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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Okay got the pickaxe now to destroy that thing! I quickly went through the cleared way thanks to Durwins trail of blazing fire and ran to the box and started mining it as fast as I could. A bandit then saw me and started running towards me but I couldn't stop now I was so close. in the nick of time I broke the spawner then jabbed the bandit in the jaw as he lifelessly fell to the ground with a thud.


Oct 8, 2011
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With the Dark Spawner destroyed the rest of the bandits died relatively quickly. The group's combination of weapons were a formidable force to be reckoned with. When the group came back together Durwin asked,
"Three guesses as to where that thing came from. Hint: It's name begins with Hero and ends in Brine." He looks over everyone.
"Anyone hurt? We need to get moving."


Aug 6, 2011
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Well, I can't sit here and do nothing... Refresh thought watching the group of people fighting off the last of the monsters. He then saw one of the people get knocked down by one. "I gotta help them now" he said getting up to help the distressed man. When he got up to the bandit he knocked him off the man and sent in flying into a tree, knocking the tree down in the process. Shocked, he watch the lifeless corpse of the bandit poof away and said to himself "How did I-- what was-- did I really just do that?" Remembering the guy he just helped, he pulled him up and asked "Hey man, you okay?"

[Edit: Kinda ninja'd but I think this can stay without ruining the plot line, right?]
[Edit edit: Fix'd]


Aug 6, 2011
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[Lolno, Darth said he was being held down by one in his last post, so I came and knocked him off. That's why I posted that edit too, wanna make sure that that ninja didn't break my story line.]
(( Nono, you see, when we killed these bandits, they were actually illusions. They poofed away once they died.

But the one you killed didn't. xD ))


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie found several more bandits coming after him, and after one fell swoop, she looked again to notice they had disappeared. She looked up, noticing the rest were gone as well. She stood up, putting her staff and chain back into her backpack, then sighed.

"Jeez, what a roundup..."

As Durwin asked if anyone was hurt, she walked over to him, only to notice someone next to Darth. She staggered a bit, pointing toward the man next to Darth. "Wha-- Who are you!?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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The bandit was preparing to kill Darth, when a stranger appeared and tossed the bandit aside, making it vanish in a puff of smoke.

Darth grabbed the figure's outstretched hand, and helped pull himself back up.
"I'll have more time to thank you later" he said quickly "Now we must continue to fight."

Darth went back into the fray, slashing and stabbing away.
Soon, all the bandits were dispatched, and Durwin asked if everyone was okay.
Then, Duffie pointed to the stranger who had helped Darth, and asked "Wha-- Who are you!?"

Darth brushed himself off a bit more, and turned to the newcomer.

"Firstly, I'd like to know the same as what she asked. Secondly, thank you for assisting me. I am in your debt. One day, I might repay you."

Darth took the opportunity to better look over the stranger.


Aug 6, 2011
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"Wha- oh yeah... pssh it was nothing, I guess... I don't even know how I did that, I'm usually just a weakling." Refresh said rubbing his hand on the back of his head. "Oh, anyways, my name is Refresh," he said shaking the hands of the people in the group. "I just moved into a house at Shizuka, but the whole place is deserted, well, except one guy who I found dead there, bad experience, anywho, who are all of you people? And what were those-- those... things?" he said looking at where the bandit vanished, then back to the group.


Oct 8, 2011
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Worry emanated from Durwin.
"If the entire town wasn't a trap to begin with... then all those people that ran off... they're going to run to nearby towns spreading the horror, and when Herobrine catches up... my god the horror and destruction would spread exponentially." Durwin paced back and forth.
"Other than going to Terrenus to get supplies, does anyone have an idea as to how we best Herobrine? I'd say we should find a library from the ancient capitol but.. it's long since been buried."


