[Concluded] The Party at the Machine

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Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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like that felt like the most passive random poke towards me ever
I don't remember you saying phrases which amount to "I don't find this believable" so much before. Idk what it means but it seemed notable to me.

@Ltin why are you giving 0 read on stranger
It has been a long day for me, and will continue to be one for a few hours more now. I don't have much time or energy atm.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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like that felt like the most passive random poke towards me ever
I don't remember you saying phrases which amount to "I don't find this believable" so much before. Idk what it means but it seemed notable to me.

@Ltin why are you giving 0 read on stranger
It has been a long day for me, and will continue to be one for a few hours more now. I don't have much time or energy atm.

And this stranger thing is confusing me and I need to be able to actually think to reason through it
Also if she could address this pizza nonsense that would help


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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As I said, I can prove my role in day which can also give information to town. If it's false you can Lynch me then.

However, it's in townies best interest to lynch unknown because the s

Case a) lynch me, okay I die. You don't get anything else if I'm third party. And if I'm mafia that's cool I guess. You can't really use the votes because people are claiming to lynch because mis was being rude, to waste a lynch etc

Case b) lynch someone else, you clear their role. So if townie okay that sucks but you can look at who voted and make conclusions there. I can use my ability to move myself so you can confirm that someone can visit the machine. Or if I'm lying you can lynch me right away.

Conclusion is, you risk ending up with nothing of value if I'm third party and lynched today over always getting at least something of value even in worst case scenario that I am mafia by leaving me alive for tomorrow
1) The flip here wouldn't be useless, especially in the context of Poke deciding to turn on you; if Mis lynch is a bussing opportunity, there's info in the wagonomics. Same goes if you're third party since it's a safe lynch for mafia, which means shipping you off was opportunism at its finest. Not a good look for Moogs or Notty.
2) Your lynch would give the same info and it presumably doesn't risk a town. Mislynches happen, but they shouldn't be accepted as inevitable for town; a lynch is to find mafia, and a mislynch can happen due to this, but it is not the active purpose.

I did lie a lot early game but like... Did you expect a third party to have serious reads?

Like I'm taking this grudge to the grave tbh, you guys are basically killing the cs night one.
Also you guys are literally gonna see my role, it's gonna be word for word what I said, and I'm gonna be here like "This is what I get for telling the the truth, should have kept lying."

Y'all are teaching bad morals, and I'm called the one with the negative aura

Cue dramatics: I am just a child of my upbringing, I've been taught to trust no one. I gave them everything and they still doubted me. woe is me
I don't know if you've played third party before, but the entire general point is to be unknown to town and mafia. 3P wincons can trump town/maf so there's no reason for either to keep a 3P alive once they're outed. The 'woe-is-me poor third party' shtick doesn't win over many fans and makes you look desperate to hold onto a wincon.

Honestly, there's a bit of pettiness here, because your attitude really is poor and it reflects in your posting/behavior.

i feel like the biggest problem i have with this claim is just the role name "alarmist". like surely a better name for a role like that would be like guard or something idk.
Surely this isn't an actual part of your read. Tinfoil hat still goes haywire at how quickly Notty's fakeclaim thing difused and you both walked away as though nothing happened. This is all par for the course for Notty, I get it, doesn't stop it from being entirely sketchy. Realistically, this lynch never happens D1.

Mischief's posts the past few pages all seem to fall in one of three categories
1. Someone frantically panicking because they are about to be lynched
2. A scum frantically panicking because they are about to be lynched
3. Someone who has given up on the game and accepts they will be lynched

I'm not really sure what all that says though
#2 is ovbs scummy but #1 is neutral and #3 probably leans a bit more to the town side of things imo
There is absolutely no meat on here. This can't be the only takeaway to get from Mis's posting.

Is it me or does mis seem like this maintenance guy. Not completely sure, but feels like it could be a thing.

