Spaghetti Mafia - Game Complete

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Aug 29, 2018
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uh excuse me what the fuck is going on

why are people being complete fucking sheep suddenly

why has the real cop not claimed if choco is lying

why are we voting for an un-cc'd cop claim within the first twelve hours of a day phase when everyone haven't even talked yet

for that matter, why on earth did we nolynch yesterday

i have so many questions
I think it's quite confusing too. In my opinion, shorter, real-time chat is a bit better than a forum game because it's just a lot simpler and easier to read messages since they're short, it's easier to distinguish whose who, it's easier to get timing context, and everyone's THERE AT THE SAME TIME AAAAAAA


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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uh excuse me what the fuck is going on

why are people being complete fucking sheep suddenly

why has the real cop not claimed if choco is lying

why are we voting for an un-cc'd cop claim within the first twelve hours of a day phase when everyone haven't even talked yet

for that matter, why on earth did we nolynch yesterday

i have so many questions
Literally all of that is what I've been trying to explain to them


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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okay i'll try to make sense of all this

situation at beginning of day 2:
Alisha - ?
Aqua - ?
BetaPanda - villager
ChocoFox - cop (uncc'd)
Comp - vig (confirmed)
Duke - ?
Enderfive - town (confirmed by choco)
HKCaper - town (presumably)
Okx - watcher (uncc'd)
Roobarb Pie - doc (uncc'd)
Rune - ?
Shadow_Hunter3 - villager (confirmed)
TehBrian - ?
Unusual_Dood - ?

so everything looks pretty good, without taking any of the discussion of day 2 into account right now because i haven't gone through it in detail yet, looks like there's seven possible candidates for maf (including beta here since vill claims aren't exactly indicative of anything alignment-wise), so the odds of getting one when lynching between the unclaimed people and beta are pretty good

i'm also fairly convinced comp is responsible for shadow's death

what caused comp's death is open to discussion

AND NOW MOVING ON TO THE CLUSTERFUCK THAT IS DAY 2 SO FAR (unfiltered thoughts ahead, read at your own caution)

So I did my huge stunt yesterday CAUSE I THOUGHT the NL was not counted as the player with the most votes.
why would you think that and why does it matter

Also thanks WEAK for that NL being counted as a top player vote because of that I was forced to claim like LAST MINUTE TO SAVE MY SORRY BUTT cause SHADOW of all people was bloody PUSHING ME AGAINST THE CORNER.
uh you okay there? you're way more upset at things than i'd expect anyone to be really

I think it's time we started forcing roles out of people. I've been deliberating this over the nightphase and since people are reluctant to vote Rune for some reason I'm like - done waiting. So I suggest, I suggest, I SUGGEST we vote Aqua and get him to claim ASAP.

Also sorry if I'm becoming like assertive from this point on cause I was like, so stressed out because of that last minute push on me I actually had to go for a long walk after that cause I thought I was dead.

I'm done with this and I was thinking over the night cause I thought I would be killed by the Mafia, but I wasn't - so, Aqua has been quiet since the start and selectively jumping on certain people. He also hasn't given an opinion on most people. Let's at least get a role out of him. I feel like the faster we move now the better our chances.

vote Aqua
okay uh there's like practically zero explanation here why you're going after aqua, i mean, yeah, okay, he's been quiet, but "selectively jumping on certain people"? not sure what you mean by that because i'm not seeing it

you could make the same arguments about duke or brian and they'd make more sense to me, so why pick aqua and "try to force a claim" when literally anything he could hope to claim without cc'ing anyone would be villager, which he would do anyway if he was maf

i just don't understand what your motivations behind this decision are if you really are the cop, as you say you are

Is it just me or is it that Choco is over reacting as he has messed up? Firstly, why would Mafia role block the cop when it's like the most powerful PR in the game, they would kill him ASAP. This ties back to yesterday, as he was trying to find out peoples roles to be able to find out what to claim without looking suspicious.

I fully believe that Choco is mafia, why would a cop claim on Day 1 when they fully well know that the lynch would fail. This was why Choco was trying to get me to claim to be able to have a better idea of what to claim and have a higher chance of claiming what HK had. He's even trying to get Aqua to claim now to be able to make Mafia's life easier.

