They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
TWG - neutral. If UNU is scum, TWG is gonna become a slight-to-moderate scumread, because his push on UNU still gives me bus feels (or at least, i get the impression he knows more than hes letting on) as soon as I start to imagine UNU being scum. But he'd only be slight-moderate scum, not strong-scum, because there was a post he made today which actually felt pretty townie, when he, for the second time, said he was mad at me for taking his items, and talked about me from a third person perspective. I dunno why it felt townie but it did. Also tim's read makes me doubt it as well. If UNU is town then I'm probably like, neutral or slight-moderate town on TWG.
All depends on an Unu flip no matter what. TWG could have easily made the post d0 against Unu to cover up his TMI of Erik, but that's unlikely. Unu wasn't trending towards the lynch and looked slated to survive another day b/c the cop claims were going to be sorted by maf. Would be a premature bus attempt.

Hi sorry today is super busy I have an online exam, sorry I didn't realize the day already started.

Short answer is if both Erik and Fog are innocent I have no read at all. I got nothin.

I don’t understand why not voting is particularly scummy? Surely if I pushed for a vote then that would mean I was mafia since mafia want town to be lynched? There are only 2 reasons I didn’t vote because: 1) I fell asleep before the deadline 2) I didn’t want to bandwagon especially since I didn’t particularly think they were mafia...

I have no ties to Unu, the only ‘tie’ being that he visited me last night. We are not teamed whatsoever.

I am town, a boring old townie with no night abilities. I can item claim if you want me to but they’re both pretty insignificant.
In hindsight yeah, vote was bad b/c it was town. You speak as if you knew that in the moment.

You seem pretty certain of Inf/want to vote there, so don't know why you wouldn't be invested in the flip at all. If you're not going to get on either of those wagons, propose another. Standing out like this is NAGL.

Inf seems particularly adamant to just push people into the spotlight and get them lynched (from the few sentences I’ve read lmao). Though I haven’t been able to read all of the massive paragraphs (nothing against you in any way, just my inability to read lmao.) so I’m just basing my opinion of some short snippets.
Meat-deficient posting. Inf has been theorycrafting about Unu and TWG, hasn't pushed for a lynch hard at all. Been annoyingly specific on details, true, but that's par for the course.

Feel like you threw this out there to cash in on the anti-Inf train.

after all people have responded we may need to massclaim items so we should really be getting this discussion going sooner rather than later
I claimed my items a while ago. To reiterate: 20 carat diamond, camera

If there is a 'junk' category I most likely fit it; no descriptions/no apparent uses for either

well like i said it's not like i'd have fully expected it, I can see value in not doing it, it's just something I kinda think TWG would've probably (and by probably i mean like, 65% chance kinda, to my mind) as town

and that thing is, trying to get people to out their items, or trying to start an in depth discussion about whether item claiming is a good idea or not, or suggesting people should give out items to people they trust in case they need that item
Considering Erik was suspicious at beginning of D0 and he was the one that sparked item discussion, not surprising that a town would be hesitant. I was against claiming it all that early since maf can easily identify what they need/what to keep away from town. If TWG's item is as powerful as is implied, wanting to keep it secret at D0, when there are absolutely no concrete reads and a complete lack of trust, is reasonable to assume.

no, i think it could be one of the ways the hosts tried to keep things balanced, by having it so town might never discover the existence of it, and mafia have a way of reducing the chance of it happening, by passing it between each other at night to the person they predict least likely to be lynched that day, as well as a few other counters like an item thief (the person who i think stole fog's third item)

but that balance could also have been achieved through other means, so i dunno for sure
Seems unbalanced to me. By the time town would get the item, considering that maf team is most likely small, it wouldn't really be useful.

oh right i should clarify

if i said to massclaim, id have to explain why

if i explained why, id have to explain the blueprint

if maf didnt know about it yet, thatd potentially ruin the chance of mafia claiming the items and making it easy for me to rob them at night (esp since i have the cow so i cant die) and further progress the building of it

so instead i got people to say whether they had one of three items i gave, since i felt i wouldnt need to explain that other than saying 'its for an item', and people wouldnt be as reluctant to do that without more of an elaboration, as opposed to a massclaim where i think id have needed to elaborate on why

and that way maf could maybe admit to having those before realizing it was quite as harmful as it is (since obv theres a risk to lying about your items, so if maf thought the blueprint wasnt that dangerous, they might just be honest)

but as i said, im pretty sure maf have a day thief, so its fairly likely theyre gonna take it from me today anyways
Kinda assume maf are dumb enough to not understand you'd be trying to complete a blueprint. And seeing as these items are quite varied, maf can always fakeclaim.