Actually, im not sold on lynching mis. Fair, if they are actually going to try to not help town wed better lynch her rn, but i feel like their role couls be useful, IF they are telling the truth.

I dont think mis lied to swing the vote, so i feel mis is telling the truth. Correct me if im wrong, but afaik 3p's are likely able to visit the machine (from 3p's weve seen so far), mafia need to visit machine to kill, and some, but not all, townies can visit machine (i dont know if these roles need to, but remember some people saying they could). Mis' role, if used right could potentially lead to maf then. Say mis reveals someone visiting the machine, and they cant explain why, thatd be quite susp.

All in all, id rather give mis a chance to help. That being said, i dont know who to lynch otherwise, since the other player with a bunch of votes, stranger, i still dont know why they are being voted.
There has been reasoning on Stranger from multiple players so that reads as dismissing suspicion on a teammate. Bad look.

FMPOV machine visits set up a minefield of WIFOMs since town prs can potentially visit, so no report on a machine visit is automatically damning.

Wait so was I legit supposed to get a pizza
Meat content deficient. Starting to follow Inf's lead here.

oh yeah where's Mulbery also i completely forgot they were even in the game and that i scumread them earlier (tbh wouldnt mind lynching them either)
Mulb doesn't get resolved today; there's nothing good to come out of a Mulb/Comp flip because they have absolutely no posting worth speaking of. Comp has focused only on potential role configs and AFAIK neither him or Mulb have really analyzed players to any notable depth. Reasons to pressure here for sure, but both are lynches of convenience.

Inf you keep talking about things being "unbelievable" a lot more than you usually do ?
Where is the meat, this is low-effort be it town or scum.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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Couple of thoughts
1) Not sold on giving up a Stranger lynch, but willing to switch to Mis if that's the consensus. No reason why a confirmed 3P gets off the hook on a potentially fake claim.
2) Stranger roleblocking Ltin works if it's assumed another nk should have happened besides Weakguy. This is relegated to setup speculation again, but in a game where the sign-up process seemed to hint at craziness, having a 3P killer element/town vig/etc. doesn't come to me as farfetched.
3) Mis's posts are actually terrible, but the hard tunnel by Notty is noted. Worked well to divert attention off the Stranger wagon.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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Exactly, Mis is an easy lynch, which means odds are in favor of at least one scum gravitating towards that wagon for an easy pass; Mis flips scum/3P, there's no blowback. It becomes a game of who jumped on, how they jumped on, who started the wagon, and that doesn't lead anywhere.


Apr 8, 2019
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Sir Mars bar

The dramatics got two switches so bleh.

Third party can be played in may ways. For serial killer, you want to be hidden but for a more harmless third party you may want to be out in the open so mafia doesn't waste a kill on you and town doesn't waste a Lynch on you (Haha haha). Economy mafia game arch and kroppeb's third party roles would be good examples of that.

I have been playing pretty badly though yee, though some of the stuff your critiquing me for is jokes etc. Tbh my claim currently is pretty much a word for word of my original role which absolutely sucks. I haven't been this honest in a mafia game for a long time.


Apr 8, 2019
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Notty keep saying I have no intention to help town makes me think that they completely missed over all my posts promising to help town while believing that when I said "I will hold a grudge" as if I'm currently holding a grudge and even though it was dramatics.

Like I would only hold a grudge if I die for other games. As in I would not trust my role with town as third party anymore as a learning experience. Which frankly is what I should have done to begin with. You say intentions with such confidence without actually understanding that
> if I don't get lynched I should be gone in 2 nights after my win condition is done, I won't be around for any important votes to sway majority
> my best interest is to help town currently and complete my win condition

Question when is vote over?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Notty keep saying I have no intention to help town makes me think that they completely missed over all my posts promising to help town while believing that when I said "I will hold a grudge" as if I'm currently holding a grudge and even though it was dramatics.
Your promise means nothing now that it's to save your own skin. You should of been helping town from the start.
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