Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
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Also, Dess - if my sudden vote on Vyryn strikes you as a bus, how do you feel about notme's vote on him?
Bc that vote seems just as sudden and less explainable to me.

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Didn't see it honestly, but that's also what I expect from him. I just need to read back up on you. I don't think your scummy the vote just felt weird


Mar 19, 2019
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I'm also voting in "spirit" if that wasn't clear. It seemed that unu wanted to ask some questions to vyryn before the hammer but vy had answered them already so idk if he still wants us to wait.

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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I'm also voting in "spirit" if that wasn't clear. It seemed that unu wanted to ask some questions to vyryn before the hammer but vy had answered them already so idk if he still wants us to wait.

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He also wants brian to tell us who he reflected and I do as well, and I also would like purplepixies to come on and answer our questions


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Inffy, would you mind posting a reads list with your reasoning for each read?
Dess - moderate scum. Reads seem faked, feels like does when he's mafia vs when he's town in the past, push on vy felt unnatural given his town read on him previously and I'm not sure I buy that it's because he saw molten die, it felt planned in mafia chat. Most people seem to think he's town because of his claim but I think he'd do this as mafia just to look innocent.

Tim - moderate town. Feels similar to two games ago, there's a very slight difference that I think is explained by the fact it was his first game in a while before. His reads feel genuine, his scumhunting feels genuine. Asked to have the clock hand pointed at him which makes me think he's not third party worried about it making him seem guilty either, so I think he's town.

Notme - moderate town. His first few posts with the clock theory he had and saying he thought we were all PR make him seem townie to me. It's normal for mafia to be PR and townies to have loads of vanillas so if he was a mafia PR I don't think he'd think we were all PR because I don't see why he'd be so confident about it just because there's a big clock. He doesn't feel like he's scared to talk about his opinions either, which I found he did as mafia, and it makes sense since as mafia he's hiding something evil that he's scared we'll get onto but as town he'd probably feel more comfortable without that burden. So I'm giving him a couple townie points for that as well. And his post where he said what he thought the clock did, but in a way that was communicated as if he knew it did that, even though I could tell he didn't mean for it to come off that way (or at least I believe I could tell) makes him seem townie to me as well but I don't know why.

Aqua - moderate-strong town. Has felt townie all game, his reads and pushes feel like they're coming from a genuine place. I agree with vy that his defence of omni felt more like a friend defending another friend who he can't read, rather than defending a scumbuddy. It was missing something for it to feel like that. Also it seems like omni disabled him so unless omni tried to disable someone else and it was prevented somehow then aqua is most likely not mafia. However, his apology to me about being wrong about omni has freaked me out slightly since I expected him to be like 'well you were right sure but your reasons were still stupid so I was still in the right' but he didn't and that makes me wonder if he's trying to manipulate how he comes across. Like when he accused me of purposefully making a mistake on purple so that I could say 'sorry' and look genuine. It was weird to me that he even had that thought so maybe it was something he was planning on doing? But I also think it could be since I kept saying that I thought he was trying not to be wrong and he didn't want me to feel like I could understand him so easily so made sure he admitted his mistake. Or maybe just genuinely wanted to apologize. I dunno. But that's why I don't have him as 'strong town' right now, because that's freaking me out a bit.

Notty - third party. I mean she rated my post agree when I said I thought she was third party so is she basically admitting it? She's been weirdly concerned with flowers and the fact she just so happened to claim a random flower that was in the game 'just for fun', without thinking of the consequences it could have, prompting someone out themselves and get killed, like I'm worried I've done, makes me doubt she's town. I don't think she's mafia because she doesn't feel like she has done as mafia in the past. Her reads seem genuine as well and I think she's truly scumhunting, not just pretending to be. Feels legit.

TehBrian - moderate scum. Also inactive and kinda want him to be replaced tbh. His entrance felt nervous and weird, and very different to how he was as town. And it's how he felt as wolf in werewolf as well so I wonder if it's a tell for him on the forums too. His attack on me for only targetting quiet people was an assumption since he'd not read the rest of the thread and it seems like he was lashing out at me quickly because of panic. I think he'd be more likely to do that as mafia because I think it'd be more likely to induce panic onto him if I'm actually onto something. Also his return of 'I'm back, I see I have votes but it's funny because I know I'm town so like what did I do lol' felt really awkward and a failed attempt at sounding townie. It felt like an unnatural thing to say for him I guess? I'm not sure, just pinged my radar. And his defence of 'I'm good at being mafia and I seem like mafia as town so the fact you're scumreading me means I'm town!' argument felt like a scummy defence as well, although again I'm not sure exactly why. Maybe it's because last game his defence was amazing and made me strongly town read him. Then this game he just says 'well I'm better than this when I'm mafia so I'm town' just feels like he wanted a quick excuse to throw suspicion off of him rather than genuine feeling confident in 'I'm town so I can prove it to them! Here's a big post explaining why you're reading me this way.' like he did last game. Like he hasn't got that confidence of being town anymore, so he's just throwing out a quick excuse and hoping it fits.

