Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I also kind of doubt that town has both

a) a pest to the mafia who can redirect one of their actions/kills onto themselves/other people once per day
b) a pest to the mafia who can redirect several of their actions onto other people once per game

so I think brian/vy are probably not the same alignment either way?

what do you think about that Vyryn?
And ^


Mar 19, 2019
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There are dozens of species of Ivy. I wasn't called Poison Ivy, just Ivy. Most ivies are not harmful, so it would be pretty ambiguous as a toxic plant name when I could easily have been called poison ivy or something instead. Omni's role was much more clearly harmful than mine.
For evidence a role is mafia, that sort of thing should be clear cut, which is obvious and is why this tidbit seems made up just to confirm your incorrect conclusion.


Mar 19, 2019
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To both Stranger's "How could you use your role without causing mayhem" and Inffy's "What do you think about that",
I didn't choose my role description, but both TWG and TehBrian were previously accused of being mafia just because "Their roles didn't sound like something that makes sense for townies" so I think it's bullshit.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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There are dozens of species of Ivy. I wasn't called Poison Ivy, just Ivy. Most ivies are not harmful, so it would be pretty ambiguous as a toxic plant name when I could easily have been called poison ivy or something instead. Omni's role was much more clearly harmful than mine.
For evidence a role is mafia, that sort of thing should be clear cut, which is obvious and is why this tidbit seems made up just to confirm your incorrect conclusion.
And the wiki doesn't say that poison ivy is moderately toxic, it says berries from Ivy are toxic, and that some species are harmful to health and environment. But yes I agree omni's was much more clearly harmful than yours

Here's another thing I found:

"The berries on ivy plants of all kinds are best avoided, whether English creepers, Boston ivy, evergreen climbers, or poison ivy. ... The berries contain oxalates, needle-like crystals that cause pain and swelling in the lips, face, tongue, and skin." (https://www.treehugger.com/lawn-gar...eer-clear-and-3-wild-berries-you-can-eat.html)

this tidbit seems made up just to confirm your incorrect conclusion.
And it's not made up, I linked the page, you can see it for yourself

Why do you think brian is town, why do you think town would have both yours and his abilities? Do you not think that would seem unbalanced?


Mar 19, 2019
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Also it's weird how vy keeps suddenly suspecting me when I push on him, then a bit later all is forgiven and I still seem townie, then I push on him again and he's suspicious of me again, then all is forgiven and I'm townie, then I push him again today and I'm suspicious again

It's happened at least three times now
I don't keep suddenly suspecting you then forgiving it all; My suspicion of you has been steadily increasing over time but I'm very reluctant to straight up accuse you because of last game. Of course, your pushing on me in almost exactly the same way anyways.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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To both Stranger's "How could you use your role without causing mayhem" and Inffy's "What do you think about that",
I didn't choose my role description, but both TWG and TehBrian were previously accused of being mafia just because "Their roles didn't sound like something that makes sense for townies" so I think it's bullshit.
I'm not asking what you think about the fact your role seems mafia. I'm asking what you think about you/brian never being the same alignments.


Mar 19, 2019
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I don't think both Brian and myself being town would seem unbalanced. I think the roles are what Choco and Alisha made them and you have no idea what they should and shouldn't be, and your guesses about what they should and shouldn't be have only lead to incorrect conclusions so far.


Mar 19, 2019
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Timdood: moderate townread; his scum hunting feels genuine and he's kept it up for two days

purplepixies: strong townread; feels naive, panicky but I think she thinks she's right. softclaimed town-affiliated neutral which fits into this well enough.

Infected_alien8_: slight scumread; Extremely active, seems townie from cogent arguments, but he didn't seem to actually want an Omni lynch and he's been rather shifty.

