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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



While Refresh sat down by the brook, he heard a long whistle, like a bird call, echo through the forest. Refresh looked up to find a small colorful bird perched upon a small tree. It's tail feathers extend for another foot below it's body, curving underneath the branch.
(( Refresh100 ))


Oct 8, 2011
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The man, as he looked at the results he had waited so long to get, heard a faint sizzling noise. Suddenly the whole room lit up, but there was no light source. The pressure in the room built and built, and man covered his ears and closed his eyes, for fear of harm coming to them. He moved to get up, but time seemed to move slow for him. While the event conspiring around him looked to be going normal paced, his body wouldn't move as fast. Like in the dreams when all you want to do is run away, yet your legs didn't seem to move fast enough, only this time it was his entire body. The taste of rust, came into his mouth. The tang of a fire just before it began filled his nose. He felt his legs being kicked from under him as he fell back. He did not hit the floor. Instead he, and many of the objects around the cabin, floated toward the table that held the results so very dear to his heart. As time slowly moved him along, the pressure increased and the man tried to scream but a wet substance blocked the sound. What was but a few moments for the outside world, had become minutes for the man. He never reached the table. Close he came, but not close enough. Finally the pressure increased once more, and the objects that had been sucked along with him sped faster toward the table. It all discharged and sent everything speeding outward. Where moments before stood a dark cabin, now a crumbling ruin lie in it's wake. The surrounding buildings looked as though a giant had shifted them to the side so they tilted at an angle. The loud resounding BOOM from the blast had alerted the rest of SkyBase. The man groaned still alive. Durwin stared wide eyed at Defiant,

"I guess we know who you tried to kill... You're lucky we saved you, otherwise it would have been you caught in there, along with who ever you were working with." He settled down and turned back to the Butler,

"I would still like to have my answers... please."

[ StoryMaster StoryMaster alright did it right this time, I have much hope!]


Aug 6, 2011
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"What a lovely bird" Refresh said marveling at the bird. He found something intriguing about the bird, something, like no other bird he'd seen. He felt a something, like a connection between him and the bird. He walked by the bird and stared at it. "What are you trying to tell me?" He said softly at the bird, staring at it.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth delves deep within the mind of the Caretaker​
Eat quickly, eat. For the Doku Soupe will cleanse your palette, as well as your life. Perhaps I should ------ hmmm, I see. So who is my unexpected visitor into my mind this evening? So what do you think of the place? Cozy isn't it?
(( DarthLego5679 , he has found you out! ))​
Possibly, Caretaker. Only it is a bit too full of malice for my tastes.
So, now that we've both been revealed to each other, perhaps we can level with each other.
Darth concentrated more, focusing in a contest of sheer willpower; each grappling to gain an advantage.​

Darth became more and more focused as he directed more of his power towards this struggle.​
I don't want to break your mind, Caretaker. But I will, if there is no alternative. You've been warned.


Aug 6, 2011
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Refresh watch the bird whistle as he flew from branch to branch. "Hey!" he said realizing that the bird seemed to be trying to signal him, "Wait up!" He ran after it, following it to where ever it took him.

[ Hmm... this post needs more meat... I know, log time! ]

[panel]Project Log: 39
Date: 4/12/32

Well, I told them. They don't seem to be too happy with the thought, something about "too much power." Ha! They've dubbed the original experiment the "Super-Human Project." What? I mean, if you didn't want power, why would you be creating "super-humans?" These people are a bit messed up in the head if ya know what I mean.

I'm going to continue on with the robotics experiment. What they don't know can't hurt them.[/panel]


Darth Lego, you seem to underestimate my power, for I am Darth Pyrus, 6th Sith Emperor of the Dark Lord. I am the most powerful to ever be given the honor of serving the Dark Lord, after I had killed my predecessor.
But what has caused you to deviate from the teachings of the Sith? Come join us again, brother, and embrace once again the powers of the Dark Side.
Darth Pyrus sends a wave of energy towards Darth Lego, causing a momentary shock to run through his body.


