Army of Darkness - Zombie Survival Server

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Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
What I like about this is that it fixes a lot of problems with the classic server.
Lag for catching and running is no longer a problem, neither are hitboxes. It's harder to be illegal now because of building.

It looks a lot better, more map possibilities, the only problem I think exists currently is the fact that you can keep all your items after the round ends. This allows people to farm resources out of the maps, get in a safe place, and then smelt it all and become nearly invincible; especially in the face of new players.

I'd be all over making this permanent.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
This is the coolest thing since... well everything. Not only did it not lag as much as I expected, it was just lots of fun. Thank you so much Listings <3

Also, Finally a use for Primordia creative world! Weeeeee.

Below will be an updated list of little nit-picks that me and a few others have found:
  • When you die, make it so you randomly spawn... rather than back where you died. This usually ends up in spawn killing one way or the other. So random spawns would be awesome (It would also be cool if it can detect if you are IE 40 blocks from a player)
  • Inventory should definitely be cleared every map! If not, we will end up with people that are invincible with full diamond everything and winning everyone. We do not want this! Maybe a small reward every round for the survivors would be good, on-top of their regular starting pack. (IE. 1 diamond for the round)
  • /t doesn't work!
  • Obviously the ability for staff members (Maybe just all HC's/Controllers for now) to be able to referee the round. They can do /ref which puts them on the ref team and automatically vanishing them. Some quick implementation of this ASAP would help stop all those illegal people!

@GmK -

How about adding an extra section here for the hunting server (and possibly the A&T server too):

I assume that would be much easier to track features and bugs on :)
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