Vote Choco
i agree with the overreaction part, although i'm not sure why he's overreacting

his actions on day 1 are completely in line with what i'd expect from the cop if they thought they were getting lynched, yet his actions thus far on day 2 are confusing, to put it mildly

i must say that there are legitimate reasons for the maf to try and roleblock the cop instead of killing him, so your argument against him is flawed there, and i'm also not sure why aqua claiming would make mafia's life any easier, since the only unclaimed town roles left are villagers. if he claimed a pr, it would expose a maf and if he claimed villager, it doesn't really help the maf at all, although i guess it doesn't really have much of an adverse effect either.

still, though, i don't see any reason for a maf to try and push people to claim right now

Rune, you're so happy to jump on me right now but since people didn't want to vote you yesterday I'm not sure if they'd want to vote you today. Not only did you not even give a defence to what was pointed out on you yesterday before the day ended, you're now trying to point fingers at me.

Honestly, idk what you're doing but clearly you knew about the NL thing and took the opportunity to jump on me today. That's actually a really good strategy to think about it.
it doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure the lynch mechanics out tbh

Riddle me this, why would Mafia role-block you instead of killing you. Either you're lying and that you're mafia OR mafia are stupid and killed a villager instead.

Also, it's quite logical that if the limit wasn't reached then it's a no-lynch; so this excuse makes no sense either.
or comp hit the bomb and the maf factionkill was saved by the doc (roob this is where you swoop in to tell us who you saved)

Honestly either Rune just didn't read the signup thread and is playing bad villager or he's just trying to act stupid. I'd be happy to vote him if people were less reluctant (considering the consensus from yesterday).

If you guys start a wagon on Rune, I'll jump on it. Idk what he's doing tbh and I'd be MORE HAPPY to lynch him but given our current circumstances I'll leave my vote on Aqua from now.
i'm so confused by this

if you think rune is suspicious, why not vote him instead of aqua and try and get the wagon rolling yourself?

Because it's pretty default mechanics in EscRestart mafia games. Either having no-lynch having the most votes is automatically no lynch or not reaching the limit of lynch, and is therefore no-lynch. It's not a good strategy, it's common sense?

I don't this this works out in your favour of defence, as it's again common sense about the no-lynch mechanics. I thought I would try to word it to make it easier to point out that you messed up as a mafia and now you're being extremely defensive because you messed up.

I think it's really simple, Choco is mafia 100%.
i honestly don't see how any of this exchange proves anything other than that choco is clearly unfamiliar (for better or worse) with how mafia is played here and is now acting strangely because he's still operating in the mindset of some other format

Look, Choco, as much as I like you, you have to understand either you or rune are Mafia. Someone could be lying, we're all trying our best, except for one person. Lying is the name of the game and right now you still have NOT CLAIMED WHO YOU INSPECTED.

Do that, until then.

Vote ChocoFox
...what? first of all, choco did claim, he claimed he investigated roob but received no result, meaning he was blocked. whether that's true or not is a different matter, but all i'm getting from this post is that you're simply hopping on the wagon that rune is (very poorly) setting up

You wouldn't twist facts like that if you were Town. But the way how you're literally trying to force me to vote you right now makes me think Aqua, the other person I'm aiming right now could possibly be a more important Mafia role.

I still say we vote Aqua. We'll get Rune tomorrow.
or maybe you're being hella paranoid and this whole thing is just incompatible playstyles

Orrrrr you're lying as being Cop, and that you're mixing up common sense of claiming etc. You claimed Cop to try to get the lynch off you and then when you realised that in fact, no-lynch occurred. You though you would submit a fake-report and be overtly defensive to try to get suspicion off you. This is a common mistake for Mafia, being put into a tough situation and then becoming too defensive to try to make up for it. Your case is textbook.
but he claimed on the exact last minute

i'm not saying it's impossible, but it's certainly not likely that he expected anyone to come to his rescue this late, it seems more like a cop thinking he'll get lynched giving everyone the small bit of info he has so far gathered in order to help the town along at least just a bit

Rune honestly quit trying. I'm not going to switch my vote onto you cause my GUT FEELING tells me right now you're trying to protect Aqua who could be a much bigger Town PR for all I know.