Also, this suggests town has a night thief and maf has a day thief, despite a big part of your claim hinging on the fact that maf wouldn't have an additional way to steal items from the town. Now, suddenly it's "fairly likely?"

And town also has two messenger roles? Do you see that what you're assuming is starting to look unbalanced and weird?

im not sure if i should reveal what it is now or why i think it'd be reasonable for town to have to kill/rob 2 maf to get it tbh, ive maybe said too much already and may as well just out it, im not sure, i need to sleep before i do something that makes no sense because im too tired to trust my reasoning skills
If you need to kill or rob 2 maf to get it, by that time it's late game and its use isn't nearly as useful as it could be. Plus, in a world were D0 claiming madness didn't happen, Erik had cop power and could investigate. Maf hoarding that item makes no sense.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
well it’s not much of a loss if I get killed since I have no abilities at all.

I still don’t trust unu though, despite his role claim.
The really light 'don't trust' stance on Unu is pinging me, especially if what you say after this comment is true. There are about a billion red flags in that conversation.

Unu’s plan was to convince you guys that I was more of an important role than a mundane townie. I.e) cop, doctor, etc
He wanted to lynch me from the get go which made no sense to me since surely he’d want a town role to stay alive, no matter their importance? His excuse was that he wanted to protect the more important roles and buy them more time by getting me killed off by mafia if they believed I was a blocker or someone that could benefit town in the long run

I trusted him because of the Sheriff name he had in the anonymous DM.
Yeah in that case you immediately try and get that info out or push Unu into questioning. That screams sus all over it. And I dunno how he can claim to protect all important roles unless he's a god at reads and knows all the town prs rn.

What further confuses me is that you put me POE earlier, but you have not been suspicious of me at all. Unu and I essentially have competing claims, and you trusted him because of the Sheriff tag, yet my lack of that tag doesn't strike you at all?

Like prior posting, looking like a TMI slip. Hard to imagine town not being somewhat invested in questioning my claim.

also MarsKid how do you feel about the idea of town having 2 messenger roles in order to secure town being able to share items with others in private for a decent amount of time in the game, to make sure that town dont lose that ability by chance n1 just because maf happened to kill the one town messanger - and therefore having a second role able to do it?
Still doesn't make sense. The whole Sheriff thing, Unu's method of claiming/D0 crap, etc. It's not compatible with my role.

Plus, AFAIK my chat isn't anonymous, Unu's would be. Ergo, it's easier to share when you know who you're dealing with. Unu could have easily played it straight and not outed himself in the chat, assuming an ideal world where the cc-ing doesn't happen D0.

Two town messengers doesn't make sense in such a small game, and the differences in their abilities is off. As I also said earlier, balance-wise it's completely unfair to the town to have two roles so similar that they will always cc themselves, which means maf gets two free lynches without needing to do anything.

btw while we wait for pair and skele to confirm again, where's everyone thinking of voting today? im gonna vote hk since i still think UNU is town
Yeah this is why you're still scum to me. There's no reason why Unu doesn't get flipped today.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
POE for the record is still Unu/Inf/Sess + HK, preference on Sess

Current role claims/info:

Good Skele - N/A
Inffy - item thief, night phase
Fog - Vanilla
HKCaper - N/A
Timdood3 - item inventory investigator
Unusual_Dood - Sheriff X/Anonymous chat creator
Sessybessy - Vanilla
Pairjax - N/A
erik5456 - cop/doc double whammy
TheWeakGuy48_ - N/A
MarsKid - chat creator

if I missed any lmk


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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The really light 'don't trust' stance on Unu is pinging me, especially if what you say after this comment is true. There are about a billion red flags in that conversation.
Explain these red flags.

