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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Amek. This is Blob," Darth said pointing to Defiant,"and this is Refresh" he said to Refresh wrapping his hand in the bandage Darth had given him. He raised his head and eyebrows as if to say "Hey" without speaking.
Man, this has been one crazy day, he thought to himself looking out the window at the sunset, Met two more strangers when I was just starting to get used to this group, lost most my stuff, played a short but intense game of Tic-Tac-Toe, get in a fight, nearly die, but live somehow, oh yeah, and that girl goes and gets kidnapped. At least the sunset is nice.
"Blinx, Durwin gave you something to help us get to him quickly, correct? If anything deserves its use, now seems to be that thing. Durwin seemed quite fond of Duffie, from what I saw." Darth said causing Refresh to look back at the group. At least we won't have to be walking back to catch up with the other people, Refresh thought in peace thinking about his aching feet.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin felt a tugging sensation on his skin.

"Oh, this must be them now." He cast open his arms a rectangle of white light, looking much like a door, appeared before him.

"I'll be right back Balloon." Durwin said as he stepped through. In an instant he was standing before Darth, Refresh, Defiant, Amek, and Blinx.

"I'm glad you found your way alright. Doesn't seem as if you had much trouble.. but Refresh you seem to be favoring your hand." Durwin looks around noticing the scuffed and broken land.

"Must have been quite the fight, you'll have to tell me about it later. Everyone get together close, that's it." He circled the group in his arms.

"Alright lets go!" The group shuffled to the white door, and passed through it. Just as quick as he had passed through the first time, Durwin went through just as quick, only this time bringing some friends. They appeared in front of Balloon.

"Good, everyone all here? Great. We have two more jumps to go, right this way." Durwin led them into the archway of the device.

"This here is the Rakatan Device, allows very quick transport to very great, small, interdimentional, anything. It is omnipotent." The group reached the end of the hallway, and followed Durwin as he went left, then right, then right, then left, and finally another left. At the end was a circular platform on the ground and large spinning mechanical arm swinging around the outside of the platform. Durwin went up to keyboard-like interface. A motherly, female voice echoed around the room.

"Where would you wish to travel, my children?" It said. Durwin turned toward the platform.

"Avalon, please."

"Step in and close you eyes." The voice replied back. Everyone stepped in, and did as she asked. Durwin turned to the group,

"If you have questions wait until we're safe, and I'll answer what I can." With that a bright golden light enveloped them and they felt as though they had been scooped of their feet. Time meant nothing anymore, it could have been seconds, hours, or years. It didn't matter, this was bliss. It ended almost too quickly and they all opened their eyes and found themselves on the floor of another platform. Durwin pulled out the heirloom,

"Where is Duffie?" He channeled his own magic into the necklace and in the dark stone appeared co-ordinates. But they kept changing.

"Blast she must be on the move. Let's see here... going in that direction... that fast... got it. Everyone get together again apparently we're going to arrive on a ship, or plane, or something, but it should be right where Duffie is. I'm going to be using the last of my power gained from that storm, so I will probably be weaker, be ready for one heck of a fight. These men are most likely brutal, and deadly, and not to be messed with. Alright, off we go." This time it felt as though their feet had be kicked from under them, and they were free falling. Not at all like the pleasant trip here, but ended just as quick, and with them on their feet. They arrived with a flash on a flying boat, that seemed to be in the sky itself, looking at Duffie and other men about the deck. Durwin sunk to his knees.

[Yes this is long but StoryMaster said he wanted to get the plot moving, so here ya go :p ]


Aug 6, 2011
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(( Wow. That was pretty quick... o. o ))

((Slightly before Togo's post, too. :p ))

Duffie sighed, continuing to look down at the spires.

"It's funny..." she said to The Stranger, breaking the silence. "I never thought I had a different mother... I thought the story didn't sound believable at first, but... It's actually starting to make sense..."

