They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Ah yes, and what you never expect is that I have the most powerful item in the entire game, and with it I can control the universe! Muahahaha!
Gonna write this off as a joke ;)

And maybe somebody does have a gun, but with the way things are going they'll probably need a separate BULLET.

And a reminder that people's items simply drop when they're lynched. A useful reminder. To add to this reminder, looting an item uses your delivery action for the night.

7/10 post, would use it as part of a fence.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Point 1 has a lower chance than town members, statistically speaking.
Depends how many mafia and how many town have an item that needs another item I guess, it could be an even amount

And point 2 is an issue that's already present. My current theory is that only one side of an item pair (or larger set) knows its counterparts, so I don't see people being reverse-targeted by the holder of the item they're seeking being a big threat.
Although, if I'm mafia and I have item X, and someone says 'I need X because my item + X = a special effect', I'll now want to kill them for their item so that I can have X + that item to get a special effect from it, even if I wasn't initially told to find Y

Also, something I recently thought of, if the mafia kills happen after all items have been transferred (which I'm awaiting confirmation on), if person A says 'I want x item', and person B gives it to them that night, and mafia kills person A that night because they expected person B to possibly give person A that item, then the mafia get whatever machine or item-combo person A was building, with two parts.

Unless of course the items self-activate on the same night they are both acquired, before Person A is killed, and it's a one-shot thing that the mafia can't reuse.

I guess it also depends on how powerful these item-combos could be in town and mafia's hands respectively, and whether it's worth the risk of letting mafia have a solid way of stealing them, vs mostly leaving items down to chance and hoping they don't happen to fall into the mafia's hands, and hope they fall into town's.

I dunno, it's 5am and I'm very tired so I might wake up and disagree with myself again, but those are my concerns for now


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Also, something I recently thought of, if the mafia kills happen after all items have been transferred (which I'm awaiting confirmation on), if person A says 'I want x item', and person B gives it to them that night, and mafia kills person A that night because they expected person B to possibly give person A that item, then the mafia get whatever machine or item-combo person A was building, with two parts.
And just to be as clear as possible since I don't think I did an amazing job with that, by this bolded part I'm not suggesting that mafia will know who Person B is specifically, I just meant that the mafia might expect some random person to function as Person B and deliver the item

So for example if I say right now 'I want a lead pipe', the mafia might think 'hey inf seems pretty well trusted, and we know we (the mafia) don't have a lead pipe, which means town has it, which means town might give it to him tonight. So let's kill inf tonight, so that if some townie does give him the lead pipe, we get that and inf's item and get to build whatever it was inf was building, and keep it for ourselves.'


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Depends how many mafia and how many town have an item that needs another item I guess, it could be an even amount
There are more town than mafia and therefore there is a higher chance that town has whatever and you get it it's not even relevant.
Although, if I'm mafia and I have item X, and someone says 'I need X because my item + X = a special effect', I'll now want to kill them for their item so that I can have X + that item to get a special effect from it, even if I wasn't initially told to find Y

Also, something I recently thought of, if the mafia kills happen after all items have been transferred (which I'm awaiting confirmation on), if person A says 'I want x item', and person B gives it to them that night, and mafia kills person A that night because they expected person B to possibly give person A that item, then the mafia get whatever machine or item-combo person A was building, with two parts.
This is something I hadn't thought of and is a fair concern to be cautious about.
But consider the possibility that town could make two or maybe even three(!) combos in a night while mafia presumably only has the oppurtunity for one.

I just really don't like the idea of leaving items to chance since I'm inclined to think that they're a fair chunk of our power rather than a nice little bonus.


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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But for people who already know what they need, which there seem to be a few of, I don't see a big drawback to revealing they item they're looking for.
100% agree on not revealing items you have which is what i was trying to get at. But looking for a specific item shouldnt be too harmful. People have to choose to give you the item or not. The only negative i can see is if
1. Mafia members gets the activator they need
2. Mafia members kill and take someones item of which they already have the activator
Both kinda suck but theres also the possibility of multiple townies getting the activators they need which makes up for it
yeah I just don’t want to reveal items so soon in the game just in case we do end up getting ourselves killed. It’s fine to say “I’m looking for a screwdriver” or whatever the item is but I don’t specifically think we should name certain objects until we have more information about the objects


Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
We could try to be undescriptive but specific? So using the gun and bullet idea saying "Im looking for something that is filled and golden" (golden bullet filled with gunpowder). The person with the bullet def gets it, but everyone else may be unsure. Are they asking for bullet or a fresh apple pie?

Just an idea since I think enabled items in the right townies hands gives us an edge. Also keep in mind eah individual gets to make the choice to give away the item. No one can force you unless we somehow have an item thief or some role that does in fact force you to do just that.


