12 Angry Gunners - Game Complete!


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Unusual_Dood has shot at Infected_alien8_ .

Unusual_Dood shot themself! They were a Gunner.
Name: Gunner
Alignment: Town


1x [Day]Kill - Invoke this ability in the main thread by typing shoot @[Target] @[Alisha]. Your target will be hit by a gunshot,
and the result will be decided by random chance. (The host needs to be pinged in this statement because there cannot be any room for ambiguity)

The chances are an 83% chance to kill your target, a 15% chance to miss your target, and a 2% chance for the gunshot to kill you instead.

Every successive gunshot in the same day will adjust the chances for every single gun by a -30% chance to kill your target, +20% chance to miss, +10% chance to kill yourself. If the kill target reaches 0%, the chance of yourself dying is raised at expense of the miss chance.
[First gunshot: 83% kill target, 15% miss, 2% kill yourself]
[Second gunshot: 53% kill target, 35% miss, 12% kill yourself]
[Third gunshot: 23% kill target, 55% miss, 22% kill yourself]
[Fourth gunshot: 0% kill target, 68% miss, 32% kill yourself]

Votes have been wiped.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Well then....
Inffy's a lucky duck for one.

Anyway, I think I should go about posting reads.

TWG and Mooglie have both been too quiet for my liking and their gunner claims don't help much.
Inffy I pretty strongly believe is town due to the fact that he was leaning towards discussing using his gunshot before actually doing so and has been pretty cautious all game.
Tim I have a slight town read bc he's also been acting pretty cautiously about his gunshot so far, though im not ruling out the possibility that this could be a bluff to conceal him not actually having a gun.
HK I'm getting a slight scumread on due to his weird behavior earlier. Id like to hear his opinion on today's events though.
Dess I have a very neutral on. A lot of what he's posted seems legit and helpful, but I cant ignore the feeling that hes trying a bit to hard to be helpful and specifically avoid disagreements. Maybe he just hasn't faced a lot of scrutiny yet though, IDK.

Snipe Mooglie

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
i dont think u will get many opinions out of a corpse
F. Im losing track of who's alive and who's ded at this point.

Anyway, I didnt post a read on you, but that said I think you're kinda scummy just bc you've been acting like you could use your gun at any time and treating the gun mechanic like a joke for most of the game Tbh. Plus the fact that you decided to shoot Ltin before anyone other than Inffy could say anything seems opportunistic to me.


Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
Plus the fact that you decided to shoot Ltin before anyone other than Inffy could say anything seems opportunistic to me.
i mean i agreed with what inf said yesterday or whatever, it was simply that i didnt think there was a mafia gunner so i basically ignored that whole situation, and after my hard push on hk yesterday i felt like some people prob would see me as scum and shoot me soon as day started so i wanted to make sure i got my gunshot off and hopefully hit a mafia

also not trying to BRAG or anything but clearly i have the best aim out of all the gunners


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Anyway, I might as well claim now.
I'm Gunblocker.
Every night I choose someone. If that person fires a gun the following day, they are guaranteed to miss.
I gunblocked Notty N1, and Mooglie N2.
hmmmm the exact role I thought made more sense to exist than HK's....HMMMM
I can't tell if your claim is truthful or if you've simply seen me talking about that very role and gone "Hey, I should claim that!"
Tim I have a slight town read bc he's also been acting pretty cautiously about his gunshot so far, though im not ruling out the possibility that this could be a bluff to conceal him not actually having a gun.
I promise you I have a gun, I'll shoot it right now!

Who's even left in the game?
Myself, stranger, inf, hip, oog, weak, dess?
Unless I'm missing someone we're facing 3/7 mafia/town
If we don't lynch (or shoot) mafia right now we're done in.
There've been two shots today, yeah? So chances are 23/55/22.

Hip has fired.
Inf has fired.
I have a gun, I'll fire it to prove myself if I have to.
That leaves stranger, oog, weak and dess.

