Feature Suggestion - A Store

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The Hell Raiser
Aug 6, 2011
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Replying to ZombiePineapple (Just tagging because who wants to reply to a four paragraph post)

I think, if anything, a store would keep them playing. Now, this is just my personal experience with this, but when I originally played zombie, I stopped playing because of frustration of being bad at the game. Some people are just like that. Would adding a store make them frustrated more because they can't get it's items? I don't think so. If anything, they would want to keep playing through the frustration.

And yes, titles are pretty much useless. However, they are cool looking. They are fun to have. And most importantly, they are an award to reach. People love awards. If you own an Xbox or Playstation, you've probably played a game longer than you usually would to earn that achievement or trophy. It's a fun thing to aim at, and titles(hey, maybe even (dis)connect messages also?) would be an awesome award for your skills.

And finally, anybody could get what they want and then leave. But they could also do that with the karma system implemented into the server now. And hopefully, by the time they get enough points to buy something from the store, they will already be hooked onto the gameplay ;).

In conclusion, I don't see anything wrong with the idea of a store, if all it sold was useless, but fun, little prizes.

Anyways, how I envision a store would be each item costs a certain amount of points.

Zombies would get a predetermined amount of points for every kill they get, as well as extra points for kill streaks.

Humans would get points for surviving, however the amount of points they get depends on the amount of players on the server. Surviving with 10 players on will certainly net you less points than surviving with a full server on. Humans may also get more points for surviving a hardcore round(I have very little idea how hardcore rounds work, so might need some clarification from a zombie regular).

I think selling these items would be fun:
-Title colors(Title is white when you first buy it)
-Connect messages
-Disconnect messages
I don't disagree with the title store I think its a great way to take a load off a controller+ back but I can see what you mean, I'm just disagreeing with a general store like how they are on lava just my extra two cents ;)


Feb 4, 2012
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I dont like the idea with the store with powerups etc.. But I like the Title-store and have another idea.
Just like Sploorky said on PS3 and Xbox you get trophies. Maybe we can add this?

Some ideas:
-Kill 50/100/200/500 Humans
-Survive 25/50/100 rounds
-Survive 2/3/5 times in a row
-Get 100/200/500/1000 Human/zombie Karma
-Be online for 10/30/50 hours.
- ......
For every trophy maybe you get some points to buy a title.

Its just a idea, but i think its a nice idea :D
Is it possible to at something like this? :D


Dec 12, 2012
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It sounds like the majority of people like the sound of a store which has titles/connection messages, but not power-ups. Well I have another idea you could add to a store of that kind.

A player 'bio'. They can buy the bio from the store and then set it with a command, e.g. /setbio. When a player uses /whois [player], it displays their 'Player Bio' at the bottom. They can have a max length so it doesn't take up too much space. If a player doesn't set a bio, everybody could have a default bio. For example 'I <3 Blocktopia' or something.

That could be a nice non-power-up item.


Nov 5, 2012
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I definitely do not agree to the idea of having a powerup. Imagine this. It's the last 30 seconds of the game, and zombies are searching for the remaining humans. Imagine if you were one of them and found a human, when all of a sudden, that human uses invincibility. How unfair would that be? Or when you were desperately searching for a human, and found one, when that human disappeared. Annoying, isn't it? The idea of powerups would definitely not work out. However, the idea of a title does sound like a good idea. As mentioned by others, since titles can cause confusion among the players, why not go for a certain colour instead? Like normal human/zombie colour? And ops can buy their own colors?

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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I have to say, I'm on the fence with this one. It's true, powerups would be a good way of breaking up zombie survival, but then there are obviously disadvantages to that. The most obvious way of making it so it is still fair for players is maybe to give zombies powerups as well! Many people play to survive, however I have noted that many others play to kill :devilish:. Not only could this keep the balance, but giving powerups to zombies could also help new players out as well. Suggestion only, feel free to comment on my idea and grow on it! Or dissasemble it and find the faults in it, not really worried as long as it helps to make a decision on this. Oh by the way love the idea of the title shop, but colours should be kept to ops. ;)
Its their way of showing off!


Jul 7, 2012
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The title system is supposed to be added once w/e is being done with the Lava server except I wish people could buy the titles and ranks (just not staff ranks of course) :p.

People love being able to buy titles/ranks. Why do you think alot of people have left to Ablocks and servers like that, the servers arn't hardly as good but they have stuff you can buy.

Upgrades like invincible are just dumb.

Thing is, if you were to have a new store with titles and such. Would it require a reset in stats again. I'm just afraid that might turn more people off again.


Feb 4, 2012
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I have on addition to the thing with ranks: maybe we can add some player ranks/player titles under trusted.

Some ideas:
-Survivor (survive 500(250)) rounds
-Killer ( Kill 500 humans)
-Pro Human( 1000 Human Karma)
-Pro Zombie (500-1000 Zombie Karma)
-Bear(survive 5 rounds in a row)
-Pro Bear/Super Bear/Mega Bear...(survive 10 rounds in a row)


dam u str8 babygurl
Aug 20, 2011
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Yup...Maybe it could be a 'bag' where if you win a round it carries half or a percent (% :D) of the blocks u have left over.Besides,you might have already wasted them to win...it'll probably stop them wasting them all.

That's cool.