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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Does the item specifically mention the need to be crafted together? Or just the presence of the other item "activates" the one in question?
It seems to be a one-time use item of sorts, when I have the required items it would activate.
@TheWeakGuy48_ did you get told what you needed?
We could try to be undescriptive but specific? So using the gun and bullet idea saying "Im looking for something that is filled and golden" (golden bullet filled with gunpowder). The person with the bullet def gets it, but everyone else may be unsure. Are they asking for bullet or a fresh apple pie?
I wouldn't mind doing this tbh, what's worrying me is that the mafia could possibly has some way to counter it (taking all items that are given a specific player, etc)


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
Alright so we're down a timdood, and 5 votes away from getting a player whos not in the game lynched. Id call this a successful day 0 if I've ever seen one.

In all seriousness, given the fact that we're dealing with a closed setup, I'm more inclined to try to get something going day 0. I was thinking of either exclusively mentioning what items we've gotten or exclusively saying what they do. I originally just wanted to push to know what items people have received as then we can try to find who doesn't belong, but I realized this may run the risk of a mafia(/alien?) or 3rd party being able to specifically find items they need to win. Hence why Im throwing out the idea of talking about what our items do. I'm more than willing to come out with my items uses whenever I get a vocal majority agreeing to do the same
You go on later to say this was a bait to get out info on other items, and I'm not sure I like that. Jumps from wanting all items out while acknowledging the risk -> withholding your own to gauge 'interest' -> just wanting info -> agreeing w/Tim for the asking for items strat. Couple of things wrong with that
1) Baiting early for info on potentially very impactful stuff is NAGL coming from a player that isn't Notty.
2) The bait into backpedal and subsequent reaffirmation of your earlier position.

As I've said before about closed set-ups, the inevitably claim circus comes no matter what; either do it now en masse with full agreement or not. Piecemeal claiming/tip-toeing around claiming never helps.

Its fine even if items were randomly distributed. If we can get an idea of what they do,even if thats nothing, thats more info for the town to work with. Plus, since I am to believe the mafia dont know one another since there hasn't been a night period, day 0 is the one time where they can't coordinate item claims.
Don't know you very well, but I can't remember a recent game where the mafia were unaware of each other at game start. Can't communicate, but they know who's on the team.

Simple. The first round is used to survey the environment and give first impressions of people. Your chances of choosing the mafia first-night is slim, so you will find yourself killing a valuable part of the probability for victory in the game. Rather, it is better to not vote and pay attention to the way people talk/who is killed the first night to inform us who is suspicious. Plus, I have no idea how items work in this game, so I'm hoping I can figure out its use before we're all dead :p.

Just because it was asked that I bold my decision, I'll choose Vote No-Lynch.
Wanting to observe and get info, but also trying to NL out of the gate. Big bet, chief.

Choosing maf on D0 is always difficult. Doesn't get better on D1.

The problem is that D0 is essentially D1, but it transformed from an introductory, just checking in phase to a full-fledged phase. It is basically a regular day but without the number 1. Gotta treat it as such.

Obviously the risk of lynching today is that we could out a PR, but I'd personally rather go with the choice that will likely give town an extra chance to lynch relative to if they didn't choose that option (as it's fairly likely that a doc/blocker wouldn't be able to save someone, and therefore no-lynching would only give us 1 mislynch before we can't mislynch again, whereas lynching would give us 2) than make it slightly more likely that the cop or some other important PR lives longer, because it's the safer option in my opinion. An extra lynch is essentially a guaranteed advantage to my mind, whereas sacrificing that extra lynch by making sure we don't out a PR Day 1 could either help us significantly, help us a little bit, not help at all, or even hinder us relative to if we had outed the PR (e.g. if a cop outs Day 1 and the doctor role [if there is one] stays alive to be able to protect the cop, who otherwise would've been targeted night 1 for saying x thing in the thread). So that option seems more high-risk high-reward, whereas lynching today is more of a low-risk-moderate-to-high-reward.
IMO exactly how this day is to be played 24/7

Thank you 3 other people for mentioning that your items do nothing!

I also have 2 items that don't do anything. This means we have 7+ items that have no use. Im getting this number from Inf(2)+myself(2)+Tim(some unspecified plural so 2+)+Bessy(1).

I was asking about item abilities not necessarly for abnormalities, but to notice if there was a trend. 7+ items doing nothing seems like there might be a mafia or 3rd party role that cares about hoarding items OR items may interact with each other and enable actions? Im really just spitballing possibilities at this point

As for lynching/no lynching, I generally prefer no lynch on day 0 but I've never been against a lynch especially if we feel like theres someone being suspicious.
Heavy speculation. Hoarding seems oddly specific.

Last part is just some nice fencesitting; door open for a vote if convenient, but NL being the primary option.

