[Concluded] The Party at the Machine

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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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no it sounded to me it was one of a few possibilities they thought of (though they did say other ones were first but also lying about getting an item would be stupid so it shouldnt be the first one anyways)
she said she didn't consider that until the moment I brought up lynching ltin instead

i mean that's wrong .. because ltin wouldn't lie about something like that since it would put them in a 1v1 so if ltin says they didn't get pizza they probably didn't get pizza
doesn't necessarily mean she had this thought process, she could've still worried others wouldn't see it 'why would one of them lie, they must both be telling the truth' and think she was gonna be in danger, and thats the only possible drawback i can think of to revealing that info that might have made her not share it, which is a scummy reason


Apr 8, 2019
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wait the forum ate my post when it died
Hip: Probably town
can you elaborate

Boo: Kinda unsure. Nothing that they've said has particularly stood out one way or another. I'll go town
how much of their posts/my comments on said posts have you actually read cause i think you should read more

Marskid: No offense but seems to be taking the game pretty seriously and trying to find holes in arguments etc.
damnit the forums just like inffy more and wanted him to make the joke first didnt they


AoD Dev and Admin!
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Jun 4, 2014
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can you elaborate
Just kinda a general impression right now, again like as the game goes on there'll be more info which makes it much easier to judge stuff

how much of their posts/my comments on said posts have you actually read cause i think you should read more
Is there anything in particular you want me to see?


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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do you genuinely believe stranger only considered ltin lying once i'd brought up switching to ltin instead of stranger, and if so how/why
When did this happen? Havent read this afaik, but from strangers point of view if they were convinced they had given ltin something and ltin claimed he didnt have it how did they see that? Ill have to go back and see where this happend i guess to give you an actual answer.


Apr 8, 2019
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she said she didn't consider that until the moment I brought up lynching ltin instead
tbf who didn't forget about ltin but uh yeah idk got nothing to say to that then

wait is that your proof cause i don't think that says that. i mean it could but im not sure it does. maybe im giving stranger too much slack cause i know i cant understand their thought processes very well but eh
My presence has been less than lovely this game so maybe it for the better
3p brings out the worst in you, eh?

Is there anything in particular you want me to see?
oh man is this what not getting ignored feels like? wonderful
Yes I did, my opinion on their reads is that it seems like they're echoing what everyone else already agrees on. Also they post reads but other than that they give virtually no input, it's very weird imo
lmfao. boo's still tomorrow's lynch. (or vig?) neither of those statements make the slightest hint of sense and are completely made up
How is it made up? And I think it makes perfect sense as well, I think strangers reads mostly echo what everyone else thinks and that they aren't genuine

I only recall saying a 'thought' mis was 3p and I'm still pretty sure they are but they could still be mafia, I'm not 100% sure (although I somehow doubt it)

Also I never said you two were a team, I said that that situation seem weird to me, idk why you're so paranoid

And finally it's probably a good idea to stop twisting the context of my posts, k thanks
then you didnt read them or havent paid attention to the game.

well i mean i quoted the part where you said you were sure so you're literally arguing against yourself

well i mean i quoted the part where you said you "thought" we might be a team so you're literally arguing against yourself
i mean you should probably go to the posts themselves (and there's some more before that you can probably trace back by following our ping-pong quotes) and boo has said a bunch of stuff prior i didn't think was sensible but here specifically boo said two untrue things about stranger (like, factually untrue if you actually look at stranger's reads or posts) (stranger was getting pushed at this point). i noted that, but they didnt check back probably cause they are unwilling to backtrack as scum, and just repeated what they said before. and then i criticized something else (in the first post of mine i quoted) and they completely ignored their own quotes and said they didn't say either thing i had just quoted and then said i was twisting the context (or maybe those are two alternative defenses but both of them are wrong and providing two possible explanation means that you don't know your own posts and dont care which means youre scum)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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tbf who didn't forget about ltin but uh yeah idk got nothing to say to that then

wait is that your proof cause i don't think that says that. i mean it could but im not sure it does. maybe im giving stranger too much slack cause i know i cant understand their thought processes very well but eh
I mean what else could it mean

and there's also these bits after where she had plenty of opportunity to correct me and didn't

and yet you only just considered this when conveniently its an alternative lynch for you ?

so you've known this whole time he should have received a pizza but just not said anything

i wonder what this could MEAN
Mis is still a viable lynch option, so you're wrong there.