Yeah in that case you immediately try and get that info out or push Unu into questioning. That screams sus all over it. And I dunno how he can claim to protect all important roles unless he's a god at reads and knows all the town prs rn.
I did try to push info out of Unu but he refused to tell me anything, he claimed that getting me killed by mafia would result in an extra day/night for a PR.
I assume he doesn’t want my items since I told him what they were and he didn’t seem that interested. Why would he visit me if he suspected I was town in the first place?

Like prior posting, looking like a TMI slip. Hard to imagine town not being somewhat invested in questioning my claim.
could you direct me to your claim? I must’ve missed it.

also why did inf steal TWG’s items? Have we had an explanation for that action yet?


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
Explain these red flags.
Well, wanting to lynch you, for starters.

I did try to push info out of Unu but he refused to tell me anything, he claimed that getting me killed by mafia would result in an extra day/night for a PR.
I assume he doesn’t want my items since I told him what they were and he didn’t seem that interested. Why would he visit me if he suspected I was town in the first place?
I should have been more clear; why didn't you push him during this day phase?

could you direct me to your claim? I must’ve missed it.

also why did inf steal TWG’s items? Have we had an explanation for that action yet?
This ain't about Inf rn tho, this is you and me.


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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I don’t understand why Unu would want me lynched/killed? That’s my biggest confusion, I haven’t seen him around today.
If I roleclaimed (or hint at it) and someone else had already then that would raise suspicion on my part massively and get me lynched
If I roleclaimed (Hint) and someone else hadn’t already then mafia would lynch me if they believed my claim.
It seems as thought Unu knows something is up.

I explained that to Inf but he just seemingly shrugged it off


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
What further confuses me is that you put me POE earlier, but you have not been suspicious of me at all. Unu and I essentially have competing claims, and you trusted him because of the Sheriff tag, yet my lack of that tag doesn't strike you at all?

Like prior posting, looking like a TMI slip. Hard to imagine town not being somewhat invested in questioning my claim.
Would like clarification on this


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
More speculation re: finder blueprint

Erik's was doc/cop, meaning investigations were never guaranteed. It can be assumed at some point Erik would prioritize healing over checking, or could even outright favor healing, meaning that a cop clear/reveal would never be a given.

Thus, makes more sense for town to start with a check blueprint when their cop role wouldn't always be doing cop things.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
Well you were sus of Unu, then put me in your POE when I asked, and now you're back on Unu/Inf without ever pushing me. I'm wondering why you don't think I'm sus rn or why you never questioned my claim even though it's incompatible w/Unu if their claim is true


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Well you were sus of Unu, then put me in your POE when I asked, and now you're back on Unu/Inf without ever pushing me. I'm wondering why you don't think I'm sus rn or why you never questioned my claim even though it's incompatible w/Unu if their claim is true
Didn’t read your claim, why do you want me to be suspicious of you though? If anything me being suspicious of Unu gets one more person off of your back


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
Didn’t read your claim, why do you want me to be suspicious of you though? If anything me being suspicious of Unu gets one more person off of your back
You never saw my claim?

I’m not necessarily sus about Unu I’m more confused as to why town has 2 roles that can visit during the night.
Looks like you might've.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
And I don't want you to be suspicious. I'm questioning why two players just cc'd each other and you never once indicated suspicion for one of them despite the fact their roles outwardly conflict.

In a cc situation, there's almost always a scum caught. Didn't get the sense you were doubting me at all and you didn't question me at all. When I asked you to go deeper w/your read you kinda left me hanging and seemed to give up, and now it's back against Unu. At the same time, you have yet to take a particularly strong stance whatsoever and just seem to be voicing a general sr on Inf and Unu, but not acting on it.

It's hard to believe you saw Unu claim and then did not see any of the following discussion wherein I claimed and was questioned by Inf & Tim.


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
And I don't want you to be suspicious. I'm questioning why two players just cc'd each other and you never once indicated suspicion for one of them despite the fact their roles outwardly conflict.

