Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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On N1 it was red, so knowing it would change to blue, I thought it would be a cop thing perhaps, I mean blue is an authorative color.
if you thought blue meant cop, why did you think blue meant roleblock? what's your idea of 'cop', because to me cop would mean an alignment-checker

the next day, because people kept talking about reflections, I assumed I was right and kept saying it was I who blocked Aqua
why did the talk of reflections make you think you were right about blocking aqua?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Here goes my thought process:

I believe the hand's purpose goes hand in hand with the colors.
If the colors are going in the order of Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, then I can place the hand and then simply guess what the color will do for said person. On N1 it was red, so knowing it would change to blue, I thought it would be a cop thing perhaps, I mean blue is an authorative color. the next day, because people kept talking about reflections, I assumed I was right and kept saying it was I who blocked Aqua because my action would run before anyone elses, including Omni's. Then when I knew it would change to green, I placed it on myself because I wanted to hope it was green for healing, having survived I assumed I did well. I don't know what yellow does, but I placed it on Notty after feeling that suddenly agreeing with me when going for a Vyryn lynch striked me wrong because Notty was quick to put me down on anything I said, similar to Aqua earlier in the game.
You're saying that you knew the colors would cycle in order?


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
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I did keep talking about color theories, and they all kept getting talked down as "wants to appear busy, talks about shit theories everyone knows" specially by Aqua, which is why I'm still pining him for mafia. Nobody wanted to listen to what I had to say anyways.


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
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I'll repeat, if my action runs first, then my action hit Aqua before Omnis. If my color theory is correct, then blue is a blocking measure. I mentioned that I thought at first, that perhaps blue meant cop. But since the next day everyone spoke about reflections, I changed my mind and realized that perhaps blue just blocks. But I had already placed my hand on Aqua the night before. Anything that would keep him at bay felt right, so on my first try of using my hand, I chose him for going so hard on me. When Omni said he had blocked Aqua, I thought "well that's a lie because my action runs first" plus the other hand was pointing at Omni, and Omni was blocked as well. Therefore, blue= blocked in my color theory. And from that moment on I kept saying that it couldn't have been Omni, because Omni was also blocked, and so was Aqua, but by me.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I'll repeat, if my action runs first, then my action hit Aqua before Omnis. If my color theory is correct, then blue is a blocking measure. I mentioned that I thought at first, that perhaps blue meant cop. But since the next day everyone spoke about reflections, I changed my mind and realized that perhaps blue just blocks. But I had already placed my hand on Aqua the night before. Anything that would keep him at bay felt right, so on my first try of using my hand, I chose him for going so hard on me. When Omni said he had blocked Aqua, I thought "well that's a lie because my action runs first" plus the other hand was pointing at Omni, and Omni was blocked as well. Therefore, blue= blocked in my color theory. And from that moment on I kept saying that it couldn't have been Omni, because Omni was also blocked, and so was Aqua, but by me.
What about "everyone spoke about reflections" made you think "blue just blocks"?


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
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For some reason it strikes me that if there's reflections, there could also be a 'freeze' feauture or that blue could also signify a mirror. In essence, I kept using the hand by hoping the colors would also have something to do something with it. Hence why I turned the hand on myself when it was going to get green. I was kinda scared after soft claiming and decided that green could either be a poison or a protection, I basically just winged it that night, and I was fine the next day.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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When Omni said he had blocked Aqua, I thought "well that's a lie because my action runs first" plus the other hand was pointing at Omni, and Omni was blocked as well. Therefore, blue= blocked in my color theory. And from that moment on I kept saying that it couldn't have been Omni, because Omni was also blocked, and so was Aqua, but by me.
Is it also possible that my theory is true and that whatever happens to the hour hand player also applies to the minute hand player, and since Omni blocked Aqua, and the hands were pointed at the two of them, that Omni's block applied to both of them.

It is also worth noting the the blocks appear to take effect the night after they are applied. Less of "I was blocked last night" and more "I am blocked for tonight's action." At least that's my understanding.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Is it also possible that my theory is true and that whatever happens to the hour hand player also applies to the minute hand player, and since Omni blocked Aqua, and the hands were pointed at the two of them, that Omni's block applied to both of them.

