flavour mechanic, why wouldnt rune have been told?
-Busdriver like roles, dont seem to happen too often (not in any game ive been in)


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
so either:
- Rune lied.
- Jivvi was blocked, and therefore his story is bogus, and inffy is in kahoots with him.
- Jivvi was blocked, but his action still went through, meaning he was still able to have the chat.
- Something bastardy is going on, and there is still much unknown about this gamemode.
- Rune's block ability is able to ignore the flavour name mechanic, meaning actual notty was blocked, and her cop claim is bogus.
- Rune's block somehow got put on someone else, bus driver like

I am very confused about this situation. Everyone be sure t0 comment on what you think is going on, but especially Runemen4 Nottykitten Jivvi Infected_alien8_.

I dont know which possibility seems most likely to me, because:
-Why would Rune lie? He litteraly claimed out of the blue as a town PR, why would he do that if it wasnt true?
-If inffy and jivvi are both lying, that would been have too great a risk
-If jivvi did get blocked, how the f*ck did he still get to use his role?
-Since inffy got told his role ignored flavour mechanic, why wouldnt rune have been told?
-Busdriver like roles, dont seem to happen too often (not in any game ive been in)
None of those possibilities. General way night actions work is that they are all resolved at the end of the night, so that roleblocks and doctor protections can all be handled properly. However an Innkeeper works slightly different from my experience, where they either give the names they want in the chat during the day, or they give it during the night and the chat gets made instantly after that action is sent instead of at the end of the night because the chat is only for that night.

An example of the latter one being I believe a jailer type role who get a nightchat with the person as soon as they send in the action for it during the night. (atleast thats what I think I might be wrong there)


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
None of those possibilities. General way night actions work is that they are all resolved at the end of the night, so that roleblocks and doctor protections can all be handled properly. However an Innkeeper works slightly different from my experience, where they either give the names they want in the chat during the day, or they give it during the night and the chat gets made instantly after that action is sent instead of at the end of the night because the chat is only for that night.

An example of the latter one being I believe a jailer type role who get a nightchat with the person as soon as they send in the action for it during the night. (atleast thats what I think I might be wrong there)
Aka unblockable but not untrackable


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah, since his chat was made during the night there is no way to block this chat from being made as block actions would get resolved at the end of the night thus doing nothing to him
Infected_alien8_ pm mechanics here, was your chat made at the start of the night or at a later time? It's not really pm mechanics but role mechanics anyways


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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two new people every night, i assume it's balanced because notty's an insane cop, plus the fact that im screwed if i pick a mafia (they can kill me before i get my results out).
- If notty is actually insane, and you are confirmed town, and that would mean that from this point onward, notty's reports are usuable:
- Are you implying that you think mafia can bypass the flavour mechanic? I would think, seeing how most of the game is affected by the mechanic, so are the mafia kills, since it would be kinda useless to have it, if it didnt protect the town PRs. If this would mean that even if you pick someone who turns out to be a mafia, you would be safe as long as you wouldnt state/claim your flavour name:
- If what notty said is correct, and you cannot be blocked or anything:

That sort of makes your role extremely powerful to town.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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QUOTE="Runemen4, post: 408338, member: 6852"]Lads, good job ignoring a vital piece of information. As Danni suggested, we can cause Unu to properly vote for who we want because of this mechanic:

This means that if Unu votes for who we want, and only him; this results in a majority for that person and they get lynched. Then we don't need to claim names to find out who to lynch.[/QUOTE]

Are you implying nobody had thought about this before?

Actually since Jivvi was blocked it might make sense that if his claim is legit, any record of inf's lies wouldn't be told to him. So they may not be a mafia team as I previously thought.

Though also, thaf doesn't explain inf's actions in the chat (as far as being willing to give up role info easily). Maybe he is teamed with Rune?