In a cc situation, there's almost always a scum caught. Didn't get the sense you were doubting me at all and you didn't question me at all. When I asked you to go deeper w/your read you kinda left me hanging and seemed to give up, and now it's back against Unu. At the same time, you have yet to take a particularly strong stance whatsoever and just seem to be voicing a general sr on Inf and Unu, but not acting on it.

It's hard to believe you saw Unu claim and then did not see any of the following discussion wherein I claimed and was questioned by Inf & Tim.
yet I’m questioning Unu’s claim ?


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
And I don't want you to be suspicious. I'm questioning why two players just cc'd each other and you never once indicated suspicion for one of them despite the fact their roles outwardly conflict.

In a cc situation, there's almost always a scum caught. Didn't get the sense you were doubting me at all and you didn't question me at all. When I asked you to go deeper w/your read you kinda left me hanging and seemed to give up, and now it's back against Unu. At the same time, you have yet to take a particularly strong stance whatsoever and just seem to be voicing a general sr on Inf and Unu, but not acting on it.

It's hard to believe you saw Unu claim and then did not see any of the following discussion wherein I claimed and was questioned by Inf & Tim.
? ? ?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
All depends on an Unu flip no matter what. TWG could have easily made the post d0 against Unu to cover up his TMI of Erik, but that's unlikely. Unu wasn't trending towards the lynch and looked slated to survive another day b/c the cop claims were going to be sorted by maf. Would be a premature bus attempt.
a premature bus attempt is absolutely part of TWG's maf meta (or at least, was)

Considering Erik was suspicious at beginning of D0 and he was the one that sparked item discussion, not surprising that a town would be hesitant. I was against claiming it all that early since maf can easily identify what they need/what to keep away from town. If TWG's item is as powerful as is implied, wanting to keep it secret at D0, when there are absolutely no concrete reads and a complete lack of trust, is reasonable to assume.
yeah that's why I said 'or trying to start a discussion about whether item claiming was a good idea', if he didnt want to just outright propose we massclaim items outright

i wasnt suggesting he wouldnt still keep the item itself a secret though

but yeah like I said I can think of thought processes which would lead him to not do anything about it, reasonable ones

Kinda assume maf are dumb enough to not understand you'd be trying to complete a blueprint. And seeing as these items are quite varied, maf can always fakeclaim.
no, I knew maf would understand I was trying to complete a blueprint. my point was that if I proposed massclaiming, I predict I'd have to explain what the blueprint is, specifically, to convince people to go through with it despite concerns about massclaiming. with just asking for three items i didnt think i would have to out what the blueprint is, so if maf didnt know about the blueprint already, itd be left to their imaginations to guess what it did, which may lead them to think its not all that scary as what it actually is, and therefore not risking lying about their items for (bearing in mind i can check for their items and so can possibly other townies, to their mind). but if I explained what the blueprint was then they'd like 100% lie since it would be worth doing it.

Also, this suggests town has a night thief and maf has a day thief, despite a big part of your claim hinging on the fact that maf wouldn't have an additional way to steal items from the town. Now, suddenly it's "fairly likely?"
yeah, bearing in mind the item i have, i dont think its unlikely maf has a thief anymore. i know it doesnt bode well for my claim but its my true opinion, and i came to that conclusion a while ago and mentioned it previously

Seems unbalanced to me. By the time town would get the item, considering that maf team is most likely small, it wouldn't really be useful.
And town also has two messenger roles? Do you see that what you're assuming is starting to look unbalanced and weird?
If you need to kill or rob 2 maf to get it, by that time it's late game and its use isn't nearly as useful as it could be. Plus, in a world were D0 claiming madness didn't happen, Erik had cop power and could investigate. Maf hoarding that item makes no sense.
you should probably stop assuming what the item is or isn't before making points about what's balanced and what isn't, or how useful it is at different stages of the game

Still doesn't make sense. The whole Sheriff thing, Unu's method of claiming/D0 crap, etc. It's not compatible with my role.

Plus, AFAIK my chat isn't anonymous, Unu's would be. Ergo, it's easier to share when you know who you're dealing with. Unu could have easily played it straight and not outed himself in the chat, assuming an ideal world where the cc-ing doesn't happen D0.

