That one is very nice, third season has been confirmed, for your information. It is a nice anime, but i somehow feel sad for him always have the women fall in love with him, but never able to have his own true love. Though he says he doesn't care, i truly believe he does care and keeps falling back to his games, after he "conquers" the women, for emotional support. :3Well I finished Accel World. Pretty good but I liked Sword Art Online better. I also found the SAO easter egg in Accel World.
Starting to watch a anime series called: The world god only knows.
Well just finished The world god only knows (both seasons). Looking for another anime that resembles it or SAO. You seem to know a lot any suggestions K1ngHoward
I would also recommend Code Geass. I really enjoyed it and didn't want to stop watching it once I started.<I gave up trying to copy just the Code Geass part>Well just finished The world god only knows (both seasons). Looking for another anime that resembles it or SAO. You seem to know a lot any suggestions K1ngHoward
Season 2 of that show is just airing right now with only 9 out of the 13 episodes (8 if you aren't premium on crunchyroll :3) I like being able to watch an episode each week, but i also want to rush through it because it is so good. Like when you get so into a show you just marathon all the episodes in a couple days (i did that for code geassI plan on watching 'Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai,' or 'My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute' sometime this summer. I've seen the first couple of episodes when they had just started to become translated as they were released, but I stopped since they were only coming out each Sunday or Monday. I couldn't wait a whole week to watch another episode... xD
Duly noted, and--Season 2 of that show is just airing right now with only 9 out of the 13 episodes (8 if you aren't premium on crunchyroll :3) I like being able to watch an episode each week, but i also want to rush through it because it is so good. Like when you get so into a show you just marathon all the episodes in a couple days (i did that for code geass) 'My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute' is such a cute show that it just leaves me with a smile on my face after every episode. :D
I totally agree, and just from watching the first couple of episodes! x3'My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute' is such a cute show that it just leaves me with a smile on my face after every episode. :D
Just watched the 8th episode since crunchyroll is an episode behindHere are my thoughts on the new episode of Shinjeki no Kyojin (episode 8)
I watched an episode of podtoku
I agreed with Holden, that the eaten humans become titans. In episode 7, when I saw the titan killing others, I was skeptical about it being eren, but when they said something along the lines of "that titan displays humanities' anger" I knew that it was eren. I think that when humans become titans, there brain is sort of taken over, but eren had a strong enough will to fend it off. At the end of episode 8, it was confirmed to be eren. He appeared in the neck of the titan. This proves why the neck is the weak spot. That is where the "brain" is.
There's a spin-off series, Sword Art Offline. But it's nothing like it cxJust finished Sword Art Online. I wish there was more =l
I do like cartoons but anime is on the bottomSo...I dont like anime
Does that mean you don't like cartoons, animations, or life in general?
Edit: It's a legitimate question, too. :<
I dont like anime
I would also recommend Code Geass. I really enjoyed it and didn't want to stop watching it once I started.<I gave up trying to copy just the Code Geass part>Well just finished The world god only knows (both seasons). Looking for another anime that resembles it or SAO. You seem to know a lot any suggestions K1ngHoward