Please just vote Aqua. Stop dragging this out this is so pointless idk what to even say. I'm UNCC'd cop and yet Rune is pushing on me with a FABRICATED fact.
idek any more

there's so many of those poor attempts at emotional appeal from both choco and rune

it doesn't even help prove your point, just makes it look like you're desperate for some reason and i can't figure out a single reason why you would be

There's a villager with a bomb, Comp probably went for Shadowhunter and got blown up. Then mafia did not submit a night kill for today in case they kill a cop by accident and make it obvious that Choco is mafia. Simplez
i can dig the bomb idea but why on earth would the maf ever not submit a kill

like in what world is that even remotely useful for them

your supposed reasoning is weak because a) getting rid of the cop is a victory even if it costs the maf one of their members and b) the chance of them hitting the cop (assuming choco is maf) is 1 in 8, and they need to kill in order to win the game

Okay. I understand going for Rune because of lying. Classic textbook tell of him being Mafia. But why are you going for Aqua?

Till then.
Vote Rune
another post devoid of any reasoning and full of empty bandwagoning

i want a copy of those mafia textbooks everyone seems to have lying around, because i sure as hell don't see anything "textbook" about any of what has been going on this day

Listen to me Brian. I think Rune is trying to protect Aqua by putting suspicion on him. We get Aqua first, and if for ANY reason we think he's not a good lynch we go on Rune. We're running out of time.
why on earth are you rushing this so much

what is there to gain by piling on aqua right now before even a fourth of the day phase is over (when you made your post, a grand total of 46 minutes of the phase had passed, which is a ridiculously small amount of time to have before trying to rush a lynch on someone)

Yes but Aqua has literally said like, very little and he's like - extremely suspicious.

I'm okay with voting Rune but before we do that I feel like at least we should put some PRESSURE onto Aqua yes? Even if he's just a vill at least let him give us his opinions.
it's like you're channeling trump or something

you're saying nothing of real value, just empty emotional appeals all over

Alright. Makes sense to me. But, I know a lot of the time, Mafia try to protect others to make it seem like they're Mafia, and in the end you go for them and they lose. Maybe we should go for the biggest contender for Mafia first? I don't know. For now,

Vote Aqua
okay but why are you not using your own head to think maybe

What? Every PR is outed/dead ??
He's trying to get everyone to claim to make Mafias' life easy as they have no investigative role. Therefore he makes everyone out themselves so mafia can have an easy time killing the PR's.
the correct answer to that post is the post you're quoting

bullshit. nobody visited you last night!

vote choco
well this is certainly a development

what i want to know is if anyone would like to cc either okx or choco now (hint, if you're either cop or watcher, you should cc now)

logically, there should be at least one counterclaim that comes out of this, since obviously either okx or choco is lying and now i'm pretty sure one of them is maf

BREAKING NEWS: OKX JUST STATED THAT NOBODY VISITED CHOCO LMAO. I think that pretty much proves that he's mafia.
i mean it proves that one of them is

which one is up for debate

you guys really need to start taking things with a grain of salt

Trying to muddy the waters and trying to get everyone who disagrees with you and is stating you're mafia shows you're mafia yourself.

Aqua, don't claim.

We need to know who Roob saved.

One of these two things happened today, causing Comp (vig) and Shadow (villager) dead:

1. Mafia killed Comp (vig)
Comp (vig) killed Shadow (villager)

Mafia killed x
Roob saved x
Comp(vig) killed Shadow (bomb) -> bomb detonated, killing Comp

If possibility 2. happened then whoever Roob saved is 100% town
thank you for this small bit of sanity

I think my arguments makes sense, and me being aggressive is literally my usual playstyle; which you can check through previous games. All I can say is that whoever tried to bandwagon me yesterday are most certainly Mafia
okay but how can you say this and think that choco trying to get everyone who disagrees with him makes him mafia at the same time

also, fuck meta

Hey guys I won't have internet for the next three days. So I wan't be able to play until the 6th... really sorry about that.

