12 Angry Gunners - Game Complete!


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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The angry people pulled out a couple guns early on, only to realize none of them had any formal gun training and so the promised brawl at the beginning fizzled out anti-climatically...or so they thought.

The anticipated brutal battle gave way to an even more brutal war of the words, with many verbal arguments and vicious insults ensuring the participants would be scarred forever from the experience. The group came to a consensus that HKCaper was no longer allowed to have fun, and it was decreed by HK themselves that they must now lurk every future game from now on because of their experience in this one.

A lone shot rang out from a turret overlooking the group, and HK's body collapsed lifelessly to the ground. The real tragedy, is what the experience did to HK's mind.

HKCaper was sniped. They were the Gunsaver. [Town-Aligned, apparently] (That's a meme, geniuses)

Role Information
Name: Gunsaver
Alignment: Town

[Night]Gunsave - Choose a target. The first time they are shot by a gun the next day, the gun result from the person shooting will be secretly adjusted to be a 100% chance of a miss. This counts as a successive gunshot.

Miller - You show up as Mafia-aligned upon inspection.

It is now Night 2.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nine angry gunners woke up to see a new gruesome death. Someone that looks very similar to someone else is on the floor dead, whom barely had time to make their presence in this event known. Ah well...

Good Skele was the Gunspector. [Town-Aligned]
Name: Gunspector
Alignment: Town


[Night]Gunspect - Choose a target. Learn their alignment.

It is now Day 2.

It takes 5 to snipe or do a cowardly retreat.​


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Ltin has been shot at by hipmeow .

Ltin has been killed! They were a Gunner.

Name: Gunner
Alignment: Town


1x [Day]Kill - Invoke this ability in the main thread by typing shoot @[Target] @[Alisha]. Your target will be hit by a gunshot,
and the result will be decided by random chance. (The host needs to be pinged in this statement because there cannot be any room for ambiguity)

The chances are an 83% chance to kill your target, a 15% chance to miss your target, and a 2% chance for the gunshot to kill you instead.

Every successive gunshot in the same day will adjust the chances for every single gun by a -30% chance to kill your target, +20% chance to miss, +10% chance to kill yourself. If the kill target reaches 0%, the chance of yourself dying is raised at expense of the miss chance.
[First gunshot: 83% kill target, 15% miss, 2% kill yourself]
[Second gunshot: 53% kill target, 35% miss, 12% kill yourself]
[Third gunshot: 23% kill target, 55% miss, 22% kill yourself]
[Fourth gunshot: 0% kill target, 68% miss, 32% kill yourself]

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
dont worry ill make this quick but if ltin turns out to be town inffy is going down

shoot Ltin Alisha
Well well well how the turn tables

I might as well say now that i have a strong feeling that a non town aligned gunner exists, and I have a strong suspicion that there's more to hip's role than he's telling us.

Snipe hip