The Bastard Game: Day 5


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Final votecount of Day 1:

Nottykitten (8) - HKCaper, Fog, Danni122112, One one two, Runemen4, Nottykitten, Ooglie101, hipman500
Jivvi (1) - Notme

Jivvi has been lynched! He was Nottykitten, the Mafia Witch.

May visit one player every night to learn their role. May also select one player every night to enable them to target a player, not a role name that night.

Wins when living Mafia members make up half or more of the living players or nothing can prevent that from happening.

Fog has died! He was TheWeakGuy48_, the Town Student!

Once per game, may choose a player. If that player dies, will assume that player's role.

Wins when all threats to the Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive.

It is now Night 2. All power roles, please send your actions. Deadline is set to Wednesday, 21 February, 8 PM GMT.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Enderfive has died! He was Enderfive, Tardy the Third Party.

Must be late for each deadline. Dies if is more than two hours late. Wins if survives until the end of the game.

(not calling you out since you prob have a legit reason for being late [hope everythings okay] im just a joker!!! oops i edited this to add in this bit)
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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
As the Host awoke from his drunken stupor, he realised that the deadline he had set had long passed and he was being pestered by some concerned players. The Host cursed and tried to make some sense of what exactly had happened that night, both in the game and in his own personal life.


Night 2 has ended!

Unusual_Dood has died! He was HKCaper, the Town Seer.

May visit one player every night to learn their name.

Wins when all threats to the Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive.

Nottykitten has died! He was Fog, the Town Cop.

May visit one player every night to learn whether they are Innocent or Guilty.

Wins when all threats to the Town have been eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive.

A notice has been posted: hipman500 is innocent.

Day 2 has begun! With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch and 7 votes to No Lynch. Deadline is set to Monday, 5 March, 8 PM GMT.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
rip HK ;(

also, f*ck, didnt think notty would get killed with jivvi gone. i didnt prepare the funeral speech inffy wanted me to make, but hereeee goees

Who was nottykitten? Perhaps a kind cat trying to make way through a world filled with so many uncertainties. Or a feral beast who always knew what she wanted, and would not hesitate to set anyone straight. Maybe even a friendly neighbourhood cop anyone could turn to for advice. She did always seem to have the right answers. I like to think it is a combination of all three. When I see how all of us have gathered here at this moment to say our final farewells to notty, I find comfort in knowing how many of us hold a place for notty in their heart. The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living, and so we are able to move forward. So let us remember. Let us remember her kindness, her determination, her compassion. Let us find closure. So who is nottykitten? We are. As long as we remember all she has done for us and for the world, she will live on. through us. tank u.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
alright so at least we got this:
A notice has been posted: hipman500 is innocent.
seems prtty reliable to me. what you guys think, does this confirm hip, or could there be more at play here? (again, i think it's legit)

so with unu gone now (rip hk), and notty also dead, would it be a good point in the game to do a massclaim?


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
oh right and also

whoever hadn't submitted their actions by the first deadline, you are literally THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD like it was an over 48 hour deadline it doesn't take that much time to post something :(

also HKCaper can you confirm the inns existance last night and whether danni was in it (dont reveal the other person yet)


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score

of the names inffy gave as potential mafia yesterday: Ltin, Oak, and Arelic

i do find it likely at least one of them (if not all) are part of the remaining mafia. i think inffy's claims with the jivvi ratings could be accurate, especially since jivvi took them away after inffy made his post. Ofcourse jivvi could have done some reverse psychology shit, but then still i find it likely at least one is mafia.

My choice would be Ltin, since his responses to inffy's claims seemed off to me. He seemed very defensive, and seemed to refute inffy's claims, rather than trying to figure out what could have happend (incase he was town, and inffy was telling the truth).
That is quite a post inf
So long I kinda just skimmed over a lot of it.

Also it is wrong

At least on my count.
It is also quite convenient that two of your suspicions are fairly inactive, and you also already held suspicions on two of them.

Presumably you have some way of communicating with Jivvi?
I see no way this thing could have been planned in any way without that (excluding the night chat, in which something this convoluted didn't come up unless I missed it (that was one of the parts I skimmed over)).

Also you make a lot of assumptions as well in this.
I'm real busy tonight so that is all I have to say AND NOW BACK TO MY ESSAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays
Anyone willing to summarize what nonsense inf (and others I guess) has been spamming about?
judge for yourself i guess. these were the two posts ltin made after inffy's post came out.