Two town messengers doesn't make sense in such a small game, and the differences in their abilities is off. As I also said earlier, balance-wise it's completely unfair to the town to have two roles so similar that they will always cc themselves, which means maf gets two free lynches without needing to do anything.
yeah i mean true, one role being anonymous and the other not being is weird. it does make more sense for the maf to have an anonymous one i guess. maybe my intuition is just plain wrong and unu is scum im just so confused this game

Yeah this is why you're still scum to me. There's no reason why Unu doesn't get flipped today.
i mean id rather get maf asap in case they're PR/can win after 2 mislynches so if i scumread hk more than UNU then it makes sense to get hk

but i mean idk anymore, your last point about the two claims being slightly different is a good point that i was overlooking and hadnt thought about properly, probably since i just feel UNU is town, and that you are as well

Yeah in that case you immediately try and get that info out or push Unu into questioning. That screams sus all over it. And I dunno how he can claim to protect all important roles unless he's a god at reads and knows all the town prs rn.
maf wasting a kill on a vanilla would protect town PRs for another day

I think you make some really good points about sessy in this post btw

I did explain this red flag but Inf kinda shrugged it off
i asked you to clarify whether he said he wanted to lynch you or have you nightkilled. you said nightkilled. is that wrong?

I don’t understand why Unu would want me lynched/killed? That’s my biggest confusion, I haven’t seen him around today.
If I roleclaimed (or hint at it) and someone else had already then that would raise suspicion on my part massively and get me lynched
If I roleclaimed (Hint) and someone else hadn’t already then mafia would lynch me if they believed my claim.
It seems as thought Unu knows something is up.

I explained that to Inf but he just seemingly shrugged it off
because if youre vanilla and you/unu hint you're pr, maf kill you tonight, which is better than killing a better town role. maf are gonna kill someone, its best they kill a vanilla.

it makes sense, is a town thing to suggest, and unu made 0 attempt at trying to get you to out the fact he suggested that. if he were maf the sole reason why he suggested this to you would be to look townie, so the lack of attempt to show the game that he did that by trying to nudge you into talking about it is yet another reason i have to townread him (and i forgot to mention this earlier i think)

and what do you mean 'it seems as thought Unu knows something is up.'? knows you're scummy?

and yeah sessybessy if you said mars was suspicious earlier, then he claimed a similar role to UNU who you kinda trust cuz his name is sheriff, why did you drop suspicion on mars and only focus on UNU? thats what mars is getting at and its a good point

Unusual_Dood where are you


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
And you said you didn't see my claim, but you still sus'd be earlier, and you still never questioned me or took that stance further. You seemed to have dropped it, and you're accepting my claim as we speak.

Cherry-picked my quote to suit you and I don't care for that.
I didn’t see your claim in the ocean of other posts, I can’t find it either

and yeah @sessybessy if you said mars was suspicious earlier, then he claimed a similar role to UNU who you kinda trust cuz his name is sheriff, why did you drop suspicion on mars and only focus on UNU? thats what mars is getting at and its a good point
I didn’t see the claim, can’t find it and I’m focused on him because he wants me killed which I think is highly scummy because that’s just another town member dead and mafia will be one step closer to a win


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
it makes sense, is a town thing to suggest, and unu made 0 attempt at trying to get you to out the fact he suggested that. if he were maf the sole reason why he suggested this to you would be to look townie, so the lack of attempt to show the game that he did that by trying to nudge you into talking about it is yet another reason i have to townread him (and i forgot to mention this earlier i think)
(ik he could've been waiting for sessy to eventually out it since if she did that without him showing any nudging attempts, itd look even better for him than if he'd have visibly nudged her to say it since people might notice that and then he doesnt look quite as townie anymore. but like, waiting for sessy would've been incredibly risky considering how suspicious he was + how sessy made 0 indication of outing this info yet - if it were me id be panicking that id be lynched before sessy decided to out it at all. but thats assuming unu thought it was possible he could be lynched far before the deadline, which i guess i cant assume. if it were me itd 100% be something i was scared of though bearing in mind i cc'd the cop.)