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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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[Durwin already asked and question already answered.]
[ Maybe he didn't hear. ]
"Quite like it sounds. We will place you on a rock, bind you up, and I will eat your heart. Sacrifices fix everything. You should be honored."​
[ I read that in the most "Oh, you know, same old same old" voice ever. ]

Refresh jumped back in shock. "You want to WHAT?! Ohnonono, I don't think I can, you know I need my organs and all for tonight. While, I respect your culture and all..." Refresh slowed down as the creatures watching from the sidelines grouped in closer. "I... don't... think... I... can... do it?" Refresh sighed. "Alright, what exactly happens when you..." he gulped, "...eat my heart?"


Aug 6, 2011
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Refresh sighed, giving it some thought, "Well, I guess no one lives forever, 135 is old enough for me, I guess..."

[panel]Project Log: 40
Date: 4/13/32

They took her! They took Shelly! Those... those greedy bastards. If they can't have it their way, they kidnap innocent children! Well, I'm going to make the most powerful robot they have ever seen, stronger than those test-tube babies! They'll regret the day the messed with my family...



Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin turned his attention to Defiant,

"That guard there said he jumped over the side of SkyBase. I guess it's only right if we try to find his body, and give him a proper burial. But first I want my questions answer from the butler." Durwin scanned the room quickly and his eyes fall upon Darth. Durwin frowned,

"Darth, you've been awful quite and you seem like you're concentrating on something. Would you like to speak up?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth paused for a moment.

"I don't know what I want to do anymore." he thought. "If I am going to leave them for Herobrine, it is best that they only know about the bare essentials."

"Well...the Caretaker is actually evil, and he's gone to launch an invasion of this place."

Turning towards the queen, Darth said

"My liege, I strongly recommend that you flee to a safe place."

Darth turned and started towards the same door that the Caretaker had gone through. He had just reached the threshold when he stopped, swayed a bit, then dropped to his knees as they buckled. Catching himself with his hand grabbing the door frame, he leaned unsteadily against it, holding his head with his free hand.


"The Caretaker? Evil!? How does he know of this?"

The Queen notices that Darth has fallen.

"Someone, please assist him so that he can tell us of how he has uncovered this information."

( DarthLego5679 , did you want the Caretaker to interact with you? )


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin rushed over to Darth and helped him up. He aided Darth in getting back into a chair,

"Wow now, I don't think you're well enough to walk. Let me see what I can do... This is a bit tricky with your helmet.... umm let's see, can you open your food flap? Ahh there we go. Alright." Durwin reached both index fingers into Darth's helmet and laid them upon his cheeks. He closed his eyes. A minute had passed before he removed his fingers,

"Feels like mental strain. Hmmm, well I'm glad you and the Caretaker didn't cause much physical harm but... there's not much I can do to heal mental issues themselves. I can make you not feel the effects but the issues would still be there. C'mon let's get you up into a bed." Durwin got under one of Darth's arms and together they hobbled to the Sleeping Quarters. Durwin glared at the butler,

"You may leave now."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"The Caretaker? Evil!? How does he know of this?"

The Queen notices that Darth has fallen.

"Someone, please assist him so that he can tell us of how he has uncovered this information."

( DarthLego5679 , did you want the Caretaker to interact with you? )
[No, just wanted to tag you, forgot that I could have tagged the queen. x)]

Darth struggled back upright with the help of Durwin.
He let himself be helped into a chair, but then when Durwin tried to take him up to the sleeping quarters, Darth pushed Durwin away.

"NO!" he shouted. "We will all die then! He's trying to kill us all!"

He grapples a bit with Durwin , then pushes him backwards into the vase of flowers sitting nearby on a pedestal.

"My liege, your Caretaker has been trying to take over for Herobrine. Do you recall the day that your daughter vanished?"

Darth stood, wavering a bit from side to side, but his demeanor showed that he was serious.

"Also, Durwin, please do not open my mask for extended periods of time, it is harmful."

Darth glared at Durwin, then turned towards the rest of the table.

"I am serious, we must act now before it is too late."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Yes, I do recall my daughter being stolen. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. Why do you ask?"​
"Because the Caretaker has engineered the entire plot!"

Darth tosses the diary of the alchemist to the table.

"He wrote about the amnesia potions, and how the Caretaker wanted him to make more of them."

Darth steadied himself, then continued.

"He did something with the Soupe tonight, you can check that as well."

"And besides, YOU WILL be safer if you avoid trouble now." he said with a small wave of his hand.


Oct 8, 2011
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"Sheesh, try to help a man and you get water spilled on your already messy robe... Well I guess that's one more piece of "evidence" of Duffie's kidnapping." Durwin rolled his eyes at that. He focused back on Darth,

"The Caretaker is probably long gone by now. We'll get him he next time he strikes. For now we should prepare for the upcoming battle. Herobrine is on his way here as we speak and wasting energy on a delusional Caretaker is not something I would think to be top priority."