And I have to say, my biggest suspicion is stranger...Statistically speaking I have a 50% chance of being right (excluding myself from the calculation), and it's possible that stranger is claiming blocker in an attempt to make me specifically believe in a mafia gunner so I may start to suspect hip/inf....

Vote Stranger from Planet 9

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
hmmmm the exact role I thought made more sense to exist than HK's....HMMMM
I can't tell if your claim is truthful or if you've simply seen me talking about that very role and gone "Hey, I should claim that!"

I promise you I have a gun, I'll shoot it right now!

Who's even left in the game?
Myself, stranger, inf, hip, oog, weak, dess?
Unless I'm missing someone we're facing 3/7 mafia/town
If we don't lynch (or shoot) mafia right now we're done in.
There've been two shots today, yeah? So chances are 23/55/22.

Hip has fired.
Inf has fired.
I have a gun, I'll fire it to prove myself if I have to.
That leaves stranger, oog, weak and dess.

And I have to say, my biggest suspicion is stranger...Statistically speaking I have a 50% chance of being right (excluding myself from the calculation), and it's possible that stranger is claiming blocker in an attempt to make me specifically believe in a mafia gunner so I may start to suspect hip/inf....

Vote Stranger from Planet 9
At this point it's guaranteed that at least 2 gunner claims are mafia, since I'm the only non-gunner claim still alive. With that information I think it's very unlikely that a mafia gunner does not exist.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
Mooglie have both been too quiet for my liking
im so very CONFUSION
have i even been inactive this game
i dont even think i have????????
maybe i have and im too inactive to tell
Anyway, I might as well claim now.
I'm Gunblocker.
Every night I choose someone. If that person fires a gun the following day, they are guaranteed to miss.
I gunblocked Notty N1, and Mooglie N2.
i do not believe this claim mostly based on the fact that this seems to be too many town PRs for a game where the town should realistically have 2 chances of lynching a day (the first gunshot + the lynch) and also the name 'gunblocker' would imply to me that you block someones gun so that the gun explodes (like when you see people bend the gun shooty part in movies/shows/whatever) rather than making them miss? but maybe im looking into flavour too hard

also i want to double check day 0 since im 99% sure you said you didnt think there were mafia gunners yet your role supposedly would call for their existence?
ur vibes suck these days
kinda rude

friendly reminder UNU put us in this situation and that it would have been x1000 more beneficial to just lynch someone today and have 0 extra shots i think?


Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
actually yeah i didnt even notice strangers role its way too similar to hk's and im still positive there is some sort of mafia role which lets them protect them selves from getting shot in the day i wont vote yet because idk how many votes are needed and how many are cast even though i think they just have one but whatever this situation is too RISKY

but in general i guess im in favour of a stranger lynch

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
also i want to double check day 0 since im 99% sure you said you didnt think there were mafia gunners yet your role supposedly would call for their existence?
My opinions have changed since d0.

im still positive there is some sort of mafia role which lets them protect them selves from getting shot in the day
In theory that would have been HK's role. I would be a lot more useless in that regard because I can't predict who's going to shoot.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
In theory that would have been HK's role. I would be a lot more useless in that regard because I can't predict who's going to shoot.
The theory would be that the blocker picks out mafia with guns and prevents them from shooting townies. If you ask me, HK's role still would've made worlds more sense as being mafia sided.
I think it's unreasonable for someone to not consider how their role fits into a setup (in your claim's case it would've meant concluding early on the there were mafia gunners).
I'm convinced that you saw me calling out that role (which I was doing as an alternative version of HK's role, I don't believe both would exist) and decided it was a good idea to claim.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
The theory would be that the blocker picks out mafia with guns and prevents them from shooting townies. If you ask me, HK's role still would've made worlds more sense as being mafia sided.
Do you think that the people ive blocked so far we're reasonable choices to block? (n1, Notty, n2, Mooglie)

I'm convinced that you saw me calling out that role (which I was doing as an alternative version of HK's role, I don't believe both would exist) and decided it was a good idea to claim.
Can you show me where you called out this role bc I dont recall it at all.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Do you think that the people ive blocked so far we're reasonable choices to block? (n1, Notty, n2, Mooglie)
I like the choice of notty because as we've established they're the loosest cannon alive.
Can you explain the mooglie choice?
Can you show me where you called out this role bc I dont recall it at all.
The....Entire time I was pushing HK I was talking about it? As in, that was kind of a key point of the lynch?