Oct 8, 2011
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[[ What exactly happened, Togo ._. From what I read, it blew up randomly, and you somehow knew it was someone trying to kill you, and that I was trying to kill you. ]]
[The process itself killed the man, Durwin didn't do anything. He knew because of the unique sound of the blast. He even mentioned earlier what would happen if someone where to do this.]


Refresh watch the bird whistle as he flew from branch to branch. "Hey!" he said realizing that the bird seemed to be trying to signal him, "Wait up!" He ran after it, following it to where ever it took him.
Refresh emerges into a small clearing, a small boulder rests in its center.
The bird flies to a tree across the clearing, swooping up and down with every beat of its wings. It pauses on the branch of another tree.


Oct 8, 2011
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[Man I sure hope you weren't trying to kill me... I know the first thing you'd do, and the results would be, well explosive doesn't even begin to describe it."

post 1277 page 52. if you were gonna have an issue with an explosion you shoulda said something here. i'll change the devastation level so it's plausible that the man lived.]


Oct 8, 2011
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[the amount of destruction wouldn't have allowed him to live, which was kinda the point. but seeing as how he is somehow important to your plot line, and not just some random man, might as well make it more believable, which I think I did.]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth Lego, you seem to underestimate my power, for I am Darth Pyrus, 6th Sith Emperor of the Dark Lord. I am the most powerful to ever be given the honor of serving the Dark Lord, after I had killed my predecessor.
But what has caused you to deviate from the teachings of the Sith? Come join us again, brother, and embrace once again the powers of the Dark Side.
Darth Pyrus sends a wave of energy towards Darth Lego, causing a momentary shock to run through his body.
Darth Pyrus, you have sold yourself out to Herobrine. You are no longer a Sith, as you don't work for the good of the Sith, but for another competing evil.

Darth recoiled slightly at the energy wave, then sent one in return.

Pyrus, you are weaker now! Give up! Rejoin the true Sith; disown Herobrine.


You fool! Herobrine is the source of the GREATEST POWER that the Sith has ever been able to harness. If you join us, you will have power beyond your imagination. Look to the sun! See what power that he brings to this land! His armies shall have the cover of permanent darkness to feast on the bodies of the weak!
Darth Pyrus regains a foothold on the battle, pushing forward, bringing the temperature in the room down several degrees.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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You fool! Herobrine is the source of the GREATEST POWER that the Sith has ever been able to harness. If you join us, you will have power beyond your imagination. Look to the sun! See what power that he brings to this land! His armies shall have the cover of permanent darkness to feast on the bodies of the weak!
Darth Pyrus regains a foothold on the battle, pushing forward, bringing the temperature in the room down several degrees.
You try to play me for a fool, Pyrus. Neither of us have forgotten about the rule of two. We cannot break it, else we lose the battle completely. I would go to the Light Side before I would allow you to destroy me.

Darth counters, forcing back the advance by Pyrus. The battle of wills goes unnoticed by everyone else at the table for the moment.

Pyrus, you can not have cast us off that easily? If you have, then we are doomed, for you were one of the most ardent of our order.



"Because we require your assistance human." said the bird.
With that, the bird's feathers begin to spread apart. The body begins to elongate and loops about the tree branch.
Quetzalcoatl: The Feathered Serpent
"Do not fear me human, I will cause you no harm."​


Aug 6, 2011
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"Because we require your assistance human." said the bird.
With that, the bird's feathers begin to spread apart. The body begins to elongate and loops about the tree branch.
Quetzalcoatl: The Feathered Serpent
"Do not fear me human, I will cause you no harm."​
(( Epic. ))


You try to play me for a fool, Pyrus. Neither of us have forgotten about the rule of two. We cannot break it, else we lose the battle completely. I would go to the Light Side before I would allow you to destroy me.

Darth counters, forcing back the advance by Pyrus. The battle of wills goes unnoticed by everyone else at the table for the moment.

Pyrus, you can not have cast us off that easily? If you have, then we are doomed, for you were one of the most ardent of our order.

Darth Lego, can you not see? The rule of two is what has led us to our position today! It has caused for the Dark Side to become weak through the constant change that occurs within our ranks. We must multiply and conquer the forces of the Jedi by sharing creating a Dark Brotherhood. It is time that you forget the old ways and embrace the dark power that the Dark Lord can provide you!