I'd like to throw out the idea that the items work in a similar vein to how they did in Inf's game, where you acquire a collection of items (potentially with a blueprint of some kind) and can use them for things.

I would also think that there would be items that don't have any use, with every person having multiple (was specified that every player would start with "some items" correct me if I'm wrong).

I think we could also talk about potentially trading items since that seems like a major part of the game with everyone being able to do it. Seems like a good idea to get started on it early, but I also recognize the risk of revealing exactly what items you have since your killer gets them all on death. I'll walk the middle ground and vaguely describe one of my items as being colorized.
The whole trading aspect etc. ignores the fact that
1) Maf will be hidden in town, get trust and get items they want
2) Revealing needed items/abilities only assists w/that

b/c of the relative ease of obtaining an item, I doubt combos are very powerful. If it's assumed everyone is currently truthful about their item distribution (i.e. they do nothing), then things are random, meaning there is a random chance of combos being obtained depending on game dynamics. From a game-making perspective, having super combos being potentially easy to find would rapidly break the game.

I agree with this point, however, it is also possible that there are town players who might benefit from the items? So claiming what we have might prove advantageous at some point?

At this stage, I'm leaning towards a no-lynch as nobody is coming across as particularly suspicious. Yet, I do agree that lynching even if we miss a mafia could be beneficial from an information standpoint.
Same as above; benefits are possible, but it assumes that whoever asks for items is blue to begin with.

Last part is more sitting on the fence. Obv no one is suspicious rn because it's only been 4 pages.

I just had an idea. Obviously revealing the items we have has its risks.
But what about revealing the items we're looking for (where applicable).
Then whoever has that item has the option to deliver it at night (assuming they trust the recipient).

Unless there's some glaring flaw that I'm just not seeing, that sounds like a good plan.
The glaring flaw is the fact the trusted recipient could easily be red. This is a game of deception.

Not revealing could be potentially harmful by inhibiting town interests.
People not getting what they need = bad
Once again, same as above. Don't like the early push for trading.

People can also lie about items and abilities. It's a closed set up and items are presumably random, so massclaim hysteria will muddle things up as per usual.

Fair enough. Far too often I've been in the situation of me letting on too much out of eagerness to get things going and ending in hot water because of it. So I understand where you're coming from with that and I'll back off.
Feel like the normal Tim might have pressed this harder; backed off quick here.

Ah yes, and what you never expect is that I have the most powerful item in the entire game, and with it I can control the universe! Muahahaha!

I'm just worried some people are just keeping a GUN out there.

Oh, one more thing about killing someone today: If we do that, the more we do the more items are dropped, which I don't see as aiding the mafia or the civilians, just a thought
If it doesn't aid maf or town, what exactly does it do?

The capital GUN and tim's capital BULLET have me at tinfoil hat town fwiw.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
Far as I can tell, item trading is WIFOM incarnate; too much room to lie in a closed set-up and goes off of too many assumptions of what works/what is a combo and what isn't/what people need or what they say they need/so on and so on. It also ignores any interfering roles or interactions with the 'graveyard' aspect.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
yeah I just don’t want to reveal items so soon in the game just in case we do end up getting ourselves killed. It’s fine to say “I’m looking for a screwdriver” or whatever the item is but I don’t specifically think we should name certain objects until we have more information about the objects
You asked earlier about whether or not items had descriptions vs. not having descriptions, but you also want to keep item info under wraps. Here, you want more to be revealed 'over time.' If not now, when and how?


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
You asked earlier about whether or not items had descriptions vs. not having descriptions, but you also want to keep item info under wraps. Here, you want more to be revealed 'over time.' If not now, when and how?
I definitely don’t think on day one, maybe day two. What if something happens during the night that reveals the use? Right now we don’t have that much information and I don’t want the mafia being able to target certain people (assuming they know combinations, etc)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
But consider the possibility that town could make two or maybe even three(!) combos in a night while mafia presumably only has the oppurtunity for one.
Yeah true, I hadn't thought of that part of it

Also hey we both spelt oppurtunity the same way high five

And it is supposed to mean I cannot share information about this?
No, but your post seemed to imply that I was making a point that erik was suspicious because of it? What happened there?

