Lasagne Mafia - Game over


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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If you're mafia and you're reading this, you know you're going to slip up.
Am not!
This isn't a Day 0 where it's debatable
Oh, oops, I forgot. I'll be serious.
Given this info, do you guys think the kidnapped person should claim?
Honestly, I'm not sure it makes a huge difference. If they want to claim they can? I don't see a downside, but I don't see a particular benefit either.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Molten, Alisha, and to a lesser extent, Brian, are pinging my radar so far

I don't have very well-refined reasons, these are just sort of vague first impressions, so apologies if they're difficult to follow

Molten because:

1) His entrance felt stiff/rigid/awkward to me and he basically just repeated what others had said already without adding anything else. It felt like he posted for the sake of posting to blend in and I think mafia are a bit more likely to feel that kind of pressure than town, since I think town often have the comfort of the truth of their alignment on their side so they're less likely to go into the game trying to blend in since they feel as though they should naturally blend in because they're on the majority team.

And 2) because all of his posts since then have followed the same pattern of repeating what somebody else has said.

Really disagree with vigi's decision here. Getting a days chat worth of reads is so much more valuable than a N1 Random Shoot, which most likely backfires.
I can't tell if you're being serious or memeing here
In the case that you aren't memeing (I can't tell if you are or not), nothing Inffy has said has brought up red flags to me.
Yeah might as well sit on our butts until it gets to a 50% chance of lynching a maf waitaminute

(I know I responded to part of this in an above post BUT I CAN'T LET THIS BIT GO UNPUNISHED)
2. What percentage are we waiting for? If we wait until 50 percent, mafia's already won.
Given this info, do you guys think the kidnapped person should claim?
All of these are examples of content in his post that repeated what somebody else had just said before (actually a lot of it is repeating things from Alisha which may be of note). He did add a couple of things himself, like correcting hockey's statistics, but the amount of recycling points from others feels weird and unnatural. It gives me two impressions: 1) he's in a 'must blend in' mindset as a result of his mafia win condition, and as a result, he's ending up repeating what everyone else is saying. Or 2) that he's not confident in contributing posts because he knows he's hiding a dirty secret so the pressure makes him too scared to say much that comes from himself. There are other explanations for his behaviour of course but those are the two impressions I get when I read his posts.

Alisha I find suspicious because her posts so far feel unusually grounded and like she's making quite a solid stance and feels confident/certain about what she's saying without having any town paranoia. She feels unusually assertive to me. Last game when she was town her posts felt quite floaty and unsure to me, contributing useful ideas but always having a nervous backbone to her posts if that makes sense. Like when someone says something that they believe, but you can tell they're having tiny doubts about what they're saying. It felt like that a lot to me last game. This game it feels weirdly confident, and I'm attributing that to lack of town paranoia because she's not town. It's early but that's my initial impression.

Quotes where I got this impression:

The game hasn't been open for 24 hours, the reason there are no leads is because a few people haven't spoken up yet. Maybe the surviving cop found a scum and hasn't spoken up yet. This isn't a Day 0 where it's debatable on the merits of no lynching or lynching, town has to actively scumhunt because people have died and we have ground to cover. Your vote for a no lynch is incredibly out of place.
For what it's worth I am curious on why Inffy is taking a backseat in terms of fostering discussion so far. He's answered a couple questions but hasn't brought as many talking points to the table as I would usually expect him to.
Also worth noting is Brian is jumping on Inffy immediately (after his last couple performances in Mafia games, who wouldn't?), and even when prompted has not given any kind of reasoning beyond 'Inffy sounds suspicious' which reads to me as an attempt to cause confusion more than anything.
Don't get your hopes up, I already said your lack of a reason for being suspicious of Inffy is weird
And then Brian. My suspicion on Brian is pretty tiny and my gut says he's actually town and that the little things that pinged my radar here are just fluff to be ignored, but for the purposes of discussion I'm going to say my small doubts on him anyway.

First, I don't fully buy his suspicion on me. It feels kinda like he felt the need to be suspicious of someone to look town and so chose me, and that's why his suspicion has no reason behind it and why it seemed so out of the blue to me (since I'd barely posted anything and it felt very random for him to suddenly ask if anyone else is suspicious of me with so little content to go by and with such little reason). I'm finding it difficult to understand where his read on me came from; it has no reason behind it and seemed very random and out of the blue since I've barely said anything. Because of that, it gives me the small impression that his read is faked. Brian doesn't seem like the type of person to fake reads as a townie, which leads me to think he faked it as mafia to seem like he was scumhunting and he didn't predict it'd come off as random/suspicious.

