They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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You don't think that mafia having knowledge of that item and town not having knowledge of it is unbalanced?
no, i think it could be one of the ways the hosts tried to keep things balanced, by having it so town might never discover the existence of it, and mafia have a way of reducing the chance of it happening, by passing it between each other at night to the person they predict least likely to be lynched that day, as well as a few other counters like an item thief (the person who i think stole fog's third item)

but that balance could also have been achieved through other means, so i dunno for sure


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I want to clarify one more thing before I go on: You think twg is 65% to be scum?

I felt there was like 65% chance he'd act in the way I thought he'd act, if he's town with this item, at the start of the game

outside of that, I think if UNU is scum TWG is probably scum, otherwise i'm like, 50/50 probably?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
First of all, thank you for having this exchange with me.
Second...I'm thinking you're mafia. And here's why:

I'm Sam Burgess, and my ability allows me to visit a player and learn their inventory. As you may have guessed, I visited inf and can confirm that he has more than a reasonable starting allotment of items (5). I don't think there's much doubt that they came from twg unless he's also scum. I'm going to out this because it's important: One of the items is an alien detector blueprint.

So here's the thing: In my mind, it doesn't make sense for mafia to start with the blueprint. I'd say it's far more likely for mafia to have one or two of the items needed to put it together. Because for mafia to start with the information that town can put together an alien detector is one thing, but for town to not start with that information...Now that's an issue.

Those paying particularly close attention may have gone "wait, if inf started with two, and got two from weak, did someone give an item to him/weak?" No, the fifth item is the cow. And that's a point that really kind of drives inf's scumminess home for me. Because that means he's immune to a nightkill. And has a blueprint. So there's nothing stopping him from saying "yo, let's build this, give me your items I'm safe."
...Unless it wasn't in his best interests to do so.
The only other reason for him not to out this would be if he thinks that mafia started with the blueprint and a piece. But how could that be the case? Before we could even put the blueprint together, we'd have to lynch (or otherwise get the items of) two mafia.

I guess I'll be the first today to throw a vote.
Vote Infected


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
First of all, thank you for having this exchange with me.
Second...I'm thinking you're mafia. And here's why:

I'm Sam Burgess, and my ability allows me to visit a player and learn their inventory. As you may have guessed, I visited inf and can confirm that he has more than a reasonable starting allotment of items (5). I don't think there's much doubt that they came from twg unless he's also scum. I'm going to out this because it's important: One of the items is an alien detector blueprint.

So here's the thing: In my mind, it doesn't make sense for mafia to start with the blueprint. I'd say it's far more likely for mafia to have one or two of the items needed to put it together. Because for mafia to start with the information that town can put together an alien detector is one thing, but for town to not start with that information...Now that's an issue.

Those paying particularly close attention may have gone "wait, if inf started with two, and got two from weak, did someone give an item to him/weak?" No, the fifth item is the cow. And that's a point that really kind of drives inf's scumminess home for me. Because that means he's immune to a nightkill. And has a blueprint. So there's nothing stopping him from saying "yo, let's build this, give me your items I'm safe."
...Unless it wasn't in his best interests to do so.
The only other reason for him not to out this would be if he thinks that mafia started with the blueprint and a piece. But how could that be the case? Before we could even put the blueprint together, we'd have to lynch (or otherwise get the items of) two mafia.

I guess I'll be the first today to throw a vote.
Vote Infected
okay, some flaws in your reasoning:

1) i'm not certain mafia started with the blueprint, meaning they could easily have some of the items. im like 50/50 on whether the maf started with the blueprint or not. your whole argument relies on me being sure that maf a) already know about the blueprint, and b) dont have any items, and i never nor implied i was certain of either of those things, because im not.

2) i disagree, i think it's plausible maf start with the blueprint as well as one or even two of the items. im not sure if you have access to the description of the item, or just the item name? but with the description it becomes fairly reasonable that its possible town cant make this item without lynching 2 scum, lynching 1 and robbing one, or robbing two.