Aug 6, 2011
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"Defiant?" Refresh said as he looked over towards Defiant "Hey man, haven't seen you since Arcem, it's good, it's good" he said walking over to him. "I see you took your profession elsewhere. Anywho, getting back to the matter at hand, what happened here? Who is this 'Herobrine' person?" he said looking back to the group.

[Edit: Added a line because Togo likes to be a ninja :p]
[Edit edit: Add the word Edit to show you that was edited in]


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Durwin smirked at Defiant, "Heh, Defiant have I let you down yet?" The breeze shifted a little as Durwin closed his eyes. The smell of spring burst into the air. Light expanded from within Durwin until it encased the group. Warmth radiated through them right to their wounds. They began to stitch back together and the pain was away. As the light was sucked back into him, a grimace formed on Durwin's face. He coughed a little and his voice was hoarse,
"There see? Never better!" Durwin sunk to his knees.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Still, Refresh, I more than likely owe you my life. I thank you for that."

Darth looked towards Blob, who appeared to be asking Durwin something.
Suddenly, light expanded from within Durwin until it enveloped the group.
"More magic?" Darth puzzled "Whatever it is, it seems to be helping everyone's wounds to heal. Better than we have back home, too."

"Thanks, Durwin." Darth said courteously.
He looked on with shock as Durwin fell to his knees and grimaced.
"Durwin , if it takes that much out of you, save your strength. We were not wounded severely, and it does us no good if we lose you." Darth said concernedly.

Darth deactivated his weapon, and clipped it back onto his belt.
"So, where are we going now, now that we have heard that Shizuka has been evacuated?"


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin glanced at Darth,
"Thanks for your concern, and as you can see this is why I'd rather not have to do this in a fight of course I can do it quicker but I like being flashy heh.. however right now I'd like to find out where all the people went... I don't like that they seem to have "evacuated" on their own."


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
A cold wind blows through the forest, rustling the leaves of the overgrown trees and bushes. A stranger lies unseen beneath the dark cover, perfectly camouflaged by his dust-stained poncho and dark worn hat.He waits behind a group of travelers who had just put up a hell of a fight against an army of apparitions. The stranger raises his hat above his brow, and removes a pair of binoculars from his satchel and places them to his eyes. He looks toward the travelers.

The Stranger whispers under his breath:
"Illusions, strange swords of light, magic.....Hmmm, I'll take a gander and assume I've stumbled upon the people I'm looking for. I need only the one, however...."

The Stranger recalls the events leading up to his encounter with these travelers.
He had stumbled across a tavern by the name of "The Brewers Stand". He looked through the window and noticed that the bar was packed, and a subtle entry was out of the question. He decided to take residency in a hotel across the street of the tavern, and after using the negotiating tool called a gun to the head with the hotel manager, he occupied himself on the second floor, in a room with a window view of the tavern. After a couple hours of snooping, and witnessing the slenderman commotion, he decided to go to bed, knowing that he'll get his target in the morning. Waking up, he began his watch again, alert to all the screaming, bickering, and non-stop nonsensical talking about a "Herobrine" and "Enderpearls". There was a large commotion, and a bright light went shooting into his binoculars, causing him to be temporarily blinded, thusly knocking himself out against the top of the raised window.

After waking up a time later, he noticed his mistake, as it seems that the bar's population has deserted. He ran down the hotel stairs, and was about to run across the street until he saw a seemingly lost man enter the tavern. He slowly walks, crouching to not be seen. He continues to follow the man until he heads upstairs, who apparently is trying to find out where everyone is as well. He hides behind the bar, next to a body.


The body starts to move on the floor, startled, he grabs the biggest bottle he could find and delivered a seemingly deadly blow right to his brow.

He quickly scampered outside and behind a cluster of barrels, knowing the loud crash would draw the man's attention. He listened inside...

"AH! Dead guy, dead guy, was touchin' a dead guy. Eeeeewww."


The man leaves the tavern, and he followed after the man, hoping that he'd eventually lead him to his target...

((Pretend I'm not here ;) ))