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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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"If anyone thinks they can handle themselves in any sort of weapon, I urge you to speak with me. I promise you won't regret it. I'll be in the first room on the left, spread the word to your companions, the more the better."
After hearing this i'm interested in what this young man has to offer. Maybe it could be a way to prove myself NOT an evil enderman. Balloon slips in and out quietly through and up to the rooms of the Brewing Stand. Just as I am about to turn the corner suddenly a man with a helmet and cape appears "What the hell is HE doing here?"


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob thought while he studied the name tag on the purple girl's pack. Duffie. "Durwin.. You derp, you got the wrong room," Blob said, flashing the receipt in his face.
Durwin prepared to reply when there was a knock on the door. Durwin got up to open the door, revealing the caped man stood in the doorway. Darth. I still don't know why he is familiar... Why does he wear that helmet?..
Darth stood for a moment, then spoke.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Durwin? I believe that is what your name was?" asked Darth. "I think that's your name, anyways."

"Yes, I remember you from last night, with the ruckus last night over the enderpearl. I saw your notice on the board downstairs, and came up here to see what it was all about."

Darth looked with a bit of surprise as he noticed Blob and Duffie were both behind Durwin.

Suddenly, he turned, as if hearing a noise outside the door.

"Excuse me for one moment, please." he stated.

Briskly striding back out the door, he came back pulling a struggling man.

"I thought I sensed someone outside" he said. "First your story, mister, and then your *points to Durwin* explanation for this notice you posted, Durwin."


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Damn cant believe I got caught guess I have to tell them. "Fine my name is Balloon I was here from when the huge wipeout had happened and got changed into this thing but I am friendly and mean no harm I overhead this offer and decided to see what it was" I noticed a girl in Purple on the bed another strange guy in Purple standing and then Defiant who looked a bit dazed. What the hell is going on?


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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The young man woke, late in the afternoon with a pounding headache. After the old mans continued refusal to speak with him (He hadn't been looking for a fight, he simply wanted his attention!), he staggered to the basement room he had been renting and passed out. God, I'm never going to get drunk again, he resolved. After throwing up all over the bed and taking a special drink that the innkeeper, knowing of his drinking fits, had put by his bed, he was feeling well again and ready to have one last shot at finding out the truth behind the old man.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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What is Durwin up to? Asking for help? "Listen, Durwin, I don't know what you're planning but-"
A voice outside yelled loudly...
"What do you suppose that was?" Balloon said, still struggling to escape Darth's grasp.
"No matter, the guards can handle it. They're paid for a reason," Blob replied. It was obvious that he was still dazed.
Duffie began to stir, awakened by the yell.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked intently at each of his guests. "I thank you all dearly for heeding my note. Unfortunately it seems as if Herobrine as once again awakened. This town is as good as dead. I wanted to gather you all here so that we may escape and hopefully put an end to his reign once again. More importantly right now," Durwin takes out the pearl. "We need to get this out of his reach as fast as possible. There is no time to save Shizuka, if you have friends that could help us, or family that you care deeply for, I suggest you tell them what is going to happen. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. Any questions?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Hearing the loud yell outside, Darth half turned his head, without loosening his vice-like grip on Balloon's arms.

"I suspect Diago, as that yell had his voice."

He then looked back towards the trio.
"Blob, do you know the meaning of this message of doom he has announced?"

Hearing more screams from Diago, Darth stood, as if he were deciding what ought to be done.

"Keep this man here. He still has some more explaining to do. I'll be right back."

Giving balloon a small push, Darth turned and left, pulling the door shut behind him.

Walking out the door, Darth noticed that the screams appeared to be coming from a nearby stable.
"What creature has that Diago gotten to attack him now?" Darth muttered. "Probably a slime."

Darth walked briskly down the street to the open door of the stable, and looked in and saw Diago.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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The yelling persisted. Blob swore under his breath and opened the window. "Hey, guards. You aren't getting payed for nothing, hel-" Blob's eyes widened. What the... "Get me a sword." Durwin stared at him quizzically. "I said get me a sword." Durwin reluctantly complied and tossed Blob a stone sword.
"I'll be right back." The group watched Blob as he dashed out of the room and tavern. Moments later, Blob yelled from outside. "Uh, guys. I'm going to need some help!" The group, except for Duffie who still sat in bed glaze-eyed, ran to the door of the tavern before being blocked by Blob.
"Cover your eyes," Blob demanded. They did so, a look of worry in their eyes. "Now, follow me." They all walked outside, and was astonished by what they saw. There were Endermen everywhere. "C'mon, the yell came from this way."
"Diago. The klutz who slipped all over the ice and struck out hitting on Duffie? Yeah, as if he'll be helpful," Blob said.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth walked briskly back to the tavern, jogged up the stairs, and reentered the room.

"Nothing but a friendly wolf!" Darth spit out in disgust.

"Anyways, what is this about Shizuka being destroyed? If I called, thousands of men could be here within a week."
Darth shut the door and leaned against it.
"I can see your point if it will happen quickly, however." he continued. "It would be a waste of lives if the town were already destroyed. But if it is going to be crushed soon, ought we not warn the people so that they can flee?"

Darth looked quizzically at Blob .
"And what part do you have in all of this? And why is the young woman here as well?"


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin's eye's widened. " A Week? That is rather fast but nontheless, it would not be fast enough, nor would those thousands of men do the job. As to the young woman... the barkeep told me the room was open and when I got here, she was here."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"That indeed is a problem. But still, can we not warn the inhabitants of this town?"
Darth crosses his arms across his chest.

"Also, why does Herobrine want this particular Enderpearl so badly?" Darth queries, whilst rummaging around a bit, seeming to be looking for something that he was carrying. He tries a moment longer, then stops and then speaks again.

"It seems a bit odd that he would destroy the town if we were not here, and his precious Enderpearl with us. However, I myself do not fear a fight." he states, resting his hand on the hilt clipped to his belt.

He notices balloon starting to speak, and gestures for him to continue.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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I cant believe this is happening. "Darth, look I know my story is... well hard to believe but its true as you can tell if I WAS a real one of those things I would have attacked you guys by now I can help and would be a great asset as a spy or if needed sneaking in." Darth looked at him skeptically and the girl in Purple seemed to be waking...


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin watched Darth curiously. "He has already collected the other pearls that he needs. This would be the last one in finishing his portal. We could tell the townspeople, but neither would they listen nor would they like it very much if we started spreading the "rumor". They would probably run us out of town. It's not like we plan on staying here much longer anyway but using this time to gather supplies would be a nice benefit." Durwin looks away.
"Another thing is it wouldn't matter if they ran anyway. He would hunt them down to the man."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[Hate to see Shizuka go, but not willing to bring in ten thousand troops to defend it. Seems a bit unfair. Of course, if you think it is fair, then by all means let me know]

At these words from Durwin and Balloon, Darth paused a moment, then looked at each member in turn. He reached down to a small pouch he carried at his side, and pulled out two small bags, handing them to Durwin .
"If it was Enderpearls he wanted, then he ought to have looked for these." he smirked.
"Take a look. There are more than enough there to finish a portal, once enchanted."

"I gained them from the fact that my mask prevents their teleportation for at least one good blow, giving me a slight edge in a fight." He continued.
"These are why I doubted you about Herobrine and his reasons. We can destroy them if you wish."


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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"Well whoever you are," as balloon watched the guy in purple," I know a place we could go for some supplies its only a few miles in another town called Terrenus a newly made fort."

Suddenly the girl in Purple began to get up with a puzzled look on her face. I thought to myself if I should have came in this place at all....