They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I also haven't been told anything about what my items do. I have two items, they don't seem related to each other, and I don't see any obvious link to my role either.

I am here! Ready to do some totally safe mafia! Gonna vote for no kill this round.
Pleased to meet you, and may I ask why you're gonna vote for that?


Mar 30, 2020
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Pleased to meet you, and may I ask why you're gonna vote for that?
Simple. The first round is used to survey the environment and give first impressions of people. Your chances of choosing the mafia first-night is slim, so you will find yourself killing a valuable part of the probability for victory in the game. Rather, it is better to not vote and pay attention to the way people talk/who is killed the first night to inform us who is suspicious. Plus, I have no idea how items work in this game, so I'm hoping I can figure out its use before we're all dead :p.

Just because it was asked that I bold my decision, I'll choose Vote No-Lynch.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Simple. The first round is used to survey the environment and give first impressions of people. Your chances of choosing the mafia first-night is slim, so you will find yourself killing a valuable part of the probability for victory in the game. Rather, it is better to not vote and pay attention to the way people talk/who is killed the first night to inform us who is suspicious. Plus, I have no idea how items work in this game, so I'm hoping I can figure out its use before we're all dead :p.

Just because it was asked that I bold my decision, I'll choose Vote No-Lynch.

For what it's worth though, in my experience, lynching is where town gets most of the useful reads from here (aside from like, cop reports), and with every successful lynch (even if it's a mislynch), town's reads get better and the likelihood of lynching mafia gets better too, though not usually by a miraculous amount.

If we no-lynch, unless a doctor or roleblocker saves a townie's life, we get 1 lynch that is able to be a mislynch before we have to lynch a mafia else we lose.

If we lynch today, even if it's a mislynch, we get two lynches that are able to be a mislynch before we have to lynch a mafia else we lose.

So I'd rather go with the option that definitely gives us the most opportunities to lynch before we're nearly dead, so that our reads have as much opportunity as possible to develop before we're in that 'if we're wrong we're dead' position, and to give us as much room for mistakes as possible.

Obviously the risk of lynching today is that we could out a PR, but I'd personally rather go with the choice that will likely give town an extra chance to lynch relative to if they didn't choose that option (as it's fairly likely that a doc/blocker wouldn't be able to save someone, and therefore no-lynching would only give us 1 mislynch before we can't mislynch again, whereas lynching would give us 2) than make it slightly more likely that the cop or some other important PR lives longer, because it's the safer option in my opinion. An extra lynch is essentially a guaranteed advantage to my mind, whereas sacrificing that extra lynch by making sure we don't out a PR Day 1 could either help us significantly, help us a little bit, not help at all, or even hinder us relative to if we had outed the PR (e.g. if a cop outs Day 1 and the doctor role [if there is one] stays alive to be able to protect the cop, who otherwise would've been targeted night 1 for saying x thing in the thread). So that option seems more high-risk high-reward, whereas lynching today is more of a low-risk-moderate-to-high-reward.

So yeah rant over but that's why I'm gonna be wanting to lynch today

Anyways, so far Erik is the only person who has suggested that he knows what his items do. Does anyone else know?


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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If we lynch today, even if it's a mislynch, we get two lynches that are able to be a mislynch before we have to lynch a mafia else we lose.
You couldn't say lynch more times in one sentence if you tried lmao

Anyways, so far Erik is the only person who has suggested that he knows what his items do. Does anyone else know?
Not that it helps but I was also given an item but I wasn't told what it does either. Im assuming there aren't any duplicate items maybe?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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In an effort not necessarily to change your mind, but to offer you the option to reconsider, I shall present to you: Numbers.

We've got 11 players. A standard distribution for mafia is generally somewhere between 20-30% of players. So we're most likely looking at 3 mafia since 2 would be under 20%.

Assume we no-lynch today. Mafia make a kill tonight.
Tomorrow we're in the same position with 1 less townie. So 3:7 mafia:town.
We then have 1 mislynch before mylo.