She lifted her head from the side of the ship, looking up into the sky. "I wonder what the others are doing now, though..."

As soon as she said that, she saw something peculiar in the sky.

"... Excuse me, Travis? Is that normal?" She said, pointing at what she saw in the sky. (( StoryMaster ))

(( And now what Togo said. I do believe they all randomly teleport, which I told Togo to not misuse, but he did anyway. :p ))


((Wait real quick before I make a mistake, Is the thing falling from the sky the device being used to carry the group?

Also Thetogolopian, Duffie isn't in the Nether, she's in Avalon.

and yeah it's fine(for this instant) We'll just roll with it.

Do you guys want for me to tell you how the concept of realms makes sense in this? Or keep it a secret?))


(( Duffie Actually, I was planning on something being in the sky soon that will begin moving the story along, could you edit it similar to "Seeing something peculiar in the sky"? Not those exact words, but something of the like!

Also, I'm just going to spit it out there, the whole idea of a "realm" would be the equivalent of a save file in Minecraft :3))


Aug 6, 2011
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(( Duffie Actually, I was planning on something being in the sky soon that will begin moving the story along, could you edit it similar to "Seeing something peculiar in the sky"? Not those exact words, but something of the like!
(( Changed. Just after saying stuff about edits, too. xD

It's alright, though. :p ))

((Also, I'm just going to spit it out there, the whole idea of a "realm" would be the equivalent of a save file in Minecraft :3))
(( I quite like that idea. I say that the whole world in general is Minecraftia. ( Not to get on anyone's nerves about the name, I just find it fitting for a base MineCraft world name. :p ) ))


In the bowels of hell, 6 priests surround a fiery totem, and detailed inscriptions of plaques, wars, and treachery surround it's dark surface. As the priests continue to chant, the totem begins to give off a dark shadow, which grows more as the ritual wears on.
Then as the ritual reaches its climax, the dark shadows shoot upward toward the ceiling of the chamber, and beyond through the netherrack and into all the realms of Minecraftia....
As Duffie looks up, she notices that the sun of Avalon has grown a large dark spot in it's center. The spot is slowly growing larger, with a purple hue surrounding its perimeter. The Sun is becoming conquered by the evil darkness.


"No Duffie , that is definitely NOT normal."​
The men on the ship all stop to stare at this strange occurrence. The ship's silence knifes through the winds.
"We're almost to the Sky Base, we will hope the Soffians and their technology can explain this odd event."


[Okay, I'm completely lost. :s]
((Durwin has used his Rakatan Device to acquire you and the rest of the group and has transported you onto the ship. The sun has begun turning into darkness, so everyone on the ship is distracted and don't see you guys board.

I now wonder why the Durwin character didn't choose to use this when Duffie was first stolen :p , but lets forget about that and go with what we have now. I was planning on getting you guys back together, but hey, I guess this can work. Let's just keep this teleporting thing at a minimum.))


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob looked around at everyone, glazed eyes. He looked down at his arm to see it morphing around some. The others were preoccupied and hadn't noticed. No. It's happening again. Blob bursted out of the group and off some distance. "Hey, what's wrong?" someone yelled from behind. I hope it wears off before they see me.

[since I'll be gone for some time, don't interact. Story is hard to keep up with on phone]


Oct 8, 2011
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((Durwin has used his Rakatan Device to acquire you and the rest of the group and has transported you onto the ship. The sun has begun turning into darkness, so everyone on the ship is distracted and don't see you guys board.

I now wonder why the Durwin character didn't choose to use this when Duffie was first stolen :p , but lets forget about that and go with what we have now. I was planning on getting you guys back together, but hey, I guess this can work. Let's just keep this teleporting thing at a minimum.))
[Rakatan Device is the only thing that can get us to your world and why I didn't use it sooner is because we didn't have everyone and running off alone would not only be selfish, but foolish. So now we're getting another story before we all meet up and continue the story.]