We could try to be undescriptive but specific? So using the gun and bullet idea saying "Im looking for something that is filled and golden" (golden bullet filled with gunpowder). The person with the bullet def gets it, but everyone else may be unsure. Are they asking for bullet or a fresh apple pie?
I guess this could help us if there's some scum role out there which can do harm if they know the names of our items, so this seems like a good idea to me yeah

It seems to be a one-time use item of sorts, when I have the required items it would activate.
Would it activate instantly, on the same night it was obtained and before you were killed, do you know?

what's worrying me is that the mafia could possibly has some way to counter it (taking all items that are given a specific player, etc)
Well, mafia can kill people to get all items they have, including the ones they received that night, just in case you missed that

But as tim said, if all town revealed the items they need at the same time, and more than one townies got their required items delivered that night, then mafia can only stop 1 of them on that night, so the other(s) get a chance to use their item before it's taken (as long as they're able to use it during the that day/the next night before they could die and have it taken from them, but it seems like some item combos are better used later in the game, according to fog)

Far as I can tell, item trading is WIFOM incarnate; too much room to lie in a closed set-up and goes off of too many assumptions of what works/what is a combo and what isn't/what people need or what they say they need/so on and so on. It also ignores any interfering roles or interactions with the 'graveyard' aspect.
People aren't going to be able to actually interfere with trading by lying about what they need though, unless they copy what someone else said they need (and probably get in the spotlight for that). Since they'd have to say 'I need <item/description of item that actually exists and is necessary for a combo>, which seems pretty unlikely to successfully guess at. As long as people are pretty strict with 'does this person's description perfectly match my item? If not, then I won't give it to them' then it should be really unlikely that would happen. Unless you mean lying could interfere in some other way that I haven't thought of?

Far as I can tell, item trading is WIFOM incarnate; too much room to lie in a closed set-up and goes off of too many assumptions of what works/what is a combo and what isn't/what people need or what they say they need/so on and so on. It also ignores any interfering roles or interactions with the 'graveyard' aspect.
I think mafia will be trying to get items from the graveyard no matter if someone says they actually need one of those items or not, just in case someone does need it, so I don't think making it explicit that someone needs X item would have much of an effect on how likely it is the mafia steal that item from the graveyard

Anyway, ultimately I don't think there's a way for me to know whether saying what items we need will be good or bad for us. Because, on one hand, it could be bad, because:

1. For all we know, mafia could benefit either equally well or more from getting the items they need right now compared to how much town would benefit from getting all or most of theirs (though for setup balance sake I assume it would only benefit mafia 'slightly more' if it did benefit them more), in which case giving items to everyone right now, when reads are so underdeveloped and it's fairly likely that mafia would get their items, wouldn't benefit town, and it might be better to wait til reads are a bit more developed and we have a pool of consensus suspects to make it a bit less likely that mafia get their items (since people would avoid that pool and only give to well trusted players, ideally)

2. For all we know, town getting their items isn't even necessary yet, so it'd be better to wait til our reads are better so that we're more likely to give town their items but not the mafia theirs (e.g. fog said his item wouldn't be useful at this stage of the game, maybe that applies to most items)

However, on the flip side:

1. For all we know, item-combos automatically activate on creation, and mafia getting their items early on wouldn't be very useful for them but getting them later on is very useful for them (e.g. fog's item is apparently better used later on), but town getting theirs earlier would be better than town getting them later, so it'd be safer to share items out now

2. For all we know, mafia don't even benefit from getting item-combos other than if they stop town from getting them (which we can possibly combat by making everyone deliver items on the same night as mentioned before)

Like, we just don't know enough to be able to actually come up with a decent argument for why one way is better than the other I don't think?

So for that reason I'm gonna say we should probably hold off from doing it to play it safe? But equally I'm all up for some chaos if people want to try it and see what happens


TheWeakGuy48_ Fog

1. Have you been told what your item-combo will do once it's activated?
2. Have you been told when it will be activated, and if it will happen automatically? (already asked twg this earlier on in this post but I want your answer too pls fog)
2. Is it an ability that, when activated, its results would change depending on which party has the item-combo on their person? E.g. if the item allows 1 random townie to receive a bulletproof vest then the answer to this would be no


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Also hey we both spelt oppurtunity the same way high five
No, but your post seemed to imply that I was making a point that erik was suspicious because of it? What happened there?
Were you not? Because that's how I remember interpreting it (unless I'm thinking of something else)

Inf (or anyone else for that matter) do you have any questions for me? I want to discuss more but I feel like I've already said my piece ;-;


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Were you not? Because that's how I remember interpreting it (unless I'm thinking of something else)
I think you're thinking of something else that came after. I'm not talking about erik's contraidctory-looking post, I'm talking about on page 2, when a few of us revealed that we had 2 items that don't do anything, including myself

Skele came in and said:

This looks slightly confusing. Have to admit that I will likely be up for the lynch, and suppose there really isn't any explanation needed. A one was provided by Inffy above.
I have quite the same situation with Erik - two items, no idea what they do.
As though having two items and having no idea what they do was a reason that I had given for someone being up for a lynch, when in reality I hadn't said that at all and had said that I also had 2 items that I had no idea what they did, before erik did

Inf (or anyone else for that matter) do you have any questions for me? I want to discuss more but I feel like I've already said my piece ;-;
Nope I don't sorry, unless you have any reads on anyone yet, in which case could you share them