Your name:
Your current rank on the server:
Your Family:
Requested Family: Gaia
Reasons for not staying in your current family:
Primus isn't going anywhere, I can't benefit it nor does it benefit me. There is nothing really to do and it is boring, I could be much more useful in another family, where I can reach my full potential.
Reasons for requesting to be in your chosen family:
Gaia is much more me, I like the people there and I would enjoy myself much more if I was part of the Gaian family. I love the are Gaia is based in and the whole family in welcoming and nice. I would fit in well there and I could be much more useful to Gaia then I am to Primus.
Why this move is necessary:
I haven't been active because I do not enjoy Primus, I really want to improve my activity but I can't do that, whilst I am in Primus. I need things to Occupy me and Primus does not offer that.
Statement of Good Faith: I am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause, but I will appreciate it greatly if you fulfil my request. I need this change to help me improve my activity and for me to enjoy playing Primordia. Thank you for considering this.