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
RIP UNU, kinda sad bcuz they never gave a reasoning for shooting inf so now we dont know why he did it. (tho I'm a bit surprised that unu flipped town). Right now I'd wager that the last mafs are hip/stranger, maybe even notty, but's that's basically all from my gut feeling.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Can you explain the mooglie choice
Mainly me getting nervous about Mooglie being a lot quieter yesterday than he normally is.

The....Entire time I was pushing HK I was talking about it? As in, that was kind of a key point of the lynch?
I'll have to backread this when I'm not on mobile ig.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Basically because this is a semi-closed setup AND there's an common, vanilla-ish role for mafia to claim, I don't think we'll easily be able to easily identify mafia by their claims since its just as plausible they could all claim gunner as it is some or all of them could come up with a BS PR claim.
yeah, but it could give town some decent PR claims to narrow down suspects for example, and I think that possibility is worth putting all our cards out in the open when we're in mylo with barely any leads

You’re litterally useless. If you’re town or I miss we already lost.

shoot inf Alisha
i agree


I gunblocked Notty N1, and Mooglie N2.
geez i truly was garunteed to dodge notty's bullet that day huh

Unusual_Dood has shot at Infected_alien8_ .

Unusual_Dood shot themself! They were a Gunner.
Name: Gunner
Alignment: Town


1x [Day]Kill - Invoke this ability in the main thread by typing shoot @[Target] @[Alisha]. Your target will be hit by a gunshot,
and the result will be decided by random chance. (The host needs to be pinged in this statement because there cannot be any room for ambiguity)

The chances are an 83% chance to kill your target, a 15% chance to miss your target, and a 2% chance for the gunshot to kill you instead.

Every successive gunshot in the same day will adjust the chances for every single gun by a -30% chance to kill your target, +20% chance to miss, +10% chance to kill yourself. If the kill target reaches 0%, the chance of yourself dying is raised at expense of the miss chance.
[First gunshot: 83% kill target, 15% miss, 2% kill yourself]
[Second gunshot: 53% kill target, 35% miss, 12% kill yourself]
[Third gunshot: 23% kill target, 55% miss, 22% kill yourself]
[Fourth gunshot: 0% kill target, 68% miss, 32% kill yourself]

Votes have been wiped.
i mean


is it really that crazy to think mafia roles are janitor'd this game and that in reality both ltin and UNU were scum???? like what??? first ltin shoots me for a bogus reason and then UNU does literally the next day


and yeah I can see the argument for stranger's role being scummy since it is kind of a mirror of hk's role so it makes sense hers is a scum equivalent

though I actually think stranger's role is 10x more townie sounding than hk's, but I guess stranger's role would make sense as designed with 'this person said they were suspecting me, I'll block their gun' in mind, and hk's was designed as more of kind of town governor role (https://epicmafia.com/role/568) but for guns?


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Dess I have a very neutral on. A lot of what he's posted seems legit and helpful, but I cant ignore the feeling that hes trying a bit to hard to be helpful and specifically avoid disagreements. Maybe he just hasn't faced a lot of scrutiny yet though, IDK.
Did you miss me disagreeing with inf all of day 1? I've also been very obviously disagreeing with people from the getgo about the existence of a mafia Gunner as well as the lynch on ltin so why am I suddenly avoiding them when from where I see it I've been openly walking into them. Also where have I been "trying to hard to be helpful"