Dess: moderate townread with aberrations; the two aberrations are his read descriptions in #352, I tended to think his reads would be opposite of what he said they were (Notme, Nottykitten), and his claim - he claims he saw Notme, Molten (reflected) and Purple as townie, but purple's claimed third party. It would be nice if purple could respond to this...
TehBrian: moderate townread; he had a bold claim of reflector that seemed to be delivered in earnest and claimed he
Notme: slight townread; had moderately useful posts here and there, not enough to impress or little enough to cause suspicion. Jumped on the vote bandwagon only very last minute. Townread because of Dess's claim of seeing Notme as townie along with Molten and Purplereflected Inffy n1
Unusual_Dood: slight townread; Hasn't done anything that I can put my finger on as suspicious and it's been a few days.
Aqua: moderate townread; Initially he felt a bit scummy but he hasn't really defended anyone scummy or done anything else too suspicious.. He hasn't done anything too scummy recently but on the other hand he's really quieted down so he could just be trying to stay under the radar.
Kroppeb: moderate scumread; HK was fairly likely killed by reflection off Inffy, which tracks back to Kroppeb. He also has hung out in the shadows mostly, reluctant to really get involved in any heated discussions.
Stranger from Planet 9: slight scumread because of a few off actions, like his post, 15m before nightfall where he comes by and basically says "wow lots of stuff cool beans glfh gotta run bye" or his willingness to jump on my bandwagon. He also jumped on Omni's bandwagon, but much later, originally gunning for a purple lynch. This could be reluctance to lynch a teammate but I could also see him as a third party.
Nottykitten: strong scumread; Too confidently making complete bullshit predictions about specific clock colors with no evidence behind it, #450 comes off as over-eager to provide likely useless info about colors; #594 very casually swayed the d0 vote from probably not gonna happen to successfully lynching TWG in just 50 minutes, I got a moderately strong impression of a team between Notty and Omni, Notty was quick to deflect accusations about them self and actively avoided getting into a pitched back and forth, which would draw attention to them.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Aqua: moderate townread; Initially he felt a bit scummy but he hasn't really defended anyone scummy or done anything else too suspicious..
Aqua was defending omni for most of yesterday though, and you pointed that out yourself. Why don't you think that's scummy?

I got a moderately strong impression of a team between Notty and Omni
Could you quote where that came from?

Nottykitten: actively avoided getting into a pitched back and forth, which would draw attention to them.
Could you quote where this is too please?

Infected_alien8_: slight scumread; Extremely active, seems townie from cogent arguments, but he didn't seem to actually want an Omni lynch and he's been rather shifty.
What do you mean by 'rather shifty'?

purplepixies: softclaimed town-affiliated neutral which fits into this well enough.
Where did she do that?


And who do you want to lynch today?


Mar 19, 2019
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I'm sorry Inffy, I'm not going to go back searching for quotes to maybe possibly convince you at this point, I'm getting lynched as soon as a mafia hammers and a couple quotes will neither change that nor change the outcome of the game in the town's favor afterwards. You can believe me or not, and indeed I might be mistaken because I haven't gone back looking for specific quotes, but instead formed these conclusions from general impressions.

Aqua defended Omni in a way that seemed rather halfhearted, more like a friend who really wasn't sure of their friend's alignment than a teammate.

By "rather shifty" I mean eager to hedge and subtly change your outward impressions about people to manipulate us. I would expect someone who does this to do it as both mafia and townie, but I think that a townie would do this in a way that feels more benign than this does.

I've already outlined who I want to lynch today. Good options are Notty, Dess, or perhaps Kroppeb, in that order of preference.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Well, I'm a bit conflicted.

You sound townie right now to me. But I think it's because you seem so defeated. Like, there's no hope of 'my buddies might save me'. It's like you just feel completely cornered and there's nothing you can do because town wants you dead and mafia would too and so you've accepted your death. There's no panic or 'I need to find somebody else to mislynch', and there's no protection of your pride. If you were mafia I think you'd want to end the game feeling that you did well for yourself, and if you were in this current situation, ending the way you're doing is extremely risky. Because either it works and everyone sees you as townie, or it doesn't and your death is just kind of flat and people might think you gave up. That's how I'd see it anyway.

In the universe that you're town then I suppose I could see Dess, Kropp and Brian as mafia, but you've done more suspicious things than kropp has, and if Dess is mafia while you're town, I find it unlikely that he'd incriminate himself by gunning from you right from the start of the day in the way he did.

