[Concluded] The Party at the Machine

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Apr 12, 2013
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what are everyone's thoughts on poke so far
honestly a full list of reads would be better i guess. speaking of heres what my susps and whatnot
inf: honestly could go either way in my eyes
oog: impossible to read so whatever
notty: slightly sus due to their random vote on boo plus they are claiming im lying which is weird but honestly i can see there being a mafia or a 3p interfering with mine or their role or whatever
stranger: idk i feeling pretty confident about them being town
mischief: scum vibes (im pretty sure im just getting scum vibes from anyone whos voting boo)
jace: no clue maybe leaning slightly towards scum
mars: somewhat kinda trust
ltin: no idea yet
boo: havent really talked enough to get anything from them but the whole boo bandwagon makes me kinda trust them
poke:vibes and boo vote lead me to think they are scum
if theres anyone else im missing they either arent active enough or i just dont have a read on them


Apr 8, 2019
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Sigh voting first is always such a bore, it's scum reads for days. Stranger it's so much easier to do nothing day one and just let a mislynch happen tsk

Hm yeah hip ask if you can visit the machine or not, though until then this seems like fun

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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Pretty early to be having any reads, which probably explains why all of these stances are so weak. Begs the question though, why make this post when it really doesn't offer too much?

What are your thoughts on Mooglie?
Ok Sir Mars, I'll never post another reads list again until you personally tell me it's time to do so. UwU

Anyway, if I had to guess rn I'd say Mooglie's town. They haven't done anything that's jumped out to me as being scummy.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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Ok Sir Mars, I'll never post another reads list again until you personally tell me it's time to do so. UwU

Anyway, if I had to guess rn I'd say Mooglie's town. They haven't done anything that's jumped out to me as being scummy.
So I guess the 'fun police' angle is going to dictate how people see me this game?

And that's interesting. You scumleaned me for not wanting to divulge role info. Moogs also does not want to do this but they are a townlean.

Basically reads to me as 'I don't like [insert player here] and need a reason to suspect them.'


Apr 8, 2019
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well I could see them having a role which has to do with twg's role as 3p, as town or maf not so much
let me rephrase: if maintenance guy is 3p how does that change this: “[if] this maintenance guy got lynched or killed early on, twg would have been able to win so easily”
that can happen regardless of alignment

still i think the boo vote is silly anyway like surely its better to like resort to voting them as a last resort if they still havent talked by the end of the day and focus on voting more active people for reads etc etc
it's not like anyone knew they werent going to be active. they usually are so i expected them to respond in a timely fashion.

This is looking like some nice buddying coming out of Poke.
no it's uh not. i was saying sussing me for the d0 interactions was p silly since it was because of out of game stuff, but if you wanted to sus me for wolfwagonning that's much more reasonable (which is what mis said, yes). but it's about me? and i agreed with it because it was a good point to mention to you

Make up yer minddd
tbh everything in this opening post from boo rubs me the wrong way and i still like the wagon on them.
this one i just thought was the worst cause either boo didnt read any of the context, didn't think about it any before trying to weaponize it, or ignored it intentionally, since mis only unvoted because they were worried boo was too close to lynch.
most of the other points seem flat or like “easy” things to criticize and look like you’re trying but not like she actually is

More was asking for a list of jobs and I think it's fun! Though nothing is as intriguing as the magnificent machine! The design is so intricate and it's structure is very creative!
guys i think his vice is he has to compliment the machine to spread his opinion as a machine worshipper

but still do an action/ or the machine

iirc Timeline of Dichotomous flowers had a few VTs
Duvocation basically did too

Well, since not much else is going on, imma post my reads so far:
HK: Slight town read, his thoughts on the maintenance guy make sense
hip: Slight town read. From what I can tell hip is a lot more relaxed this game, possibly b/c he doesn't have to worry about getting caught in a lie?
Inffy: His lack of reads/insight on people other than myself doesn't sit well with me, and not because he thinks I'm scum. In any game I'd expect Inffy to be diving into details to get an idea of people's alignments, but I feel like he's not doing that here for some reason.
Booo: Reading her as a memey town right now.
Mischief: My instincts tell me she's scum trying to lead town into a mislynch. I know she's claimed that she's just trying to start discussion but I really don't see it that way.
Mars: I'm getting a slight scum vibe from him, partially b/c he's kinda gotten on my nerves thus far. That said, his hesitance towards revealing any role details whatsoever makes me think he hasn't had time to come up with a good fakeclaim yet.
Pokes: I can follow most of his logic about the setup (re: Maitenance guy) so far, but I'm still confused as to why he's voting booo.
Jace: I'm inclined to think he's a very confused townie, but there's no reason I can think of that he couldn't be a 3p either.
honestly dont agree with most of these reads but they feel much more like normal stranger reads (which i dont usually like) than last game did. inffy and jace i think are fair but i dont think the rest are too hot. hip's too but it's based off a game i didn't play.
boo at least doesnt feel town to me, calling mars scum because he might not have a claim seems silly since he’s been acting like he's a very experienced player, the read on mis is too simple and i don’t think good reason to scumread, and idk about making reads based on maintenance guy.
but like said these feel more like town!stranger reads to me, and are at least understandable

Then why do i have a report that says you visited the machine last night

Vote Hip
i hope this is real so I’m right about boo

So I guess the 'fun police' angle is going to dictate how people see me this game?
sorta lol. i don’t understand why you criticized stranger for giving a read list, basically just felt police-y for no reason
they’re decently weak sure but it’s a decent enough amount of content to justify posting and i think is helpful

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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So I guess the 'fun police' angle is going to dictate how people see me this game?

And that's interesting. You scumleaned me for not wanting to divulge role info. Moogs also does not want to do this but they are a townlean.

Basically reads to me as 'I don't like [insert player here] and need a reason to suspect them.'
I mean I said as much in my reads post that part of the reason I'm scum reading you is bc I didn't get a good impression of you. I understand that it in and of itself isn't a reason to say you're scum though.

Maybe we should sit in a circle and sing Kumbayah together while I rethink my read on you?


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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There's nothing inherently wrong with a reads post, they can he helpful. But one that doesn't take any strong stances or aims pressure anywhere feels waffle-y and safe to me; easy to make accusations from it and just as easy to back up on.

My point is that a reads post is usually more helpful if it's got more than null reads or basic leans that don't have much meat on them. Priority this early is pressing votes and looking at interactions imo


Sep 21, 2019
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Pretty early to be having any reads, which probably explains why all of these stances are so weak. Begs the question though, why make this post when it really doesn't offer too much?

What are your thoughts on Mooglie?
Interesting that we speak of poor read list and then ask for more reads. I feel any read this early on is a joke. Best to see what comes of today and then we can start reading for real. As stranger mentioned in a later post he knows they are weak at least but it's a non-zero about of info at least on where he stands. Makes it easy to find judgment later.

Same as the other read post.

Also I like your thinking on my power. Wish I had a power as cool as that xD but alas I just can't quite express the creativity of this whole place let alone the machine itself.


Apr 12, 2013
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My point is that a reads post is usually more helpful if it's got more than null reads or basic leans that don't have much meat on them. Priority this early is pressing votes and looking at interactions imo
i mean imo read lists are a nice thing to look back on after we have found out more info (for example a dead mafia) plus theres no harm in doing them anyway. but the lists also let people question why other people find people sus etc etc basically whats the harm


Apr 12, 2013
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I mean you say one thing my report says another
well im trying to think of any reason why you would be lying about this because if it was the case you would be prob lynched the next day (although knowing you, you would somehow worm ur way out of that happening but its still a big risk so) which means there must be some role which is interfering with your report
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