I find it so strange that we all bypass suddenly, because at just day 2 the flavour names seem to be irrelevant. So was Unu's role pointess then? Or near-pointless at least.
I had a theory that
HKCaper was onto something when he said Unu's role was linked to bypassing. Maybe unu started as a bypasser by default and when he learnt peoples names, he was actually learning their flavour names, and then anyone who he investigated bypassed too (so notme n1), and then if he died the curse was broken and everyone could bypass, but then that'd mean all his role's findings/progress would become pointless as soon as he dies, which just sounds pointless and Mafia could waste a kill on him thinking they were taking out someone important when in reality they were making everything worse - but it's possible I guess, this is a Bastard game. I dunno. Just seems so bizarre that we'd suddenly all bypass the names by day 2 - something surely must've happened between yesterday and today to make things change so drastically, and Unu's death seems like the most relevant thing.
Another option is that Ender rng's each day to get a number of how many people are going to bypass for that day or something, and it just so happened to be all of us today.
Idk, just speculating while I'm bored