For now,

Vote Choco

Really hoping he isn't the real cop. Although the real cop hasn't claimed?
okay but why are you not using your own head to think maybe

Vote Okx
okay but why are you not using your own head to think maybe


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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so currently my thoughts are as follows:

-rune and choco are engaged in a battle that has zero substance and this is for some reason dominating most of the discussion so far
-unu is the only person i trust right now
-bandwagons will kill this town
-please don't bandwagon
-i cannot stress this enough

my thoughts on what we should do next:

-roob should def claim who he protected and why
-we wait a bit for any possible counterclaims to spring up (that means that anyone who finds that their role has already been claimed should counterclaim, since i don't think we have much to gain from keeping the power roles hidden any longer)
-depending on the counterclaims and roob's report we lynch either okx or choco



Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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rune and choco are engaged in a battle that has zero substance and this is for some reason dominating most of the discussion so far
It's mostly Rune bringing up bad arguments and Choco overreacting to them, yeah

bandwagons will kill this town
-please don't bandwagon
-i cannot stress this enough
Why does Choco already have four votes - I mean I find him more suspicious than Okx atm but still like everyone is rushing for no reason

depending on the counterclaims and roob's report we lynch either okx or choco
I'm cool with that


Mafia Host
May 10, 2014
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why would you think that and why does it matter
uh you okay there? you're way more upset at things than i'd expect anyone to be really
I was really upset because I actually didn't want to claim yesterday and I outed myself because I read the signup thread and did not even realise that the no-lynch vote counted as the "player with most votes". If I knew that I would not have claimed. I would actually have gotten a useful cop report if I wasn't roleblocked.
okay uh there's like practically zero explanation here why you're going after aqua, i mean, yeah, okay, he's been quiet, but "selectively jumping on certain people"? not sure what you mean by that because i'm not seeing it

you could make the same arguments about duke or brian and they'd make more sense to me, so why pick aqua and "try to force a claim" when literally anything he could hope to claim without cc'ing anyone would be villager, which he would do anyway if he was maf

i just don't understand what your motivations behind this decision are if you really are the cop, as you say you are
I was mainly referring to how Aqua has been quiet like, the whole time yesterday and I was kinda desperate to force some talk out of him at least. I admit it was pretty rash but I felt like if we didn't take action fast we'd be in trouble.

i'm so confused by this

if you think rune is suspicious, why not vote him instead of aqua and try and get the wagon rolling yourself?
I strongly read Rune as the traitor. Between traitor and Okx who I suspect is the Mafia roleblocker, I'd definitely be happier to go for Okx since the traitor has no night actions as far as I know.
or maybe you're being hella paranoid and this whole thing is just incompatible playstyles
it doesn't even help prove your point, just makes it look like you're desperate for some reason and i can't figure out a single reason why you would be
why on earth are you rushing this so much

what is there to gain by piling on aqua right now before even a fourth of the day phase is over (when you made your post, a grand total of 46 minutes of the phase had passed, which is a ridiculously small amount of time to have before trying to rush a lynch on someone)
You're right, I'm actually pretty scared right now, especially since I have outed myself. I argued with Rune because he jumped on me even though I claimed cop before and started wagoning me.


Sep 13, 2015
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why has the real cop not claimed if choco is lying
If Choco is lying my thoughts are that either HKCaper was the cop (however very unlikely imo) or that the real cop don’t want to out unless we are about to mislynch. Basically, why out to get choco lynched if people might lynch him anyway.

Same goes for Okx, however far less likely that another watcher exist as they had time to cc okx yesterday.


Mafia Host
May 10, 2014
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Also ChocoFox, why did you attempt to investigate Roob, our uncc doctor?
I investigated Roob because something about outing himself as doctor when nobody was pushing him D1 seemed fishy, again he could have been doing some circular wifom doctor strategy to prevent the Mafia from targeting him.

Either way I highly doubt anyone would CC a role like doctor if they were the real one. The doctor does not get any useful information unlike the investigative roles, which is why I wanted to confirm Roob's alignment.


