[Concluded] The Party at the Machine

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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I don't, but more often than not Mafia/third party will visit the machine.
do you mean mafia/third party will visit the machine more often than town, in which case how do you know that

or do you mean mafia/third party will be visiting the machine more than they wont be, in which case why does that make you disbelieve mis's claim exactly

I don't, but more often than not Mafia/third party will visit the machine.

Have fun lynching Stranger but when 3 days from now Mis no-lynches with the Mafia know this is where you went wrong
good thing we'll have lynched most of the mafia by then so they won't be able to do that!!

although this is a good point considering mis has basically said town have betrayed her so she's gonna betray us so i can totally see her choosing to help mafia if mafia keep preventing her from achieving her win con before they need her to tie votes with them

but i mean stranger is like 95% confirmed mafia for me now that shes just said that + i kinda do believe mis about what their role is at least so id rather lynch stranger today since she might be more dangerous to leave alive for longer and maybe i'd lynch mis tomorrow if she hasn't done her alarm on me

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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and yet you only just considered this when conveniently its an alternative lynch for you ?

so you've known this whole time he should have received a pizza but just not said anything

i wonder what this could MEAN
Mis is still a viable lynch option, so you're wrong there.

And no I didn't. My first thought was maybe I got roleblocked or redirected.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Mis is still a viable lynch option, so you're wrong there.
im not saying she isnt, im saying now that i said 'if you lynch ltin ill maybe join you' all of a sudden you consider hes lying when you never did before, which is almost completely unbelievable to me and i think its just since you saw a couple people unvote mis and started to panic and so figured you should open ltin as an option too in case you need that

And no I didn't. My first thought was maybe I got roleblocked or redirected.
and yet you said nothing about the fact ltin should've gotten the pizza so that we could all discuss it, i dont buy that for one second

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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good thing we'll have lynched most of the mafia by then so they won't be able to do that!!

although this is a good point considering mis has basically said town have betrayed her so she's gonna betray us so i can totally see her choosing to help mafia if mafia keep preventing her from achieving her win con before they need her to tie votes with them

but i mean stranger is like 95% confirmed mafia for me now that shes just said that + i kinda do believe mis about what their role is at least so id rather lynch stranger today since she might be more dangerous to leave alive for longer and maybe i'd lynch mis tomorrow if she hasn't done her alarm on me
Bold claim from somebody who regularly has garbage reads.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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And yet you're willing to give mis a chance to confirm her ability and not me.
since i actually believe mis is probably what she says she is now, i believe you're mafia

like theres 0 way you only just considered the possibility of ltin lying or just didnt think to mention the fact he shouldve received a pizza


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I'm saying it's bold of you to assume you'll have lynched most of mafia three days from now.
yeah i know but it felt quite bitey as if you were angry + usually maf are more likely to get angry when theyve only got a couple voters since theyre actually being gotten onto so its more of a 'failure' of the game rather than a town who can blame it on town's bad reads of them


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I hope you're sure that I think the same way that you do.
i mean i dont think its a very specific-to-me thought process to consider the fact that maybe the person is lying when they deny your claim, or think to mention that they shouldve received a pizza but havent so that others can think about it

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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yeah i know but it felt quite bitey as if you were angry
I mean I am mildly annoyed that most of your argument against me is based off your feelings which I have no way of rebutting logically.

Regardless, I dont think you realize that your tunnelling can stress out anyone who is invested in the game, regardless of alignment.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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do you mean mafia/third party will visit the machine more often than town, in which case how do you know that

or do you mean mafia/third party will be visiting the machine more than they wont be, in which case why does that make you disbelieve mis's claim exactly
I mean that most likely anti-town will visit it more than town which is what I believe to be the case this setup.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I mean I am mildly annoyed that most of your argument against me is based off your feelings which I have no way of rebutting logically.

Regardless, I dont think you realize that your tunnelling can stress out anyone who is invested in the game, regardless of alignment.
well im sorry about that but i cant deny how i feel!

I mean that most likely anti-town will visit it more than town which is what I believe to be the case this setup.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Ok but at least acknowledge that it takes weight away from your argument much like I acknowledged that my feelings about hip took some weight away from my town read on him.
i mean idk in my experience im more likely to be right when its just feelings involved rather than trying to work with facts/logic since things get too WIFOMy when you just rely on those

but i already said that my read on you may just be confirmation bias and tunneling and that if thats the case im only left with my initial suspicion on you which is kinda small (since that cant be accounted for by tunneling or confirmation bias since id have no previous feelings of you to be biased for, that initial feeling must have been free from confirmation bias), but you were still my largest suspect along with ltin so from my point of view its the most reasonable thing to do to still push on you, im sorry that its annoying though

(and with this latest thing youve said i really dont think thats confirmation bias/tunneling/just 'feelings' and that alone would be enough for me to want to lynch you probably so really thats now the main argument i have on you which isnt about feelings)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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looks like you countered hip and mis reads but not notty and moog, and i did end up retracting my point about your hip read so that wasnt pure tunnel, and i ended up deciding you were just using a different definition for 'rationale' than me for your mis read and never pushed on them further, so your counters there were convincing to me so im not just ignoring you


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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looks like you countered hip and mis reads but not notty and moog, and i did end up retracting my point about your hip read so that wasnt pure tunnel, and i ended up deciding you were just using a different definition for 'rationale' than me for your mis read and never pushed on them further, so your counters there were convincing to me so im not just ignoring you
oh wait no you did explain what you meant and i did realize why you said rationale in the end and just thought 'fair enough'

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
I did counter those.
We had a longer discussion, Though ultimately it did devolve into WIFOM, fair enough.

I suppose that's what I get for trying to provide my insight into the game.

I still believe that Mis or Notty is the best choice to lynch today and I won't be voting for anyone else.

If you're willing to risk getting killed or worse to confirm mis's role, putting us down another townie, you do that. I think it would be far safer to lynch Mis or to lynch Notty so we can see if she had an ulterior motive for lying about hip visiting the machine.
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