3) you had no idea if i was going to eventually out all this today, after everyone had said whether they had their items or not. and i was going to. i did say earlier that we would probs have to massclaim items if people didnt come clean about who had the items i requested. obviously i wasnt expecting everyone to listen to me and massclaim items without proper reason, so ofc i was going to explain what the blueprint does and why we should probably massclaim items for it. the reason i held off is since i wanted to get a better idea of whether mafia knew the blueprint existed, and whether they had any of the items, by seeing if any of the items were left unclaimed. thatd mean maf has one of the items, therefore if i ever rob someone in the future and find it, we have a potential lead on them being scum, especially if they only have 2 items since then they cant say 'someone gave it to me' without explaining where their original 2 items are (since then they should have 3), and randomly giving someone your item is unlikely, so itd be a decent lead for a maf lying about what items they had to avoid this being built.

4) i was keeping the cow a secret until id figured out exactly how we were gonna pool items, because why would i tell the mafia that they cant try to kill me and accidentally miss a kill when it wasnt necessary yet?

there might be more flaws im missing but its almost 6am so im very tired


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
oh right i should clarify

if i said to massclaim, id have to explain why

if i explained why, id have to explain the blueprint

if maf didnt know about it yet, thatd potentially ruin the chance of mafia claiming the items and making it easy for me to rob them at night (esp since i have the cow so i cant die) and further progress the building of it

so instead i got people to say whether they had one of three items i gave, since i felt i wouldnt need to explain that other than saying 'its for an item', and people wouldnt be as reluctant to do that without more of an elaboration, as opposed to a massclaim where i think id have needed to elaborate on why

and that way maf could maybe admit to having those before realizing it was quite as harmful as it is (since obv theres a risk to lying about your items, so if maf thought the blueprint wasnt that dangerous, they might just be honest)

but as i said, im pretty sure maf have a day thief, so its fairly likely theyre gonna take it from me today anyways


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
I done messed up didn't I? I jumped the gun before I had totally worked through everything, but all of my uncertainty was eating me.
I don't get to see descriptions, only names.
I guess I assumed that by the time we'd gotten the items from mafia the item wouldn't be of much use because we'd already be close to a win. Based on the name I'd guess it to be a TTT style investigation machine, is this not the case?



Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
oh right i should clarify

if i said to massclaim, id have to explain why

if i explained why, id have to explain the blueprint

if maf didnt know about it yet, thatd potentially ruin the chance of mafia claiming the items and making it easy for me to rob them at night (esp since i have the cow so i cant die) and further progress the building of it

so instead i got people to say whether they had one of three items i gave, since i felt i wouldnt need to explain that other than saying 'its for an item', and people wouldnt be as reluctant to do that without more of an elaboration, as opposed to a massclaim where i think id have needed to elaborate on why

and that way maf could maybe admit to having those before realizing it was quite as harmful as it is (since obv theres a risk to lying about your items, so if maf thought the blueprint wasnt that dangerous, they might just be honest)

but as i said, im pretty sure maf have a day thief, so its fairly likely theyre gonna take it from me today anyways
(and just in case this isnt clear, since its 6am, this is me explaining why i didnt just immediately ask everyone to massclaim and see if the items were unaccounted for via that, and instead chose to ask if anyone had those three items first. i was gonna ask to massclaim after this if the items were unaccounted for though.)

Based on the name I'd guess it to be a TTT style investigation machine, is this not the case?

im not sure if i should reveal what it is now or why i think it'd be reasonable for town to have to kill/rob 2 maf to get it tbh, ive maybe said too much already and may as well just out it, im not sure, i need to sleep before i do something that makes no sense because im too tired to trust my reasoning skills


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Item 1: My eye has the first word. The second word is a tool.

Item 2: With this, I can keep my food cool and my hair dry!

Item 3: It's light, and it's hot, and I have one on my desk actually.

Reason I'm asking should hopefully be obvious. TWG can confirm it isn't malicious
Well, english is not my mother tongue so I had to search them up (I'm no puzzler) and I guess it sorta makes sense? IDK, Inffy you probably could've made it more easier to understand. Could just say:

Item 1: Hat
Item 2: Socket
Item 3: Lava

If you possess one of these items, then say so.