Kropp - slight town. On one hand he's incredibly lurky, and that raises red flags for me. Like he's scared to speak because he might slip up. On the other hand, when he does actually speak, he sounds really townie. Not much else to say about him.

Stranger - not mafia because of how different she feels from last game. She feels quite similar to how she did in discord as town but seems less involved and getting down and dirty in the mud? But maybe that's because she isn't being attacked but in discord she was. Meta-reads aside though her reads and scumhunting feels okay? I can see where she's coming from with them. She had a weird focus on tim at the start that I wasn't sure what to make of since I just wasn't seeing why she seemed so fixated on him but that's passed now so I dunno. I could see her as third party, just because I haven't got a huge reason to town read her or anything. But for meta-reasons I don't think she's mafia, and her reads feel a lot more genuine this game than last game, and she feels a lot more relaxed and just being herself this game as well, and a lot less 'trying to please us and go with the flow' as well.

Vyryn - slight-moderate scum. Felt like he was trying to suck up to me earlier. His jump onto omni felt like a bus. His plant produces toxic berries and can harm the environment/people, but then again it's not as 'obviously harmful' as omni's was and you had to scroll down on the wiki page to actually find that it can be harmful. His latest posts felt really townie to me last night and I considered switching to brian. But reading them back I can see them as coming from mafia as well, sitting comfortable knowing that our reasons are BS so it doesn't mean he's failed at the game for being lynched so he's not hurt or panicky, or he told his team to bus him so he's fine being lynched like that. But I dunno, I keep having doubts about him. Part of me wants to switch to brian just because at least vy is useful and contributes.

UNU - moderate town. When he's mafia I think he tries his best to not let people have any ammunition to use against him. This game he's hammered a townie and scumread another townie. I just don't think he'd be that risky if he were scum. Unless he was really confident TWG/hk were third party or a second mafia team or something, but I find that unlikely because TWG wasn't *that* scummy and his case on hk was just that he was more aggressive iirc, so I don't think he was that confident about him.

purple - moderate-strong town. Her perspective seems townie, she feels pure in her posts. I'm going to be really impressed if she is mafia. But I want her to answer my questions just in case.


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hi hello, work has had me busy as heck so I can't read through all these pages.
I will add the following and you may do as you please with this info:

1. Vy does not have the other hand.
2. Omni did not block Aqua.
3. The reason why I suspect Tehbrian does not have a reflection power (tho I might be wrong as I was with Omni not havig the ability, but still Omni wasn't who blocked Aqua) is because the colors seem to be what decides what happens, aka Blue is a reflector.
4. I am alive because of color reasons and hand reasons :)



Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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3. The reason why I suspect Tehbrian does not have a reflection power (tho I might be wrong as I was with Omni not havig the ability, but still Omni wasn't who blocked Aqua) is because the colors seem to be what decides what happens, aka Blue is a reflector.
Could you explain why you're not voting or pushing for brian's lynch then?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Vyryn - slight-moderate scum. Felt like he was trying to suck up to me earlier. His jump onto omni felt like a bus. His plant produces toxic berries and can harm the environment/people, but then again it's not as 'obviously harmful' as omni's was and you had to scroll down on the wiki page to actually find that it can be harmful. His latest posts felt really townie to me last night and I considered switching to brian. But reading them back I can see them as coming from mafia as well, sitting comfortable knowing that our reasons are BS so it doesn't mean he's failed at the game for being lynched so he's not hurt or panicky, or he told his team to bus him so he's fine being lynched like that. But I dunno, I keep having doubts about him. Part of me wants to switch to brian just because at least vy is useful and contributes.
Don't forget the cop-dial literally pointing to him being evil


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Because I'm not 100% sure of Tehbrian not having said ability.
But I am 100% sure of Vyryn not having Notty's twin ability.
That's all
Well I mean for example yesterday. You said you didn't buy that reflections were a thing and brian claimed to be able to do it, but you made no attempt to push on him. Why not?

And what do you mean by 'Notty's twin ability'?


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
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Didn't Vy said he had similar ability?

-A reflective ability is not the same as a hand ability like Molten had.
-If Weak had the ability to switch, I'm guessing Mafia might still have one too.
-and Tehbrain claims he can do the same as Vy, so which one is town aligned? Because I'm guessing each team has one then.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Didn't Vy said he had similar ability?

-A reflective ability is not the same as a hand ability like Molten had.
-If Weak had the ability to switch, I'm guessing Mafia might still have one too.
-and Tehbrain claims he can do the same as Vy, so which one is town aligned? Because I'm guessing each team has one then.
Vy thought he and molten both had the same role, to reflect things based on their angle. That's why he asked molten about whether he thought his role was related to angles. When molten flipped, vy said he wasn't the same role and he wasn't sure why molten confirmed he could see where he was going with angles.