Sep 13, 2015
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I investigated Roob because something about outing himself as doctor when nobody was pushing him D1 seemed fishy, again he could have been doing some circular wifom doctor strategy to prevent the Mafia from targeting him.

Either way I highly doubt anyone would CC a role like doctor if they were the real one. The doctor does not get any useful information unlike the investigative roles, which is why I wanted to confirm Roob's alignment.
Ok, but be aware of that false PRs can be disproven in other ways than a cop report. For instance by a watcher report where the visit doesn't correspond or if the real PR dies or counterclaims. PRs are also more likely to get killed by mafias which could make your result useless anyway.

Roobarb Pie who did you visit


Apr 21, 2014
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Ummmm hi

I thought either Roobarb Pie, Okx and Choco were going to die last night because they had decent and important roles and were the only one who revealed their roles in Day 1, so it makes sense that the mafia would kill them but none of them died which is strange.

I think the mafia didn’t decide to kill them either because:

A. The mafia decide not kill him and instead frame him as a mafia for not being dead last night, so the villagers will find him suspicious so they’ll lynch him.
B. He is actually one of the mafia and want’s to look like he’s a cop.
C. Mafia didn’t care (which is unlikely)

A. The mafia didn’t want to fall from his doctor claim bait and waited for the confirmation?
B. He is actually a mafia and wants to confuse the hell out of the villagers that he’s either a doctor or not (which i think might be a weird stragedy)
C. Mafia didn’t care (which is unlikely)

A. Not really sure why the mafia didn’t kill him but i think mafia had other plans for him.
B. He’s actually the mafia.
C. Mafia didn’t care (which is unlikely)

Those are probably the possibilities ^

Other Possibility: I think one of them is a mafia and it’s the reason why they survived last night. one of them probably took HKCaper’s role and disguise themselves to trick the villagers that they are the real deal, however in the future we can manage to debunk their roles, by knowing if their reports are real or not. But there’s a chance that HKCaper is 50% likely a villager though.

There you go! those are my possibilities, i know that these werent really that helpful because some of them were already discussed.


Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Ummmm hi

I thought either Roobarb Pie, Okx and Choco were going to die last night because they had decent and important roles and were the only one who revealed their roles in Day 1, so it makes sense that the mafia would kill them but none of them died which is strange.

I think the mafia didn’t decide to kill them either because:

A. The mafia decide not kill him and instead frame him as a mafia for not being dead last night, so the villagers will find him suspicious so they’ll lynch him.
B. He is actually one of the mafia and want’s to look like he’s a cop.
C. Mafia didn’t care (which is unlikely)

A. The mafia didn’t want to fall from his doctor claim bait and waited for the confirmation?
B. He is actually a mafia and wants to confuse the hell out of the villagers that he’s either a doctor or not (which i think might be a weird stragedy)
C. Mafia didn’t care (which is unlikely)

A. Not really sure why the mafia didn’t kill him but i think mafia had other plans for him.
B. He’s actually the mafia.
C. Mafia didn’t care (which is unlikely
D. one of them were saved by a doctor from getting killed.


Sep 6, 2015
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and, obviously, i'm still advocating for counterclaims (we should get at least one unless hk was either the watcher or the cop and either okx or choco got massively lucky)
I mean, the real cop might just not think it's worth counter-claiming... or they could be hk, haven't thought of that. Does mafia know the role of the person they killed if they used their janitor ability?


Sep 6, 2015
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I mean, the real cop might just not think it's worth counter-claiming... or they could be hk, haven't thought of that. Does mafia know the role of the person they killed if they used their janitor ability?
Hm, doesn't specifically say they do. I suppose there is a decent chance of HK being cop


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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I mean, the real cop might just not think it's worth counter-claiming... or they could be hk, haven't thought of that. Does mafia know the role of the person they killed if they used their janitor ability?
counterclaiming will give us two night action results, a clear lynch target and the doc will know who to save

contrast that with being torn between lynching between a possible watcher and cop, while risking the doc wasting their ability on a maf

if the counterclaim doesn't come, i'll have to assume that hk was either a watcher or a cop, since the other option means that the real watcher/cop is not thinking clearly by prioritising their own safety over what's best for the town as a whole
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