So if I think of you as town, I just struggle to make sense of that. Everyone apart from you, dess and brian seem pretty non-mafia, with kropp as my one 'hm maybe'. So it's like, surely you must be mafia?

And then when I try to make sense of what's happening when I assume you're mafia, I think back to how it felt when Dess entered the day. How it felt pre-meditated to bus you. And if that is actually what happened... as in you saw that all of your team were under suspicion or unlikely to go far and you asked your team to bus you because it was their decent chance at not being lynched in the future and your team winning, then your stance now, of looking like you're fine being lynched and almost like you've given up, makes sense with that. Because you'd be happy to die. And it'd mean you aren't some incredible actor who is amazing at sounding townie and it's all a tactic to get us to unvote you, it's just that you're wanting to be bussed for your team. And since that makes sense to me, and the other theories I've thought of don't quite make sense to me, it feels like surely this must be the correct one.

So whilst you seem very townie in your tone, I still think lynching you is best.

I'm sorry if I'm wrong about you, but hopefully you can at least understand my perspective? Bearing in mind the reads I have, what else makes sense to do at this point? So yeah I think I'm going to keep my vote.

But just in case, I do have two last questions for you though. 1) Have you used your ability yet? 2) Can you give me some insight into why you didn't even try to push on kropp at all? You just made one small post about him and then nothing ever since. You just jumped onto omni. Can you give me some insight into what you were thinking/feeling at that point?


Mar 19, 2019
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First, what's your reasoning behind seeing Notty as town?

To your questions,
I actually don't understand your perspective. I give pretty sizable townie brownie points to people who claim their role in a closed setup, and perhaps you don't, which might explain much of your skepticism of TehBrian and Dess. But you still seem to have blindspots for certain people like Notty, and a certain tenancy of bias towards wanting to lynch moderately useful and active players like myself and Dess which seems stupid. From my experience, it isn't a very likely spot in the hierarchy of usefulness and activity for mafia to occupy.

No I haven't yet used my ability. I would have immediately claimed at dawn if I had. Last night I considered using it, but the people near me didnt seem too likely as targets so a ricochet seemed more likely to cause harm than good.

Omni was a very obvious mafia to lynch. I "jumped on him" because Kropp was much less obvious and probably not a lynch I could make happen, as I've already explained when you previously asked this question.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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First, what's your reasoning behind seeing Notty as town?
I don't see her as town, I'm starting to see her as third party. But I don't see her as mafia because she has a certain feeling when she's mafia (in past games at least) that I'm not seeing now.

To your questions,
I actually don't understand your perspective. I give pretty sizable townie brownie points to people who claim their role in a closed setup, and perhaps you don't, which might explain much of your skepticism of TehBrian and Dess.
You're right, I don't. I think mafia can easily decide to claim their role since it seems townie and hide behind that for the rest of the game. I've seen it happen and it's not something I'd think brian/dess wouldn't do either.

But you still seem to have blindspots for certain people like Notty,
I just don't find your points against her compelling. I think she was pushing for the cop-dial theory because it felt right to her. I don't think it's relevant to her alignment. I don't think she was 'trying too hard' or 'overly-eager' with the colour theory she put out. I don't think her casually swaying a vote is scummy of her either, all she did was say 'hey we're all not happy with this lynch, but we all seem okay with this one, so let's join forces?' She did the exact same thing in my last game with her in fact and she was town. I didn't see a connection between her and omni as teammates which is why it'd be nice if you could give me at least a general idea of where you saw that in case I missed it and if I saw it now I'd see it. And I don't see where she's been trying to deflect back-and-forths either, she was pretty willing to get into arguments with purple for example. I just don't see what you're seeing, or see what makes her mafia. I do see that she's been pretty distant this game, and she's been weirdly concerned with flowers, which are two reasons I think she's probably third party. And tbh I don't think I'd be opposed to lynching her today since I'm worried what she's going to do with my flower info. If I change my mind on lynching you at least.

and a certain tenancy of bias towards wanting to lynch moderately useful and active players like myself and Dess which seems stupid. From my experience, it isn't a very likely spot in the hierarchy of usefulness and activity for mafia to occupy.
But I've wanted to lynch omni and brian too. I don't think I have a bias for wanting to lynch helpful people at all. And I don't think the mafia are unlikely to be active and useful either. When I'm mafia I try my best to replicate my town behaviour. I'm pretty sure most people do.