Assume we lynch today. We'll also assume it's a mislynch. Mafia also kills.
So we're at 3:6 mafia:town tomorrow.
And we then have one mislynch before lylo.
However, 27% of the time, we hit a mafia and advance our win condition.

And now that I've worked through these numbers I'm thinking...These numbers seem kind of stacked against us? So maybe there are only two? But then the odds seem really stacked in our favor?

Maybe there are only two mafia but they know what all of our items are and can pick who they want to target?
But that presents a balancing issue with randomly distributed items if a critical item for mafia falls on a critical role for town....
It's real hard to play a numbers game in a closed setup but I'm doing my best.

To circle back to lynch vs no-lynch, we as a town can afford at least 2 mislynches before being in potential lylo, and I feel it's better to use them both as lynches than to split one of them into two no-lynches.


Sep 13, 2015
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Not that it helps but I was also given an item but I wasn't told what it does either. Im assuming there aren't any duplicate items maybe?

My standpoint on the lynch vs no-lynch is that it depends on how the day goes. Normally in open/semi-open setups I'm in favour of a lynch Day 0 since it gives us a chance to either lynch a mafia or reduce the pool of which mafias will claim in (normally VT). However, in closed setups mafias can claim whatever, so I wouldn't want to lynch someone unless we find they're at least acting decently suspicious.


Dec 26, 2013
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Thank you 3 other people for mentioning that your items do nothing!

I also have 2 items that don't do anything. This means we have 7+ items that have no use. Im getting this number from Inf(2)+myself(2)+Tim(some unspecified plural so 2+)+Bessy(1).

I was asking about item abilities not necessarly for abnormalities, but to notice if there was a trend. 7+ items doing nothing seems like there might be a mafia or 3rd party role that cares about hoarding items OR items may interact with each other and enable actions? Im really just spitballing possibilities at this point

As for lynching/no lynching, I generally prefer no lynch on day 0 but I've never been against a lynch especially if we feel like theres someone being suspicious.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I was asking about item abilities not necessarly for abnormalities, but to notice if there was a trend. 7+ items doing nothing seems like there might be a mafia or 3rd party role that cares about hoarding items OR items may interact with each other and enable actions? Im really just spitballing possibilities at this point
I'd like to throw out the idea that the items work in a similar vein to how they did in Inf's game, where you acquire a collection of items (potentially with a blueprint of some kind) and can use them for things.

I would also think that there would be items that don't have any use, with every person having multiple (was specified that every player would start with "some items" correct me if I'm wrong).

I think we could also talk about potentially trading items since that seems like a major part of the game with everyone being able to do it. Seems like a good idea to get started on it early, but I also recognize the risk of revealing exactly what items you have since your killer gets them all on death. I'll walk the middle ground and vaguely describe one of my items as being colorized.


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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the item I got don't seem to have anything to do with my role
I don't know if I'm reading too much into this but is this a softclaim of sorts? As I haven't received any specific information about my "role"

I would imagine there are things the mafia could do with our items
I agree with this point, however, it is also possible that there are town players who might benefit from the items? So claiming what we have might prove advantageous at some point?

At this stage, I'm leaning towards a no-lynch as nobody is coming across as particularly suspicious. Yet, I do agree that lynching even if we miss a mafia could be beneficial from an information standpoint.


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Thank you 3 other people for mentioning that your items do nothing!

I also have 2 items that don't do anything. This means we have 7+ items that have no use. Im getting this number from Inf(2)+myself(2)+Tim(some unspecified plural so 2+)+Bessy(1).

