Do you mean to not like anime because the entire genre is over-hyped? I say that you can't really denounce a whole demographic with your opinion from just a couple animes or no animes you have watched. It would just be the same as to say "all Muslims are terrorists" without studying their own religion and culture to provide a legitimate opinion. You can dislike certain shows or certain genres, because of your own tastes, but just disliking a certain genre in anime does not constitute the right to denounce the entertainment as a whole.Legitimate question for Okatu's/weeaboos/whatever you want to be referred to:
Would you say it's reasonable to not like "anime" because every single anime is overtly popular in the entire demographic?
Though looking back on my own example that you need to study the religion and culture of a group of people to truly get a legitimate opinion on a subject; it becomes impossible to do so without wading through the horrible, average, and long lasting analysis of the group as a whole. It still does not give a great grasp of what "anime" is until you become engrossed and have watched every type of anime to become proficient in what makes a good anime. It shouldn't be praised or rammed down peoples throats as some who say that "anime is the best thing ever and if you don't like you can go die" since that leads down the road of becoming a 'weeaboo' which means to put a culture above your own, thinking that everything that comes from it is mana bestowed upon you by gods.
You can't just not watch anime because it is popular, since some shows that are popular are popular for a reason because it is good. You can dislike certain shows because it did not grab your interest while watching, but should not constitute the degrading of an entire demographic just because one section did not create spark or connections for you.
I will just take a guess that this question popped up because Dio4344 popped in saying he didn't like it?