I'm not sure about Oak, but he'd be my second choice, simply because he hasnt been active at all. That combined with inffy's post makes him suspicious to me.

I'm not sure about Arelic/anyone else in the game. Inf's claim seems to add up, as well as Rune's. As for this:
i mean it (probably) confirms game hip as innocent rather than flavour hip
i think the person who's role is hip is probably confirmed, and actual hip we still know nothing (if that is what you meant it is wrong way round, otherwise it was okay).

last thought: wtf happend to fog? does anyone have more info?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
RIP Notty and Unu

I thought it was so lucky that she didn't claim and that jivvi was the bypasser but she died anyway

I think one of three things happened
1) SK can bypass mechanic and killed notty
2) Danni lied about the way his role works and took over jivvi last night
3) someone got a really lucky guess

HKCaper what was discussed in the inn? Could you paraphrase everything?

Also I don't trust the "notice" at all to be honest. It looks like a role that has the ability to post whatever message they want at the start of the day and to choose "hipman500 is innocent" just seems really weird/vague like it's made up since there's no explanation there. Surely only notty would truly know if hip is innocent too since she's cop and how would she make a notice when it's not in her role description? Feels like hip killed notty last night as SK and wanted to make himself look inno or something idk. Does anyone know anything about this? hipman500

I think fog had a mechanic where if he visited Mafia, he died, since that'd make a lot more sense than him magically converting anti-town roles to town roles

Lastly, since jivvi was the bypasser, it seems a fairly reasonable theory that the Mafia tried to kill me night 1 (hence why my playername died) and thus didn't believe me. However that doesn't explain why he pretended to believe me in the inn chat (the only thing I can think of is that maybe he was worried dess could guess me dying and win n1 and wouldn't need Mafia help anymore, so jivvi decided to pretend to change kills), and i don't think it completely invalidates his signals to me since I did lie to the rest of the game all for jivvi so it wouldn't surprise me if, although he may have not believed me n1, he changed his mind and saw I was probably Mafia. Idk, I don't know jivvi well enough to decide and I have a feeling he underestimated the likelihood of me lying to that extent but then again he was fully aware of my schemes last game so maybe not.

I still find ltin and arelic incredibly suspicious. I completely agree with hk about ltins reactions to my post. Instead of trying to consider that I was telling the truth and that he was being framed he said I was making lots of assumptions and was wrong and it just seems off. Arelics response was also weird to me - it was essentially "well I'm sure some on that list are Mafia but for me it's wrong!", almost as if she's preparing for when oak/Ltin flip Mafia as opposed to being dead set on it being wrong and looking defensive when someone flips. Arelic why did you find it likely that some on that list were Mafia, even though, from your perspective, the list wasn't accurate? Just seems off again.

Oak I can't give much of an opinion of - he's always incredible scummy to me, I mean last game he literally lied and kept refusing to answer my question, then said he'd answered it even though he hadn't, and didn't even read the whole rune argument and was confused as to why we lynched him, and he was somehow town. But I'm like 99% sure it will be him holding up the game each night by being so inactive and is probably dangerously close to breaking the "don't disappear" rule

I would like to lynch someone off the list today if nothing else comes up, don't mind much who I don't think

Thanks for the funeral speech hk *wipes tear*


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
RIP Notty and Unu

I thought it was so lucky that she didn't claim and that jivvi was the bypasser but she died anyway

I think one of three things happened
1) SK can bypass mechanic and killed notty
2) Danni lied about the way his role works and took over jivvi last night
3) someone got a really lucky guess

HKCaper what was discussed in the inn? Could you paraphrase everything?

Also I don't trust the "notice" at all to be honest. It looks like a role that has the ability to post whatever message they want at the start of the day and to choose "hipman500 is innocent" just seems really weird/vague like it's made up since there's no explanation there. Surely only notty would truly know if hip is innocent too since she's cop and how would she make a notice when it's not in her role description? Feels like hip killed notty last night as SK and wanted to make himself look inno or something idk. Does anyone know anything about this? hipman500

I think fog had a mechanic where if he visited Mafia, he died, since that'd make a lot more sense than him magically converting anti-town roles to town roles

Lastly, since jivvi was the bypasser, it seems a fairly reasonable theory that the Mafia tried to kill me night 1 (hence why my playername died) and thus didn't believe me.
(Since he was blocked so bypass wouldn't work)