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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx sneaked around so that nobody would be able to find him. He decided to climb the walls and get through a second story window, where he saw Duffie and the Queen leave their room. After they left, Blinx quietly opened the window and went inside.
[Can I explore the queen's room or is that off limits and I should leave it?]


Blinx sees a diary, then picks it up. He flips to a random page and starts reading.
[panel] Dear Diary,
I feel lost. My mind is not always where it is supposed to be. It is as if I go about my day, and with every action I hear a voice at the back of my head, persuading me to act in certain ways. Some days, I black out, and am unable to recall certain events. Luckily for me, the Caretaker is always at my side when I need him. I don't know what I'd do without him[/panel]


[So we going to read Dante's Inferno anymore, or move onward? I vote onward.]
((That's for the best that we move on.))

A bustling of activity is heard outside and Darth , Defiant , and Balloon investigate to find a few dozen waiters and cooks sprinting across the hallway, setting up the preparations for dinner. They emerge in the dining hall, where they find the Queen and Duffie sitting down in nearby chairs, waiting for the table to be set up. The Queen looks towards them and acknowledges their presence.

"Hello gentlemen, have you found the palace to be adequate for yourselves?"


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Durwin started to count,

"One... two... three... four... five..." He kept going and finally reached 30. Sariel didn't appear. He kept counting and at 43 Sariel showed back up. Durwin glanced at him,

"You're late. C'mon let's go." With that, Durwin broke the porting gem,

"Now, all we have to do is wait for Duffie to break hers, and we'll be on our way." Sariel gave him a quizzical look,

"She's one of the party members, there are quite a few of us now actually, but we could still use your intel."

[lol ty Story]


This could lead to why those pictures were the way they were... Blinx thought.
He continued reading.
Most of the remainder of the Diary is filled with short tidbits of the Queen's daily life.

[panel] Dear Diary
I woke to find myself holding a knife, and myself covered in blood and chicken entrails.[/panel]

[panel] Dear Diary
Several people in the palace flinch when I speak to them, as if I've hurt them previously[/panel]

[panel] Dear Diary
The Caretaker has been making advances towards me. I'm not certain if he fancies me, or wants to exploit me in some fashion. I can't remember why I hired him.[/panel]

Nothing else in the Diary interests you.