Second, his very first post rubbed me the wrong way slightly, I think just because it felt a bit waffley/unnecessarily detailed. Telling the vigilante they did a bad thing and saying why he thought so, despite that not going to change anything about what happened, then unpacking the 'should the kidnapped person claim' thought process in what seemed like quite an unnecessarily wordy way to me because it all seemed like common sense that didn't need to be said, and repeating the fact he was unsure about his opinion twice.

I can think of reasons for why he'd do these things as town too (e.g. wanting to tell the vigilante why it was bad so that they didn't do it in future; being new to forum mafia so thinking his thought process about the kidnap thing wasn't common sense since he's not used to thinking in this way, or saying his thought process to let us get a read on him or something). And I know Brian is quite a verbose person so this could easily be nothing and my gut says it is nothing, but when I read his first post I get a tiny scummy impression from it. I've tried to figure out why his waffley-ness seemed a little bit scummy to me here but I'm struggling to understand it. So it's just a vague impression that I'm not sure what to do with yet, but maybe you guys have some thoughts on it too.

Howdy, everyone. Here's my current process of thinking of my current thoughts on my opinions of this matter.

First, vigilante, why the heck would you kill someone first day? Especially since that might get you killed if the mafia figures out who would most likely kill the other person whom they didn't kill.

Second, I think that whoever got kidnapped should say if they got kidnapped, maybe? I need more opinions on this because I'm not sure. I don't really see a risk. The mafia already knows who they kidnapped. Informing the public is never really a bad thing. But again I'm not entirely sure.
That's it for my scum impressions. Now onto my town impressions!

I liked UNU's entrance to the game. The joke he made on his first post felt townie to me. I guess because it didn't feel forced or nervous to try to fit in or something, it felt like it came from a place of confidence, knowing he was town and not worrying about coming off as a bit weird. Also I have it in my mind that he's more likely to make a joke like that when he's town than when he's scum but I'm not sure how accurate that actually is.

Stranger I have a gut feeling is town. I have nothing concrete with this read at all, it's purely a gut/intuition thing. Also hi, I'm Inffy, nice to meet you ;)

Hockey I also got a small gut town feeling from him, again nothing concrete.

Everyone else is a neutral read for me.

And here's my reads list in colour code to express where they are in my mind right now:

Molten (top suspect)

TehBrian (couple things suspicious but gut says townie?)

UNU (top town)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
And then Brian. My suspicion on Brian is pretty tiny and my gut says he's actually town and that the little things that pinged my radar here are just fluff to be ignored, but for the purposes of discussion I'm going to say my small doubts on him anyway.

First, I don't fully buy his suspicion on me. It feels kinda like he felt the need to be suspicious of someone to look town and so chose me, and that's why his suspicion has no reason behind it and why it seemed so out of the blue to me (since I'd barely posted anything and it felt very random for him to suddenly ask if anyone else is suspicious of me with so little content to go by and with such little reason). I'm finding it difficult to understand where his read on me came from; it has no reason behind it and seemed very random and out of the blue since I've barely said anything. Because of that, it gives me the small impression that his read is faked. Brian doesn't seem like the type of person to fake reads as a townie, which leads me to think he faked it as mafia to seem like he was scumhunting and he didn't predict it'd come off as random/suspicious.
(Woops I meant to delete this bit since I worded it in a new way below, that's why the paragraph repeats itself a bit)


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
Goodness gracious Inffy is good at this game, color coding everything. Yeah I don't have much of a suspicion on him anymore, everything he's saying seems rock solid and I don't think Mafia would be so forthcoming.

Unvote Inffy


Jan 10, 2019
Reaction score
Molten, Alisha, and to a lesser extent, Brian, are pinging my radar so far

I don't have very well-refined reasons, these are just sort of vague first impressions, so apologies if they're difficult to follow

Molten because:

1) His entrance felt stiff/rigid/awkward to me and he basically just repeated what others had said already without adding anything else. It felt like he posted for the sake of posting to blend in and I think mafia are a bit more likely to feel that kind of pressure than town, since I think town often have the comfort of the truth of their alignment on their side so they're less likely to go into the game trying to blend in since they feel as though they should naturally blend in because they're on the majority team.

And 2) because all of his posts since then have followed the same pattern of repeating what somebody else has said.

All of these are examples of content in his post that repeated what somebody else had just said before (actually a lot of it is repeating things from Alisha which may be of note). He did add a couple of things himself, like correcting hockey's statistics, but the amount of recycling points from others feels weird and unnatural. It gives me two impressions: 1) he's in a 'must blend in' mindset as a result of his mafia win condition, and as a result, he's ending up repeating what everyone else is saying. Or 2) that he's not confident in contributing posts because he knows he's hiding a dirty secret so the pressure makes him too scared to say much that comes from himself. There are other explanations for his behaviour of course but those are the two impressions I get when I read his posts.

