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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



The young boy looks at the pack that has been thrown into his hands. Inside, five golden berries are stowed away, shining in the sunlight, but now covered in blood from the boy's hands. While he didn't understand what DarthLego5679 said, he figured out why he gave these berries. The boy places a berry into the back of his father's throat, and then prays to his gods.
Fighting continues
The Boy waits.
Then, as if by magic, the man's body begins to glow! The blood, running in all directions, begins retracting towards the man. It crawls up and around his clothes, and the wounds on his chest and other parts of his body begin to heal and close up, as if he had never been scratched before in his life. As soon as the final cuts are healed, the man suddenly opens his eyes and takes a harsh deep breath,as if it was his first one ever. His eyes sparkle as he looks at his son, he is smiling from ear to ear.
"Tôi nhìn thấy mẹ, con trai của tôi, cô thật xinh đẹp, ngay cả trong cái chết!Cô đã nói với tôi một tin nhắn rất lớn từ các vị thần của chúng tôi!Cô nói rằng chúng ta phải ngừng chiến đấu vô nghĩa này, vì vậy chúng tôi không thực hiện một sai lầm khủng khiếp!Chúng tôi là để nắm bắt ngày!Nhưng chúng ta phải ngừng chiến đấu!"​

I saw your mother, my son, she is so beautiful, even in death! She has told me a great message from our gods! She says we must stop this pointless fighting, so that we do not make a terrible mistake! We are to seize the day! But we must stop fighting!
He stands up quickly, as if he had never been hurt.
He shouts: "Ngừng chiến đấu!!"
The men continue fighting
He tries again: "Ngừng chiến đấu!Xin vui lòng ngừng chiến đấu!"​
Stop Fighting!
Please stop fighting!

Half of the warriors hear him, but as the commotion dies down, the fighting warriors notice after a while and discontinue fighting as well.
The man tells of his meeting with his wife in the afterlife to the warriors and of his short journey through the golden grasslands of the afterlife and all of its wonders.
The heroes have time to discuss the situation, as they wait for the man to finish his story.


(Back in Avalon)​
"We're about 2-3 days away from Sky Base, barring any delays. We should should be close to The Bay of Spires, assuming Gregory has steered us right. "​


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin glanced at Balloon,

"Don't worry about it I got it all covered. When they meet eachother, which should be soon, I gave them something that will help me get them here. All they have to do is break it. I have a feeling that this whole 'kidnap' Duffie thing is more that it seems."


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx comes out of the shadows, head down. He was disappointed that the warriors continued fighting against Darth and Blob, making it seem like a petty attempt to get away. In the end, he believed that Darth had the better idea.
After the revived man finished speaking to the warriors, Blinx apologized for causing so much trouble. The warriors took about another hour to translate it.


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie continued to ask Travis questions as they sailed through the skies.

"Sky Base? Bay of Spires?"

Duffie thought for a moment, then resided to ask a more specific question.

"Will this ship be landing at the Sky Base, after we sail through this so called Bay of Spires?"

Duffie felt she had more to ask, but wanted to know about the moment at hand.


"Yes, Sky Base is the capital of Soffia, which is city where your mother currently resides. It's quite an interesting name, Sky Base. It was formerly a fort, because because of its unique location, but due to it's beauty and great position of defense, it has prospered to become one of the most largest and influential cities in all the realms. I don't want to spoil much about it though, as it's impossible to describe it in words, it is just so magnificent."​
Travis looks down at the water below
"And just look at that!...the Bay of Spires!"​
Below the ship's bow, extending miles into the air, are thousands of rock pillars, reaching towards the heavens. Glowing orange in the dying sun, they speak to the uniqueness of the landscape of Avalon, and what is expected to come.


Aug 14, 2011
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"It's not about what happened to Durwin," Blinx replied. "Duffie was kidnapped and taken into another dimension."
Blinx thought for a moment.
"Also, I am REALLY sorry for leaving the fight a little early. It was because I was hoping that they would leave after they killed me, so I made that copy that ran around."


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin and Balloon pushed their horses to the brink and arrived at their destination a few hours earlier than expected.

"There she is, the Rakatan Device. Most powerful thing in the universe.. if you consider a really wide traveling radius power. This will get us to where Duffie is. All we need now is the others, and a rest. It won't be easy but if my hunch is correct, then we'll be one step closer to stopping Herobrine. C'mon lets set up camp for now. I guess we could get a meal going for when I can go get them."


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin sniffed the air. His eyes turned a dark blue. They had been nothing but dark red since Duffie's disappearance. The storm helped to calm him, and reassure him that they would get done what needed to be done.

"Ahh do you smell that? It's the smell of rain making everything wet. Couldn't have been a more perfect time for a storm. You can stay in the tent if you want Balloon, me, I'm gonna find a higher point to watch it all from." Durwin climbs up a small rocky wall over looking the camp.

"Hmm it was sunny not 5 minutes ago... Guess that means it has to do with Duffie, and her kidnappers. Or some unlucky man has invoked the wrath of a witch mistress, hah. I hope the group calls soon, we'll be able to leave right away now." Durwin laid down on his back with arms wide open while the lightning struck at his fingertips, and the water turned to steam around him.


Oct 8, 2011
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"Noisey? No, that's the calming part. And the wind, them coupled together kind of sounds like waves crashing on the beach. And depressing? I think it more energetic... The constant lightning and thunder are like little buffets of life. Always there, always ongoing, you can't stop them. But eventually they die off, only to have more born later on, such is the circle of life as well. Puts a smile on my face. And then there's the fact that water itself sustains us, and as you can see," A flame lit in Durwin's palm,

"I can still do many things in it. How does it hurt you by the way? It doesn't seem to be falling that harshly."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"We'd best get inside shelter" Darth decided.

He tapped one of the warriors on the shoulder, and gestured first to the downpour, then towards the shelter of the wrecked tavern. He then stepped inside the tavern himself, pausing to rub his right forearm across the eyepieces of his mask.

"So, Blinx. You say Duffie Shirayuki has been kidnapped? By whom, and when, and where?"

Grabbing a toppled chair from the floor, Darth flips it upright and sits down.
"This is a story that needs telling."


Aug 14, 2011
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((He is the All-Seeing Cat, Duh! :p ))

For many miles, The Stranger and Duffie peer over the side of the railing, watching as all the spires pass by. Some birds who have made their nests in the rock outcroppings take the time to fly alongside the ship, flying along in its wake. For a while, it is quite silent, but The Stranger is rather curious about their new passenger.

"So Duffie , if I may ask, where had you been all these years that you were missing? I mean its rather odd how it took all these years to find you, and there was hardly a hint or trace of your existence, which caused many hunters such as me to lose hope."


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Duffie pondered at this question for a bit.

"Well... All I know is that I was raised by my mother... Or, what I thought to be my mother. She cared for me, as well as her real daughter, Kira. I felt I should leave so I wouldn't cause her any trouble, but she said she liked to have my company. She thought of me as her daughter, as well..."

Duffie became silent,putting her head into her arms and peering down below the airship, as the spires and clouds continued to drift by.