The Bastard Game: Day 5


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Just waiting for Vatumok, @Oak63 and Runemen4

Vat vote for Aqua
Oak vote for Dess
Rune vote for Aqua

Infected_alien8_ are we lynching Ltin, or Ltin’s role name?

And if we are not going to lynch him using his role name, why?
Depends who you are. Most of us are probably going to be lynching his real name, because it seems like most of us have been infected with the bypass thing now. Basically, when it seemed like Notme was no longer bypassing and Ltin was, it was strange because it contradicted the pattern before, where unu kept his bypass mechanic and it spread to someone else, so we thought it could be that, it isn't that Notme is no longer bypassing, but it's that we all are bypassing with him and Ltin is still not bypassing, hence why we're on the same voteline as Notme and why it looks like Notme is no longer bypassing. So we tested it out by voting Jivvi (who is dead but their playername isn't, so if we bypass Ender doesn't count our vote since we're voting for a dead player); Ender didn't count our votes and told us we were voting for a dead player. So now we're getting everyone to vote for a dead person whose playername is still alive to see who exactly bypasses and who doesn't. If you bypass, your vote won't be counted, and when it comes to voting Ltin, you vote the actual Ltin. If you don't bypass, your vote will count, and you'll vote hip instead (Ltin's playername).


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Meanwhile while we wait for vat/oak, can

1) The person who wrote that hip is innocent please come forward if it's about Ltin (re-asking this to make sure they see it)

2) Anyone who has been given a message at night/entered an anonymous communication channel please step forward (since from what I can see, the only way Ltin is town is if there's both a Mafia + Town anonymous communicator role (since Jivvi seemed to have been telling the truth about other stuff and why lie about that part, and it's a HUGE coincidence if he lied about mafia having the communication role and then Ltin magically having that same exact role but as town, and also for ltin to be one of the people Jivvi signalled as mafia). And the likelihood of BOTH of those roles (mafia and town communication roles) only picking people who are now dead is low so if noone else got a message than it's very likely that there's only one communicator, the Mafia one, meaning Ltin is Mafia. But if someone else was communicated with then it's possible Ltin is a town version and there's a different Mafia version


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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y'all are voting for dead guys, you pricks

not that inf made it easy for me to keep track of it
Okay thanks Ender soz <3

I went back and checked and turns out Ltin voted for Jivvi without me realizing so he was actually bypassing, so yeah basically everyone bypasses the mechanic at this point, which I find really weird because if we were all planned to bypass the mechanic anyway by day 2 then why would Jivvi's role exist? It makes me think that it's possible bypassing the voting doesn't mean you bypass night stuff.

Then again Jivvi had 2 parts to his role, both bypassing mechanic + mafia-cop, so maybe the bypassing part was designed for early-game use as a bonus for them, but his main role overall in the game was to be the cop, which also makes sense.

We'll know for sure by tomorrow if we bypass night actions once we see if the people I add to the inn are the real people or the flavour people.


vote Ltin


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I find it so strange that we all bypass suddenly, because at just day 2 the flavour names seem to be irrelevant. So was Unu's role pointess then? Or near-pointless at least.

I had a theory that HKCaper was onto something when he said Unu's role was linked to bypassing. Maybe unu started as a bypasser by default and when he learnt peoples names, he was actually learning their flavour names, and then anyone who he investigated bypassed too (so notme n1), and then if he died the curse was broken and everyone could bypass, but then that'd mean all his role's findings/progress would become pointless as soon as he dies, which just sounds pointless and Mafia could waste a kill on him thinking they were taking out someone important when in reality they were making everything worse - but it's possible I guess, this is a Bastard game. I dunno. Just seems so bizarre that we'd suddenly all bypass the names by day 2 - something surely must've happened between yesterday and today to make things change so drastically, and Unu's death seems like the most relevant thing.

Another option is that Ender rng's each day to get a number of how many people are going to bypass for that day or something, and it just so happened to be all of us today.

Idk, just speculating while I'm bored


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Another option is that Ender rng's each day to get a number of how many people are going to bypass for that day or something, and it just so happened to be all of us today.

Idk, just speculating while I'm bored
Plus if it was this option then it'd be a huge coincidence that he rng'd for it to be unu twice in a row

But he could rng for 'how many more players are now bypassing this day, in addition to yesterday's' I guess?