Omni was a very obvious mafia to lynch. I "jumped on him" because Kropp was much less obvious and probably not a lynch I could make happen, as I've already explained when you previously asked this question.
If he was 'a very obvious mafia to lynch', why did you even try to setup kropp as a counter wagon in the first place instead of just voting for omni then, if you weren't as sure about him? Like, you explained that you didn't see kropp being a viable lynch and so you went to omni before but you didn't explain why you suddenly were completely fine giving up on the person you voted and going onto somebody else. It felt like you didn't even try to get kropp lynched, and I imagine if you vote someone then they're your top lynch choice so that 'oh well I give up and I'll just go to omni because that's easier' just doesn't add up to me.


Mar 19, 2019
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I think I offered Kropp before Omni was really wagoned. I tried looking back to confirm this, but I can't find any damn thing with the forum interface. Additionally, Kropp wasn't an amazing lynch to start with, merely one I thought people should further consider. The main thing against him is HK's kill, which seems to have been decently likely reflected off of you. If it was reflected, and TehBrian was telling the truth, then if it was reflected off of you, Kropp must have done the kill. It's a decently likely chain of events, but hardly conclusive. His demeanor isn't very helpful, its not particularly scummy or townie.

If you're really confident about your read on Notty, then Dess may be a better lynch.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I think I offered Kropp before Omni was really wagoned. I tried looking back to confirm this, but I can't find any damn thing with the forum interface. Additionally, Kropp wasn't an amazing lynch to start with, merely one I thought people should further consider. The main thing against him is HK's kill, which seems to have been decently likely reflected off of you. If it was reflected, and TehBrian was telling the truth, then if it was reflected off of you, Kropp must have done the kill. It's a decently likely chain of events, but hardly conclusive. His demeanor isn't very helpful, its not particularly scummy or townie.

If you're really confident about your read on Notty, then Dess may be a better lynch.
Okay. But if you thought omni was a more obvious mafia choice, even if he hadn't been wagoned yet, why did you vote kropp instead?

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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I'm seriously reconsidering my reads on Vyryn and Inffy right now. I haven't been particularly vocal about it, but I've been thinking for a while now that one of Inffy and Vyryn are scum, and I just don't know which one. Like, I can see plausible mafia teams either one being part of. I just don't want to be part of hammering the wrong one because both of you have a very commanding presence, and if we lynch tge wrong one that would be a major detriment to town.

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I'm seriously reconsidering my reads on Vyryn and Inffy right now. I haven't been particularly vocal about it, but I've been thinking for a while now that one of Inffy and Vyryn are scum, and I just don't know which one. Like, I can see plausible mafia teams either one being part of. I just don't want to be part of hammering the wrong one because both of you have a very commanding presence, and if we lynch tge wrong one that would be a major detriment to town.

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
Why do you think one of us are scum?

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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To be more clear, the two possible mafia teams I see at this point are Inffy, Notty and possibly purple or Vyryn, Brian and Notme possibly?

To me Inffy's 3p read on Notty feels forced - like he's changing his read to avoid putting himself under further scrutiny. I'm not sure what to think of purple right now, especially since she's been awfully quiet today.

As for my theory with Vyryn's team, the whole idea of reflection abilities in general seems like something that would be perfectly suited for an evil faction in general - especially with how much potential there is for it to fuck up town's strategy.

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk


Mafia Host
May 10, 2014
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—— Voting Recap ——
Deadline: 6 April 2019 UTC 22:00.

Vyryn - 4 (Nottykitten, Dess, Timdood3, Aqua) [L-3]
Nottykitten - 1 (Vyryn) [L-6]

With 12 players, it takes 7 votes to lynch and 6 votes to no-lynch.

If no option reaches the required number of votes when a deadline hits, the day will end as a no-lynch.