Poetry Thread!


Aug 6, 2011
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An evil smile beyond our walls is always our fear.
Only wishing it that its head won't rear.
Waiting for the day we die.
Its the only time we lie.
Only hoping we have nothing to regret.
Its the only thing we fret.
But in the end we live to see another day.
Until we fall into dismay.

Just writing what i feel.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Excuse me, madam​
But I just stopped in​
To see if the maid was in​
I have these brushes, you see​
And they work like a dream​
They will not even wear out​
Even if you clean your trees!​
I see a pig over there, may I?​
Be prepared to watch the mud fly!​
Allow me to make a demonstration​
These brushes, they are really quite slick​
That pig is quite muddy​
But they’ll do the trick​
See how fine he cleans up?​
Now, look at him run​
He has never felt so clean,​
That was really quite fun​
So, how many would you like, madam?​
Two brushes?​
You still don’t believe me?​
Why, I’ll wash that tree!​
Just look at how nice the bark comes off​
It’s nasty stuff, all rough and bumpy​
There! That’s the stuff!​
Wait! Madam!​
You haven’t ordered any yet?​
You want me to ship them off to Tibet?​
The monks need them, not you?​
Why, I’ll just show you what these brushes can do!​
They can take off cement​
They can remove paint​
And the siding too, that’s just what I meant!​
Do I have any others?​
Lady, please​
I don’t need the bother​
These three are all I have​
Please lady, don’t slam the door!​
My foot is still on your kitchen floor!​
Well, my good lady​
You have won​
But I also have one, too!​
I’ll hop by again,​
Be back for my foot!​
Wrote it several semesters ago for an Intro to Lit. class.
It's random, I know. (Also, the forums squashed everything together, it appears. :c)


Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
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There once was a man​
His ambitions were few​
They knew him as 'Prizyms'​
And he had nothing to do​
Priz was on the forums​
And he dropped by this thread​
He said 'Hey, I'll see some poems!'​
And some poems he read.​
Priz looked at all the poems​
And he went to fill the gap​
He tried to write his own​
But it ended up being c-​


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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A wise hare once told,​
Of a land bewoe’d.​
With a breath and a shudder,​
She painted a picture of the lands to the north.​
She told me of the deep frost,​
the icy glaciers,​
the enveloping darkness as night falls over.​
But worst of all,​
She described to me,​
The tyrannical Foxwolf, hunting with his horde.​
Breaking familes, scarring lives,​
Ruining souls, reaping a toll.​
He never stopped and continued to plunder,​
But didn’t bargain the fact that he’d be defeated,​
By the warrior spirit, that lives in some creatures.​
This is my first attempt at poetry since the 6th grade.​
Extra info, this is based around Redwall, The Bellmaker


Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
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A wise hare once told,​
Of a land bewoe’d.​
With a breath and a shudder,​
She painted a picture of the lands to the north.​
She told me of the deep frost,​
the icy glaciers,​
the enveloping darkness as night falls over.​
But worst of all,​
She described to me,​
The tyrannical Foxwolf, hunting with his horde.​
Breaking familes, scarring lives,​
Ruining souls, reaping a toll.​
He never stopped and continued to plunder,​
But didn’t bargain the fact that he’d be defeated,​
By the warrior spirit, that lives in some creatures.​
This is my first attempt at poetry since the 6th grade.​
Extra info, this is based around Redwall, The Bellmaker
Redwall. Haven't read that series since I was 8. I can't remember a thing. How were you supposed to read them - chronologically (starting with Martin the Warrior) or publication datewise (starting with Redwall)?


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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Redwall. Haven't read that series since I was 8. I can't remember a thing. How were you supposed to read them - chronologically (starting with Martin the Warrior) or publication datewise (starting with Redwall)?
Bleh, I read them publicationally. It was cool to be like, OH YEAH, THAT WAS THIS TIME EVEN THOUGH IT'S 3 BOOKS IN THE FUTURE


Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
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Bleh, I read them publicationally. It was cool to be like, OH YEAH, THAT WAS THIS TIME EVEN THOUGH IT'S 3 BOOKS IN THE FUTURE
I remember when I was 8 and didnt know any of the series canon. I read them in such a mixed up order that they didnt make any sense. I heard the best way to understand the whole series is.to read them publication date wise starting with Redwall and then after reading the whole series reading them chronologically starting with Lord Brocktree. That's how my friend told me anyway


The Big Red Monster From Hell.
Sep 3, 2011
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I remember us playing among the dead leaves,
While it was in the summer, or a breeze.
And your warm body touching mine,
Beside the big tree, we used to spend our time.