And no I didn't. My first thought was maybe I got roleblocked or redirected.
since i actually believe mis is probably what she says she is now, i believe you're mafia

like theres 0 way you only just considered the possibility of ltin lying or just didnt think to mention the fact he shouldve received a pizza
I hope you're sure that I think the same way that you do.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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Ah okay, i started skimming through whereabout stranger first confirmed he gave ltin a pizza and when ltin said they didnt receive a pizza they said this

Or am I? ?
Reading back it sorta felt like stranger wasnt taking it too serious as if they thought ltin was memeing or something.

Honestly i dont have a clue what was going on there. Later when they started getting votes and you where you linked does feel off. Almost seems as if just then it clicked for both (stranger and ltin) that it wasnt a joke. For ltin though i can understand why he felt it was a joke, because initially stranger feels memey, but why did stranger not question it more? Its a pity cus stranger said they werent going to be around, but now im really wondering why they didnt question it sooner (like more actively/vocaly) and played it off so casually/memey originialy. Could be they where still sorta just having fun and then realized they messed up when votes were coming in.

To answer your question inf, why would ltin feel the need to lie, honestly i could see stranger thinking that wasnt a relevant option. Then again, if that hadnt crossed their mind at all, perhaps that could indicate they knew ltin didnt receive a pizza. But (ohno wifom) why would they make it all up about the pizza in that scenario.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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i mean you should probably go to the posts themselves (and there's some more before that you can probably trace back by following our ping-pong quotes) and boo has said a bunch of stuff prior i didn't think was sensible but here specifically boo said two untrue things about stranger (like, factually untrue if you actually look at stranger's reads or posts) (stranger was getting pushed at this point). i noted that, but they didnt check back probably cause they are unwilling to backtrack as scum, and just repeated what they said before. and then i criticized something else (in the first post of mine i quoted) and they completely ignored their own quotes and said they didn't say either thing i had just quoted and then said i was twisting the context (or maybe those are two alternative defenses but both of them are wrong and providing two possible explanation means that you don't know your own posts and dont care which means youre scum)
bearing in mind if boooo is scum her #1 objective is to not be lynched and #2 to is to be as townread as possible, what do you think she was hoping to accomplish by doing this then

since to me that reads moreso as genuine mistake regardless of alignment rather than scum trying to pretend facts are different and thinking they can get away with it since why would anyone think that, she'd know if she was saying something untrue you could just point it out and make her look worse so why do it (though WIFOM)

like with stranger's case i can see why she might actually think she can get away with pretending she'd only just considered ltin lying but i cant see how boooo would think she can get away with making things up when they can be clearly be quoted

i still think you vs boooo is probably town vs town and you're both tunneling each other (ironic of me to say this i know), or i guess if one if you IS scum, you'd be the scum latching onto this with boooo (purely cuz of hips read on you)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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To answer your question inf, why would ltin feel the need to lie, honestly i could see stranger thinking that wasnt a relevant option. Then again, if that hadnt crossed their mind at all, perhaps that could indicate they knew ltin didnt receive a pizza. But (ohno wifom) why would they make it all up about the pizza in that scenario.
yeah stranger thinking it wasn't a relevant option requires her to have actually considered that option at all, which she didn't (since she strongly implies she didn't and never corrected me on it)

rather than it genuinely not crossing her mind though i think it did and she just thought 'if i do this it'll become me vs ltin and ill be put in danger' so chose to not share the info and pretend she just hadnt considered it yet, and then when a couple people unvoted mis and i brought up making ltin a possible wagon (which wouldve been the wagon to save stranger is mis's wagon completely fell + she had reason to think it might fall since a couple of us just unvoted from it) she decided she needed an excuse to vote him or else her life would be in danger so she brought it up


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Reading back it sorta felt like stranger wasnt taking it too serious as if they thought ltin was memeing or something.