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
can you confirm whether your items fall under any of these descriptions? don't say exactly which item you have though, in case mafia can do something bad if they know the exact name of items (e.g. steal them):
my items fit none of the descriptions listed. I have 2.

I suppose one of them kind of fits description 1 but it would be a loose connection and wouldn’t really be a conventional ‘tool’ like a screwdriver or a hammer.

I’m not entirely sure but are we allowed to discuss what happened in night PMs?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well, english is not my mother tongue so I had to search them up (I'm no puzzler) and I guess it sorta makes sense? IDK, Inffy you probably could've made it more easier to understand. Could just say:

Item 1: Hat
Item 2: Socket
Item 3: Lava

If you possess one of these items, then say so.
i think you just made it too obvious what they are now since people can use both my thing and your word to pretty easily guess them

kinda scummy

I’m not entirely sure but are we allowed to discuss what happened in night PMs?
you should ask stranger/alisha, but pretty sure the answer will be yes


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well, english is not my mother tongue so I had to search them up (I'm no puzzler) and I guess it sorta makes sense? IDK, Inffy you probably could've made it more easier to understand. Could just say:

Item 1: Hat
Item 2: Socket
Item 3: Lava

If you possess one of these items, then say so.
i think you just made it too obvious what they are now since people can use both my thing and your word to pretty easily guess them

kinda scummy

I’m not entirely sure but are we allowed to discuss what happened in night PMs?
you should ask stranger/alisha, but pretty sure the answer will be yes


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
I am town, a boring old townie with no night abilities.
this explains why you claimed to unu right away
Well, english is not my mother tongue so I had to search them up (I'm no puzzler) and I guess it sorta makes sense? IDK, Inffy you probably could've made it more easier to understand. Could just say:

Item 1: Hat
Item 2: Socket
Item 3: Lava
ty, i don't have any of these

kinda scummy
how so?

i still wonder if there are more blueprints, because my items do feel like typical items that could be used to build something. Inf having the cow does indeed mean that we could relatively safely let him build the thing, but if he's maf this way he could just hoard the items needed and never build it. Kinda wish TWG still had the print, since i trust him.


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
i think you just made it too obvious what they are now since people can use both my thing and your word to pretty easily guess them

kinda scummy
I had a hard time finding the items based off what you said earlier. I don't think that the mafia has a role that could utilize the items based off knowing the item (if anything that's your purpose!). In all cases I think it's better for the town to give you the items needed rather than having the items be unknown for town and accidentally slipping by.

Note for Timdood3, if Infected had any of the items that I previously mentioned then please say so.
i still wonder if there are more blueprints, because my items do feel like typical items that could be used to build something.
I agree. This is somewhat speculative, but I think it is likely that the mafia can activate items/abilities if they have certain items. However, the fact that the Can of Paint was not stolen off Fog's body makes me believe that nobody needs it, thus we likely have 'junk' items that nobody needs.
Kinda wish TWG still had the print, since i trust him.
Same, I feel more uncertain as Inffy has it rather than myself, but at the moment I'm slightly beginning to trust him based off the fact that he can steal items. We already know whoever kills someone also steals their items - so I see it as slightly unlikely that the mafia would have two ways to gain items. I will also point out that it's possible that he could be a 3rd party who needs certain items to win.

well it’s not much of a loss if I get killed since I have no abilities at all.

I still don’t trust unu though, despite his role claim.
What did you do last night?


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
What did you do last night?
He told me he had a plan and I don’t really want to throw Unu under the bus but at the same time it made him look extremely scummy, I went along with it because I thought he knew better but after seeing everyone’s views on him I’m beginning to rethink my decision


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
He told me he had a plan and I don’t really want to throw Unu under the bus but at the same time it made him look extremely scummy, I went along with it because I thought he knew better but after seeing everyone’s views on him I’m beginning to rethink my decision
what is this plan ?

and why were you so willing to trust that UNU knew better?