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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Sheesh, try to help a man and you get water spilled on your already messy robe... Well I guess that's one more piece of "evidence" of Duffie's kidnapping." Durwin rolled his eyes at that. He focused back on Darth,

"The Caretaker is probably long gone by now. We'll get him he next time he strikes. For now we should prepare for the upcoming battle. Herobrine is on his way here as we speak and wasting energy on a delusional Caretaker is not something I would think to be top priority."
Darth turned and grabbed Durwin's shoulders in his steely grip.

"It's not the Caretaker that I am worried about. It is that he is working for Herobrine, and is going to start an attack."

Giving Durwin one more shake, Darth released him and gestured towards the rest of the table.

"The non-fighting people here must get to some place of safety, or they are all doomed to death." Darth said in a cold, dark voice.

Turning back towards Durwin and Blob, Darth continued.

"What are your plans? To help escort them away to somewhere safe? Or stay here..."
His voice trailed off.


Refresh took a huge gulp as he laid down on the boulder. "So do you guys put me under some sort of anesthesia or something? You know, so I won't feel anything?"
Cernunnos doesn't answer and begins binding Refresh with forest vines that shoot out of the ground.
The animals that have gathered begin circling the stone, and begin what is to be interpreted as a form of chanting. Quetzalcoatl's mouth begins salivating.
Cernunnos opens his robes to reveal his chest, which is covered in fur. His right hand holds an ancient knife, which he grabs with both hands now and raises high above his head.


The Queen's face turns a ghostly white.

"Yes, we will begin gathering our armed forces for an attack upon our city immediately! Guards, contact the Commander and alert him to this crisis! I will lead the defenseless through the tunnels through the mountains so that they will escape the danger!"

"But DarthLego5679 , are you suggesting that the Caretaker was one of those conspiring to steal Duffie? For he has only been a member of this staff for five years!"


Oct 8, 2011
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"No where is safe from Herobrine. The only protection we can give them is our preparedness for the long fight to come. I have called for help, and Sariel here has a few friends coming as well. I'm sure Travis's crew will be willing to help as well. Maybe he can contact back up as well. Darth, your legions of men can't be too far off. Defiant maybe you can go out and find others who will join us?... Forgive me, my mind is in overdrive, blurting ideas as they come out... Does anyone else have anything to add?"


Aug 6, 2011
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"Guys? Guys?" Refresh asked for an answer as he was bound to the boulder. "Oh dear god," Refresh said as Cernunnos disrobed himself and he looked away. Refresh looked back "Oh, dear god!" he exclaimed again as he raised the knife above his head. "I hope that's sterile, I don't wanna go out with some foreign disease."


Oct 8, 2011
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"Guys? Guys?" Refresh asked for an answer as he was bound to the boulder. "Oh dear god," Refresh said as Cernunnos disrobed himself and he looked away. Refresh looked back "Oh, dear god!" he exclaimed again as he raised the knife above his head. "I hope that's sterile, I don't wanna go out with some foreign disease."
[I think after you've been sacrificed you don't have to worry about disease. It's the perk to going willingly]


Aug 14, 2011
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Don arrived at Dallas, the capital of the Republic of Texas. He approaches the capital building, a building built out of pink granite, which Don admires as he passes through the front columns. Engraved in the sides are legendary Texas Heroes; Sam Houston, William B Travis, Bowie, Lamar, Deaf, Crockett. He had always wanted to be remembered like they were, perhaps this will be his opportunity to be a legend, if not for Texas, at least for somebody.

He walked all the way up the stairs leading to top floor, where the president's office is located. After nodding to a couple of guards that he knew, he passed through the doors into the president's office.

"Mr President, I'm asking you for a favor, and this time it doesn't involve a pardon letter."



That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
The Queen's face turns a ghostly white.

"Yes, we will begin gathering our armed forces for an attack upon our city immediately! Guards, contact the Commander and alert him to this crisis! I will lead the defenseless through the tunnels through the mountains so that they will escape the danger!"

"But DarthLego5679 , are you suggestion that the Caretaker was one of those conspiring to steal Duffie? For he has only been a member of this staff for five years!"
"M'lady, he has been working to keep you in the dark. I am not saying he has been here for the whole dreadful business. And if I might ask, what is his real name?"

Darth turned to Durwin
"Durwin, that was near Shizuka. Here, Notch knows how far from Shizuka, it is just I who is left."

Darth wavers slightly again, then leans against an ornamental pillar.

"We must hasten, before it is too late."


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Don arrived at Dallas, the capital of the Republic of Texas. He approaches the capital building, a building built out of pink granite, which Don admires as he passes through the front columns. Engraved in the sides are legendary Texas Heroes; Sam Houston, William B Travis, Bowie, Lamar, Deaf, Crockett. He had always wanted to be remembered like they were, perhaps this will be his opportunity to be a legend, if not for Texas, at least for somebody.

He walked all the way up the stairs leading to top floor, where the president's office is located. After nodding to a couple of guards that he knew, he passed through the doors into the president's office.

"Mr President, I'm asking you for a favor, and this time it doesn't involve a pardon letter."
[how are you going to get home?]


"M'lady, he has been working to keep you in the dark. I am not saying he has been here for the whole dreadful business. And if I might ask, what is his real name?"
"The Caretaker, we have never called him by any other name. I don't even remember the day that he arrived here, it must have been those potions that you mentioned. Oh wretched me! How could I have been so blind as to not see!"

"But I have no time to sit here feeling sorry for myself, I must protect my people!"

The Queen rushes off to begin preparations.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Besides my fighting talents, I have a limited use of an undisclosed magic language I learned while on a spy job. Oh, and I am an excellent spy, meaning I am trained in any skills relating to it." Blob paused for moment, then continued, "So, what do you suppose Herobrine's main goal is anyways?"
[I don't want Durwin to just pull wizards out from nowhere. This is what I meant earlier :/ Though, if you got wizards from the Togolopians, I'd be fine as long as it is kept reasonable.]