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HERP DERP DUMBASS TITLE| also, corrupted wish game.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I knew GmK, San, Deadl0ck, or one of the HAs would be shitting bricks when they read the topic title, so that's the reason that the title of this thread really ISN'T the game to be played, I decided to mess with them a little, possibly cause them to spit their morning coffee on to their newspapers, or cough on that luke-warm waffle they just pulled out of the toaster. It's all in good spirit. They'll probably love me to death for this. <3

Oh no folks, we are going to get something truly revolutionary going on here, this will be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

It's called:
The Corrupted Wish.
It goes a little something like this:

I wish for a new car!

Wish granted, but the car was sold to you after being stolen.
I wish for a snowman.

Wish granted, but the eyes were really made of rat droppings.
I wish for 100000000 dollars.

And so on. Here we go.

I wish I had a time machine.

EDIT: How long will it take for an HA to post here? Add this into your game, a kind of prediction, just underneath your normal message enter a number guessing which post you will think the HA will have. i.e. #19 or #666


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
I knew GmK, San, Deadl0ck, or one of the HAs would be shitting bricks when they read the topic title, so that's the reason that the title of this thread really ISN'T the game to be played, I decided to mess with them a little, possibly cause them to spit their morning coffee on to their newspapers, or cough on that luke-warm waffle they just pulled out of the toaster. It's all in good spirit. They'll probably love me to death for this. <3
You succeeded.

Thanks for the spit in my coffee!