Honestly i dont have a clue what was going on there. Later when they started getting votes and you where you linked does feel off. Almost seems as if just then it clicked for both (stranger and ltin) that it wasnt a joke.
(and I don't think stranger would've interpreted ltin's denial as a joke since why would ltin joke about that)


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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Votecount #8
About 8 hours until the deadline.
Boooo - 1 (Jacethegray) [L-7]
Stranger from Planet 9 - 5 (MarsKid, Mischief, Mooglie, Infected Alien8_, Nottykitten) [L-3]
Mischief - 3 (Stranger from Planet 9, PokeSvorlds, Boooo) [L-5]
PokeSvorlds - 1 (hipmeow) [L-7]

With 15 Players alive it will take 8 votes to lynch and 8 to no-lynch.

A deadline has been set. 4 PM UTC Sunday, 10/6.
If no majority has been reached by the deadline, the player will the most votes will be lynched, with ties being decided randomly.
Ive voted mis after this.


Apr 8, 2019
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bearing in mind if boooo is scum her #1 objective is to not be lynched and #2 to is to be as townread as possible, what do you think she was hoping to accomplish by doing this then

since to me that reads moreso as genuine mistake regardless of alignment rather than scum trying to pretend facts are different and thinking they can get away with it since why would anyone think that, she'd know if she was saying something untrue you could just point it out and make her look worse so why do it (though WIFOM)

like with stranger's case i can see why she might actually think she can get away with pretending she'd only just considered ltin lying but i cant see how boooo would think she can get away with making things up when they can be clearly be quoted

i still think you vs boooo is probably town vs town and you're both tunneling each other (ironic of me to say this i know), or i guess if one if you IS scum, you'd be the scum latching onto this with boooo (purely cuz of hips read on you)
and you know those are her priorities as scum how? cause you forgot trying to get town lynched or killed which is obviously something she values since she planted a bomb on you in broad daylight last game

and the other reason is:
"Point 1 is basic mafia strategy, someone suses you so you claim they're sus so their reads about you are discredited." (quote from boo last game)
which is the only reason for her saying i was taking things out of context (cause, and please check this for yourself, i didn't) and exactly what the one other scum i argued strongly with did. not actually disproving my comments (cause they can't) but instead trying to discredit them. (and yes she tried to disprove them too but that kept failing)

while we're here let's note them egging hip into voting me, and away from voting the person she's voting and says she wants lynched and think is lying about her role (but implies that they know they are in fact harmless)
That's dumb, vote for who you think is mafia, not the person that can't really harm you
anyways we can argue more about this tomorrow if boo hasn't killed me but i have to sleep soon and boo's not getting lynched today. you can send a response but i dont have time for more
i'll try and set an alarm for before our day ends though


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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and you know those are her priorities as scum how? cause you forgot trying to get town lynched or killed which is obviously something she values since she planted a bomb on you in broad daylight last game
even if her priority is lynching town alongside surviving i find it unlikely she'd be willing to make herself seem suspicious by lying about what can be quoted to her, since why would she, it's not like it'd even get you lynched since you could just quote proof against what she's saying so it'd be pointless and i think she'd realize that, the only reason i can see someone rationally doing that would be to either distance from a teammate (but this whole thing doesnt feel like bussing) or a genuine mistake

also she planted a bomb on me thinking she'd get away with it + thought it'd actually be a way to kill me, and neither of those apply to this scenario

and you know those are her priorities as scum how? cause you forgot trying to get town lynched or killed which is obviously something she values since she planted a bomb on you in broad daylight last game

and the other reason is:
"Point 1 is basic mafia strategy, someone suses you so you claim they're sus so their reads about you are discredited." (quote from boo last game)
which is the only reason for her saying i was taking things out of context (cause, and please check this for yourself, i didn't) and exactly what the one other scum i argued strongly with did. not actually disproving my comments (cause they can't) but instead trying to discredit them. (and yes she tried to disprove them too but that kept failing)
sussing someone to discredit their reads isn't the same as stating x happened when they clearly didn't and can be quoted, and i don't think she'd think that would work

while we're here let's note them egging hip into voting me, and away from voting the person she's voting and says she wants lynched and think is lying about her role (but implies that they know they are in fact harmless)
I mean I can see her saying that as town just trying to enforce the basic principles of mafia so that town play properly, but yeah the fact she seems to believe mis automatically is a bit weird but I could see her just believing mis's claim or speaking from hip's pov thinking hip thought mis's claim was legit (since he said he thought she was 3p)
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