Alisha I find suspicious because her posts so far feel unusually grounded and like she's making quite a solid stance and feels confident/certain about what she's saying without having any town paranoia. She feels unusually assertive to me. Last game when she was town her posts felt quite floaty and unsure to me, contributing useful ideas but always having a nervous backbone to her posts if that makes sense. Like when someone says something that they believe, but you can tell they're having tiny doubts about what they're saying. It felt like that a lot to me last game. This game it feels weirdly confident, and I'm attributing that to lack of town paranoia because she's not town. It's early but that's my initial impression.

Quotes where I got this impression:

And then Brian. My suspicion on Brian is pretty tiny and my gut says he's actually town and that the little things that pinged my radar here are just fluff to be ignored, but for the purposes of discussion I'm going to say my small doubts on him anyway.

First, I don't fully buy his suspicion on me. It feels kinda like he felt the need to be suspicious of someone to look town and so chose me, and that's why his suspicion has no reason behind it and why it seemed so out of the blue to me (since I'd barely posted anything and it felt very random for him to suddenly ask if anyone else is suspicious of me with so little content to go by and with such little reason). I'm finding it difficult to understand where his read on me came from; it has no reason behind it and seemed very random and out of the blue since I've barely said anything. Because of that, it gives me the small impression that his read is faked. Brian doesn't seem like the type of person to fake reads as a townie, which leads me to think he faked it as mafia to seem like he was scumhunting and he didn't predict it'd come off as random/suspicious.

Second, his very first post rubbed me the wrong way slightly, I think just because it felt a bit waffley/unnecessarily detailed. Telling the vigilante they did a bad thing and saying why he thought so, despite that not going to change anything about what happened, then unpacking the 'should the kidnapped person claim' thought process in what seemed like quite an unnecessarily wordy way to me because it all seemed like common sense that didn't need to be said, and repeating the fact he was unsure about his opinion twice.

I can think of reasons for why he'd do these things as town too (e.g. wanting to tell the vigilante why it was bad so that they didn't do it in future; being new to forum mafia so thinking his thought process about the kidnap thing wasn't common sense since he's not used to thinking in this way, or saying his thought process to let us get a read on him or something). And I know Brian is quite a verbose person so this could easily be nothing and my gut says it is nothing, but when I read his first post I get a tiny scummy impression from it. I've tried to figure out why his waffley-ness seemed a little bit scummy to me here but I'm struggling to understand it. So it's just a vague impression that I'm not sure what to do with yet, but maybe you guys have some thoughts on it too.

That's it for my scum impressions. Now onto my town impressions!

I liked UNU's entrance to the game. The joke he made on his first post felt townie to me. I guess because it didn't feel forced or nervous to try to fit in or something, it felt like it came from a place of confidence, knowing he was town and not worrying about coming off as a bit weird. Also I have it in my mind that he's more likely to make a joke like that when he's town than when he's scum but I'm not sure how accurate that actually is.

Stranger I have a gut feeling is town. I have nothing concrete with this read at all, it's purely a gut/intuition thing. Also hi, I'm Inffy, nice to meet you ;)

Hockey I also got a small gut town feeling from him, again nothing concrete.

Everyone else is a neutral read for me.

And here's my reads list in colour code to express where they are in my mind right now:

Molten (top suspect)

TehBrian (couple things suspicious but gut says townie?)

UNU (top town)
My goal isn't to "blend in", although I can see where you're coming from with that. My main motive is that I'm agreeing with Alisha's points and reinforceing them into my own.


Jan 10, 2019
Reaction score
Also I disagree with you on the "unnecessary to be said, because it's common sense" point you made on Brian. I've played countless of mafia games where town somehow misses even the most simpliest of things like common sense.


Jan 10, 2019
Reaction score
Overall, I haven't been able to play with TehBrian much, but read stands like this.

If he's an newer mafia player, I lean him more likely towards being scum, as he seemed to push on Inffy for little reason.

If he's more experienced, I lean him more likely being town, as I find it unlikely he would bring that much attention towards himself as a mafia.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Also I disagree with you on the "unnecessary to be said, because it's common sense" point you made on Brian. I've played countless of mafia games where town somehow misses even the most simpliest of things like common sense.
I agree that town can miss simple things sometimes, I guess I just thought what he was saying was something anyone who thought about whether the kidnapped should claim or not would think about for themselves and I didn't think anyone would miss that, but yeah it's possible and maybe that's why he said it (although he hasn't said that)

Overall, I haven't been able to play with TehBrian much, but read stands like this.

If he's an newer mafia player, I lean him more likely towards being scum, as he seemed to push on Inffy for little reason.