I was asking about item abilities not necessarly for abnormalities, but to notice if there was a trend. 7+ items doing nothing seems like there might be a mafia or 3rd party role that cares about hoarding items OR items may interact with each other and enable actions? Im really just spitballing possibilities at this point

As for lynching/no lynching, I generally prefer no lynch on day 0 but I've never been against a lynch especially if we feel like theres someone being suspicious.
I also was given two items, i'm assuming that everybody has?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I don't know if I'm reading too much into this but is this a softclaim of sorts? As I haven't received any specific information about my "role"
It's not a claim, just saying I have at least one item that has no apparent relevance which leads me to guess that items were distributed randomly.
I agree with this point, however, it is also possible that there are town players who might benefit from the items? So claiming what we have might prove advantageous at some point?
Yes, which I would imagine is why we all have the ability to freely deliver items to one another.


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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Anyways, so far Erik is the only person who has suggested that he knows what his items do. Does anyone else know?
I am in possession of two items. One has no description with it whatsoever, the other one has. What's interesting is that the one with description with it interestingly requires other items to be 'activated'. This leads me to think that each item may be required by another item, and that there is some sort of dynamic relationship between the items in the game. It's maybe possible that we have to 'craft' items togehter for them to be utilized? At this point, it wouldn't surprise me to see roles that directly interfere with items (ie stealing, crafting, giving, etc).


Dec 26, 2013
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erik5456 what made you decide to suggest your items had a use that you knew about by the way?
Im not entirely sure of what youre referring with this. If you mean the idea of combining items, it felt counterintuitive for random items that do absolutely nothing be in the game. This meant that items would need to be "activated" in some sort of way. And with people being able to pick up items from dead bodies and trade items, mixing items felt most intuitive. Also for this same reason, I don't think items were randomly distributed. Nothing of my role suggests I shouldve received the 2 specific items either but if items were randomly distributed, the risk of 2 items that work together being given to the same player seems like an issue.
Also I missed this before but Unu you said you also received only 1 item with no use?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Im not entirely sure of what youre referring with this. If you mean the idea of combining items, it felt counterintuitive for random items that do absolutely nothing be in the game. This meant that items would need to be "activated" in some sort of way. And with people being able to pick up items from dead bodies and trade items, mixing items felt most intuitive. Also for this same reason, I don't think items were randomly distributed. Nothing of my role suggests I shouldve received the 2 specific items either but if items were randomly distributed, the risk of 2 items that work together being given to the same player seems like an issue.
Also I missed this before but Unu you said you also received only 1 item with no use?
I was referring to this:

Im throwing out the idea of talking about what our items do. I'm more than willing to come out with my items uses whenever I get a vocal majority agreeing to do the same
Thank you 3 other people for mentioning that your items do nothing!

I also have 2 items that don't do anything.
What made you imply that you knew what your items did, if you don't actually know?


Dec 26, 2013
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I am in possession of two items. One has no description with it whatsoever, the other one has. What's interesting is that the one with description with it interestingly requires other items to be 'activated'. This leads me to think that each item may be required by another item, and that there is some sort of dynamic relationship between the items in the game. It's maybe possible that we have to 'craft' items togehter for them to be utilized? At this point, it wouldn't surprise me to see roles that directly interfere with items (ie stealing, crafting, giving, etc).
Does the item specifically mention the need to be crafted together? Or just the presence of the other item "activates" the one in question?

Good Skele

Aug 24, 2019
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This looks slightly confusing. Have to admit that I will likely be up for the lynch, and suppose there really isn't any explanation needed. A one was provided by Inffy above.
I have quite the same situation with Erik - two items, no idea what they do.


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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Now that I read my role again I do have two items. One has no description whatsoever and one has a description which is probably where I confused myself. I’m assuming not everyone has descriptions for both of their items then?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
This looks slightly confusing. Have to admit that I will likely be up for the lynch, and suppose there really isn't any explanation needed. A one was provided by Inffy above.
I have quite the same situation with Erik - two items, no idea what they do.
Huh? I was just pointed out that Erik said he would share his item's use with us, then said his items do nothing, and asking why he chose to imply that his items had uses that he knew about.