We played happily together all day long,
Hiding in the golden dead leaves among.
I laughed, you smiled,
Sometimes we acted gentle, sometimes wild.

I had no other friends besides you,
I loved you very much, and I still do.
I protected you as best as I could,
Took care of you, and gave you food.

But one day, while you were chewing on my shoes,
I came up to you, told you the bad news.
I still remember the touch of your fur, all brown,
I was crying, so hurt and sad and angry,
When you had to be put down.

I hold all my memories of you, Diana in my heart,
I hope you knew that I loved you since the very start.
You were the best dog I ever had,
And that I had you, I'm very glad.

I wrote this about 3 years ago in memory of my Dog, Diana who had to be put down after it turned out she was suffering from a bad illness. R.I.P My Diana :(


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
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My friend wrote this, which i helped to write with some friends outlining the dark part of our lives:
(metaphor of how ''she'', is really the darkness in all of us)

She scares mothers and children away
as she colors on her body throughout the day
Her skin is so white
as the sun is so bright
In her heart the Devil lies
as she wishes she could die
Her mind is whack
as her clothes are black
When i look into her eyes
all I see is the midnight skies

Isn't this a cheerful poem? -John


Blocktopia's Official Octopus
Sep 9, 2011
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Now this isn't the one I wrote a while back. This is kinda based on John's but...

The darkness is now one of us.
Thriving inside you,
Eating out your good will.
The darkness surely gets it's fill.
The goodness inside you is now fading away,
The darkness is not being kept at bay.
Sweeping over the lands,
Forged by the Devil's hands.
The Devil's wish is now fulfilled,
Now who will be brave enough to not be thrilled?
NOTE: In this part, thrilled means scared, not happy/enjoyed/etc..

Hope arises,
Dawn breaks,
The sun comes out,
The darkness is gone.
A brave adventurer has saved us,
Eternally thankful we shall be,
Of the hero,
Whose soul was of pure light.

I found one while doing homework, it's about Aboriginal rights and racism and stoof.

A Song of Hope

by Oodgeroo (Kath Walker)

Look up, my people,
The dawn is breaking
The world is waking
To a bright new day
When none defame us
No restriction tame us
Nor colour shame us
Nor sneer dismay.

Now brood no more
On the years behind you
The hope assigned you
Shall the past replace
When a juster justice
Grown wise and stronger
Points the bone no longer
At a darker race.

So long we waited
Bound and frustrated
Till hate be hated
And caste deposed
Now light shall guide us
No goal denied us
And all doors open
That long were closed.

See plain the promise
Dark freedom-lover!
Night's nearly over
And though long the climb
New rights will greet us
New mateship meet us
And joy complete us
In our new Dream Time.

To our fathers' fathers
The paid, the sorrow;
To our children's children
the glad tomorrow.


The Hell Raiser
Aug 6, 2011
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Spring the day Bunnies go hopping
And when flowers rise up for new life
And when Bears go out on a prowl
For Fish or other creatures. Bees go flying
Then they get the pollen and stingers

Spring the day People go walking
Rain/Thunderstorms go off like a firecracker
Kids go on outside for soccer and other sports
People go on vacations and go on dirt roads
Tourism opens up again. Families spend time
outside of christmas and other holidays

Spring the season Teachers love
Teachers deal with students complaining about the heat/weather
Teachers can't wait for summer
Teachers count down till May
Students pass classes and wait for school to get out
Spring, spring, Spring what we going to do?

This is a free verse poem i had to write in Creative Writing Class


Aug 7, 2011
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ShinyShark, Darthlego, Prizyms, Reyvnova and to those I liked you guys are awesome.

The rest are meh though.

Anyone remember my stuff from the old forums? I used to think I was pretty good but now that I look back at my dA I cringe in shame. I'm deleting all of them now and starting anew with the exception of this one for the lulz:

It fell out of the sky

by ~Smuglorda

An alien craft,
fell out of the sky
like an elevator shaft.
Rumours began to fly

Farmers called the cops;
Cops called the FBI
FBI called the president;
President said: "What, where why!?"

Nations gathered to meet:
Obama started to discuss:
"It's probably an alien fleet;
Nothing worth the fuss."

Before they had their meeting tea.
They turn to see the daily news
And spit their drinks when they see;
A video with 89 million views:

An alien with two hundred eyes
Numerous heads and arms
But somehow, only two thighs
Running amock and invading the farms.

But before they could
Form an action plan
It was in hollywood
And trending on 4chan

The world was crying
Though it was sunny
and nobody was dying.
Because it was too funny

Imagine the aliens' shame
When he landed here
And got instant fame
Because he had a funny rear

He quickly galloped back
To the ship that he came
The earth was safe from attack
The poor alien was never the same...