If he's more experienced, I lean him more likely being town, as I find it unlikely he would bring that much attention towards himself as a mafia.
What's your opinion on Alisha?


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Am not!

Oh, oops, I forgot. I'll be serious.

Honestly, I'm not sure it makes a huge difference. If they want to claim they can? I don't see a downside, but I don't see a particular benefit either.
There are numerous reasons to claim:

1) For a player who claims to be kidnapped we will know that they most likely is innocent. Mafia could also no-kidnap and claim they got kidnapped, but this first of all loses them a very powerful ability for a night.
2) A kidnap claim is info that is useful for tracker. If for instance the tracker tracked the x, figures that x visited y, and lated y claims to be kidnapped, he knows that y must be kidnapper. There are also other conclusions the tracker can make in certain other scenarios.
3) we will later when a player dies know that he was kidnapped.

I don’t like your «claim if you want to» thought. Even if you think there are no upsides with it I think a general rule of thumb is that you share all info unless there are downsides with it.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Alisha I'm honestly not sure what to think of at the moment. She seems to be actively avoiding having an actual opinion on anything at the moment, IMO. Which at this stage is a legit strategy, but she doesn't appear to be actively trying to add to the discussion either, which I guess makes me see her as slightly suspicious. I wouldn't lynch her yet, but I'd want to keep an eye on her and see if there's any indication she has some plan or agenda that doesn't match with the discussion here.

I'll also say that I'd lean towards Brian being town right now. He's behaving erratically enough for me to doubt that he has any sort of premeditated strategy, but there's still plenty of room for that to be an act and he could be trying to lead the town off a cliff like we're lemmings or something.

As for moltenashes, I definitely get the sense that he's hiding something. I seriously can't tell what yet, but he's very clearly trying to keep a low profile, and he's specifically avoiding pointing fingers the same way Alisha is. Which is a perfectly legit strategy as town at this point, to be fair, but I'd honestly be more comfortable if he would name a name or two for who he suspects.


AoD Dev and Admin!
Tech Lead
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Jun 4, 2014
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Morning, sorry I didn't post anything yesterday
Yeah brian always acts weird, tbh I usually can't tell if he's mafia weird or just being weird, so I wouldn't say he's suspicious or anything atm.

I'd imagine that both rollblocking mafia roles probably used their abilities last night, so potentially we could have two players who know they were blocked. As far as I can see, only a PR who performs some action would know of that? Or is it that a kidnapped player always is always aware of it too? idk


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Morning, sorry I didn't post anything yesterday
Yeah brian always acts weird, tbh I usually can't tell if he's mafia weird or just being weird, so I wouldn't say he's suspicious or anything atm.

I'd imagine that both rollblocking mafia roles probably used their abilities last night, so potentially we could have two players who know they were blocked. As far as I can see, only a PR who performs some action would know of that? Or is it that a kidnapped player always is always aware of it too? idk
The kidnapped player is always aware of when they were kidnapped yeah. Only PRs know if they were targeted by the hooker though


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
Morning, sorry I didn't post anything yesterday
Yeah brian always acts weird, tbh I usually can't tell if he's mafia weird or just being weird, so I wouldn't say he's suspicious or anything atm.

I'd imagine that both rollblocking mafia roles probably used their abilities last night, so potentially we could have two players who know they were blocked. As far as I can see, only a PR who performs some action would know of that? Or is it that a kidnapped player always is always aware of it too? idk
what I got from twg is that everyone will know if they're kidnapped pr or not, but only pr's now that they're roleblocked


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Votecount Day 1

No Lynch: [1/6] Hockeyfan1852

Not voting: [11] Alisha, Comp, HKCaper, Infected_alien8, MoltenAshes, Notme, Shadow_Hunter, Stranger from Planet 9, TehBrian, Timdood3 and Unusual_dood.

7 votes are required for a lynch.
6 votes are required for a no-lynch.

Deadline in 93 hours!


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Gonna respond to a few things in no particular order because I don't feel like shuffling quotes around

Inffy's read on me;
Alisha I find suspicious because her posts so far feel unusually grounded and like she's making quite a solid stance and feels confident/certain about what she's saying without having any town paranoia.
Fair point since you're relying on meta reads; after how badly C9++ went, I'm course correcting and I want to push what I believe in more, rather than let myself be manipulated.

Inffy on Molten;
His entrance felt stiff/rigid/awkward to me and he basically just repeated what others had said already without adding anything else.
I noticed he's been following me too, but after C9++ where he consistently set off my scum radar despite being town, I'm giving him some leeway here until I develop a more concrete read on him.

Stranger's read on me;
She seems to be actively avoiding having an actual opinion on anything at the moment, IMO.
Haha no. I already told Hockeyfan and Brian their reasons for their votes don't add up.