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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A) SO, what i want from you is: more details! Was the title of the room exactly 'The Lie Detector'/ did ender exactly say that / B) did jivvi actually start of with 'hi so this is the lie detector'? Can you give more info on what jivvi told about his role? C) Why did you instantly claim after jivvi's 1 post?
A) doesnt seem like inf is online so i can tell you now and inf can confirm later if Enderfive confirms whether or not the title/mechanics of the pm itself are against the rules.

B) i swear i posted about this but i cant find where so maybe i didnt? i left them for a bit (see: inf saying there was "silence for like a day"), then claimed & gave them the rundown (lie detector yadda yadda, didnt mention the drawback because i thought inf was scum after reading day 1). i didn't want to mention the drawback of my role when i claimed either but i'm gonna keep getting tunneled so w/e. i can't actually lie in the chat either or else i lose my results, meaning that i can't make a fake claim for my own safety. last night i felt i had to claim because inf and dess hadn't really said anything substantial (i think inf said hello and nothing else and dess said something along the lines of "well i guess we know what the bastard part of the game is"). that's why i think that mafia can ignore the gimmick on the kill, to give them the ability to kill me if i put them in my 'inn' so my role's balanced.

C) no idea why inf claimed when he did (& i thought it was pretty dumb, esp now that it's forced me to out myself)


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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- If what notty said is correct, and you cannot be blocked or anything:

That sort of makes your role extremely powerful to town.
Actually since Jivvi was blocked it might make sense that if his claim is legit, any record of inf's lies wouldn't be told to him. So they may not be a mafia team as I previously thought.
i was wondering about the blocking too and i think ltin's probably got it right cause i agree that it'd be overpowered otherwise (also another play for mafia to make were they able to block me somehow and trick me into confirming them as town). i feel like my role is more swingy than anything else tbh

- If notty is actually insane, and you are confirmed town, and that would mean that from this point onward, notty's reports are usuable:
depends, insane cops get opposite results, while there's still stuff like paranoid (always guilty) and confused (random)
- Are you implying that you think mafia can bypass the flavour mechanic? I would think, seeing how most of the game is affected by the mechanic, so are the mafia kills, since it would be kinda useless to have it, if it didnt protect the town PRs. If this would mean that even if you pick someone who turns out to be a mafia, you would be safe as long as you wouldnt state/claim your flavour name:
yeah i've made it pretty clear i think this is the case. maybe not for all mafia abilities, but it's gotta be present somewhere surely. mafia always have the information/knowledge/coordination/etc advantage and this would be a pretty easy way for ender to have included a little bit of that to shake up the game


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
A) doesnt seem like inf is online so i can tell you now and inf can confirm later if Enderfive confirms whether or not the title/mechanics of the pm itself are against the rules.
if it is against the rules, dont respond to it, i was just wondering if there was possibly a small difference to the things he said, that could have potentially meant something

i was wondering about the blocking too and i think ltin's probably got it right cause i agree that it'd be overpowered otherwise (also another play for mafia to make were they able to block me somehow and trick me into confirming them as town). i feel like my role is more swingy than anything else tbh
i still feel your role seems shady, but this makes the most sense yes.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
yeah i've made it pretty clear i think this is the case. maybe not for all mafia abilities, but it's gotta be present somewhere surely. mafia always have the information/knowledge/coordination/etc advantage and this would be a pretty easy way for ender to have included a little bit of that to shake up the game
The twist to this game in my eyes, which has been a benefit to town (but could also be a curse), is that with these flavour names PR's can claim, without running the risk to be killed for it. If mafia was able to ignore the mechanic for their kills, that would mean mafia benefits greatly from the name mechanic, and town not so much. If mafia was able to bypass the name mechanic, i would deem that quite unfair, unless a massclaim occurs, from which point the name mechanic will be useless. It could be possible yes, but i doubt it. I would find it more likely for a SK to have this.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
i was wondering about the blocking too and i think ltin's probably got it right cause i agree that it'd be overpowered otherwise (also another play for mafia to make were they able to block me somehow and trick me into confirming them as town). i feel like my role is more swingy than anything else tbh
So you're saying you would get the results of people lying at the end of the night? (meaning they're blockable)