It is also worth noting the the blocks appear to take effect the night after they are applied. Less of "I was blocked last night" and more "I am blocked for tonight's action." At least that's my understanding.
Well, I disabled omni that night, so it seems equally plausible that it was just a simple fact of omni disabling aqua, and me disabling omni, and the hands had nothing to do with it. I also disabled dess last night (minute hand) and you (hour hand) weren't disabled right? So if your theory is right then it would mean it doesn't apply when the colour is 'green'.

That reminds me, fyi purplepixies tim and notty switched places on the dial yesterday. So you didn't target notty like you thought, you targeted tim.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well, I disabled omni that night, so it seems equally plausible that it was just a simple fact of omni disabling aqua, and me disabling omni, and the hands had nothing to do with it. I also disabled dess last night (minute hand) and you (hour hand) weren't disabled right? So if your theory is right then it would mean it doesn't apply when the colour is 'green'.

That reminds me, fyi purplepixies tim and notty switched places on the dial yesterday. So you didn't target notty like you thought, you targeted tim.
oh wait it was purple who had the hour hand that night not you

purple you weren't disabled this morning right?


Mar 19, 2019
Reaction score
What do you mean by that?
And how experienced are you in mafia?
I ment that I haven't used my powers ( my voice and ability to vote) a lot. I thought my card used the word powers but after rechecking it, I saw that it seen as an ability.
I have done a few games on the LNC-servers

Second, I found a clue that kropp might be mafia last night when I was reading back over omni's posts:

As you can see, I asked him a handful of questions in that post, one of which was asking if he was 1-shot. He refused to answer that. Then kropp comes along on the very next page, asks the same question, and omni answers him. I wonder whether this is because he felt more inclined to answer his teammate than me. I could also totally see this as just a) omni not seeing me ask the first time, or b) omni not wanting to share it but then deciding he probably should since that was 2 people asking for it so maybe he should share it after all, or c) he just simply changed his mind. And it feels harmless, but my feelings haven't exactly been on point this game so I'm weary of trusting them.
Also Kroppeb why did you ask whether omni's role was one-shot or not? Since I asked because if he claimed it was one-shot that'd be much more believable to me than otherwise (since a disabler and a 1-shot disabler for town seems more likely than two full disablers)

I wonder whether you guys had planned claims n1 and that was you nudging him to claim, which is why I'm asking you why you asked him that
Mmh, I think that either I didn't see you asking him or because he still hadn't said whether it was 1-shot or not.

—— Voting Recap ——
Deadline: 31 March 2019 UTC 22:00.
Aqua - 1 (TehBrian) [L-5]
Purplepixies - 1 (Aqua) [L-5]
TehBrian - 1 (Nottykitten) [L-5]

With 10 players, it takes 6 votes to lynch and 5 votes to no-lynch.

If no option reaches the required number of votes when a deadline hits, the day will end as a no-lynch.
Nice deadline Alisha


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
I've spent the last couple of hours trying to figure out what could be causing the colours to change. I've got absolutely no idea.

I've just deduced that they're probably something to do with the distribution of alive and/or dead players?

They can change at day end and night end. So either there are actions involved which is linked to both day and night, or it's linked to deaths. Those are the only two things I can think of that both happen during day and night phases.

I don't think it's as simple as an action causing a colour change because the hosts made a mistake with it. So either a complicated action process of some kind, or it's related to deaths. I can't think of the former so I'm running with deaths.

It had a colour at the start, which tells me it's one of two things. One, it doesn't need somebody to die in order for a colour to happen. So the colours probably are linked to the alive/death player distribution, because that's the only thing I can think of that changes upon deaths but can exist at the start as well. Or two, Red is just the 'default' colour and something needed to happen for the non-default colours to enter. Molten dying triggered green. Vy being lynched triggered yellow. Notme dying triggered green. TWG, Hk and Omni dying/being lynched didn't change it from red.

But for both of those scenarios I can't come up with an explanation. What about the role disturbing would have triggered a colour change when molten died? Or what about molten dying would activate a non-default colour?

So then I go back to hm okay maybe it is linked to actions but is just really complicated, but then why did it start on Red, presumably before anyone had sent in an action? Was that just default start? And if it's an action, what action is it?

My conclusion is that I have no idea.