EscapeRemastered Mafia: Economy of Madness [Day 3]

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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I don't think I did but if it helps I'll reiterate what I said.

If the night kill/steal works the same as it did last game, unless there is some other unknown mechanic, it would be imbalanced in regards to the auction mechanic.

Therefore it's reasonable to assume that the nightkill/stealing is different or there is some other mechanic in play to balance it out.
yeah i get what you meant now

it's just, the way it read to me, cuz of your bracket placement/word 'Considering' was like this:

1. Considering they have a night to kill/steal 2. (assuming the features are the same/similar to last game) 3. unless they got unlucky tonight they'd have an advantage for every auction and we'd be none the wiser who had shit tons of money.

4. So with that in mind, assuming Tim has done a good job of balancing, it's reasonable to assume the amount of money mafia gain will be less than last game/something similar so they don't end up with 5x every other player.
1. 'Since we know they can x' (x being kill/steal, with steal being the key word)
2. as a result of us assuming y, (y being that the features are the same/similar to last game)
3. that means it'd be unbalanced,
4. so there must be something that keeps x from being unbalanced

like, the bracketed bit looks like it justifies 1., and 1., is you saying 'we know this' (at least to my mind, cuz the wording 'considering they have a night to kill/steal' implies it's a fact), so it looks like you're saying 'we know maf can steal at night because the features are the same as last game'

whereas if you'd have put the bracketed bit here instead:

Considering they have a night to kill/steal, unless they got unlucky tonight they'd have an advantage for every auction and we'd be none the wiser who had shit tons of money (assuming the features are the same/similar to last game).

then it reads closer to: considering the fact they can kill, that means unless they got unlucky it'd be OP (if we assume it works the same way), so it'd need to be different

did i just waste everyone's time with a pointless explanation of how my mind read your posts, yes!


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

What does that have to do with an RID killer and why you think the money would go to an RID killer over other roles?

RID killer was an example of a malicious third party role and I was thinking of the 'RID is a myth' running joke when I wrote that so I was trying to be funny


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
it's possible there's a black market to buy things
What's that, something from last game I'm forgetting?

the RID killer probs
They don't exist

Along that line I'm curious about a potential power role possibly existing to find out how many coins the winning bid on an item/auction had.
Thanks for your roleclaim would you like to supply a name with that

Vote Alisha
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