Problem is; we have the strict limitation on the amount of blocks people can use to avoid extravagant jumpcourses. My view on it is: the block bag is that it will only fill up to an amount between 10-20 blocks it can only hold.

But +1 for something really new.


AoD and A&T Op
May 3, 2012
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I REALLY don't like this idea. For Example If in the store will be ranks, titles, revive posion etc it will be very stupid because we will need to put new ranks. Then the revive posion is stupid becuase they kill you and you buy it and you are alive again. The titles and color names is stupid becuase when you join to zombies EVERYONE will have a stupid title and a color name and thats so stupid. Let people work to get a title Like Trusted or Operator becuase those titles are for people that made an effort to get those ranks.


Feb 29, 2012
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I REALLY don't like this idea. For Example If in the store will be ranks, titles, revive posion etc it will be very stupid because we will need to put new ranks. Then the revive posion is stupid becuase they kill you and you buy it and you are alive again. The titles and color names is stupid becuase when you join to zombies EVERYONE will have a stupid title and a color name and thats so stupid. Let people work to get a title Like Trusted or Operator becuase those titles are for people that made an effort to get those ranks.
Maybe not colors but Titles should be fine. Trusteds and Ops can have colors. Trusteds can be gold and ops can be another color.


Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
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Again, to those who suggest power-ups like block-bags, there will never be things that give an advantage for sale.

Things that sound like a good idea to me are:
- An automatic highscore/top10 title system, based on karma/kill/rounds survived e.g. '[#1 Zombie][ZD]Vatumok' (if this would be possible)
- Achievements that unlock titles which you can choose to show, and switch if you have more than one.

I'm not too fond of a title-store where players can choose their own titles.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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I have a problem with the choose part:
- It's chaotic in chat if everyone has a custom title
- I don't want immature titles like "TotalZombiesOwn3r" or w/e nor do I want to make a lot rules which titles are allowed and which not.
True, so then maybe have a large collection of titles available for players on the forums to choose from?


Aug 6, 2011
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Again, to those who suggest power-ups like block-bags, there will never be things that give an advantage for sale.

Things that sound like a good idea to me are:
- An automatic highscore/top10 title system, based on karma/kill/rounds survived e.g. '[#1 Zombie][ZD]Vatumok' (if this would be possible)
- Achievements that unlock titles which you can choose to show, and switch if you have more than one.

I'm not too fond of a title-store where players can choose their own titles.
It is possible to add both of the suggestions, i could add the #1, #2, #3... title system and the achivements at the same time(i could make it, so, it will be similar to the one on AoD but instead of exchanging your currency for the title, you would unlock a certain title after reaching a certain amount of points, you would be able to use this title or another(if you have more than 1)). But instead giving title to the top 10 players for each category, what about only to the top 3?


Apr 23, 2012
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I'm all for showing board ranks but that is getting a bit off topic. I think the whole point of a store is to increase player longevity. Showing the ranks of our most active members isn't going to encourage newer players to stick around any more than having a normal title would.

So, let's get back on topic. If we were to have a store what would we sell?

If we don't want anything in the store to change gameplay (which is a reasonable stance) and we don't want to sell titles or colors (also reasonable), what do we sell? Well, there isn't much more than that outside of player ranks and entrance/exit messages. But what player ranks would we give out and how would players earn these ranks? If they bought them with a currency, how would you deliver currency to players to buy these ranks? Will these ranks be displayed in title form or will it solely be a rank for /whois? Also, what other things could we sell in a store on our server?

Some of the suggestions in this thread are about giving out things for achieving something, which is great and all(and even has the same affect as a store), but this is a thread about a store.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Well, there isn't much more than that outside of player ranks. But what player ranks would we give out and how would players earn these ranks? If they bought them with a currency, how would you deliver currency to players to buy these ranks? Will these ranks be displayed in title form or will it solely be a rank for /whois? Also, what other things could we sell in a store on our server?
Plus, what would really be the point of these "player ranks."
I can see how both Lava and Lava Premium can have ranks installed into its gameplay, as it actually works for those specific servers. When you first start out, you can still play the game like any other server, and just like any other player. Yet, as you gain in the rankings, more and more commands and certain shops become open to you. This gives a sense of progress and "moving up the ladder" if you will. At least in these occasions, the idea makes sense.
But how would it work for Zombies?, Because honestly, It wouldn't add anything to the game.
There is no in-game purpose for it like it is in Lava, so why would we need to use it?
It feels more like an arrogant portrayal of how much better someone is than a goal to work towards, since you don't "gain" anything from climbing up the ranking ladder.

So far the only (practical) use for a store at all, would actually would have to be for the idea of power-ups.
But of course, power-ups are a terrible idea unless a specific game-mode based around power-ups is created, and acts as the only place where you can use said power-ups.
Of course that also leads to newer players not knowing that there are specific maps for said power-ups; other players being annoyed because they can't access said power-up; and the whole idea just becomes a sort of ugly mess and extremely unbalanced and wouldn't be fun at all for anyone.

Although titles and colours are nice, they get in the way.
When I see this idea, I always feel it stems from the ideas of people begging for titles, and giving some lee-way off from the staff who have to deal with it.
But, whenver a person or group of people have begged for titles, I've always noticed it only occurs whenever said staff gives it to a random player, and such occasions spark said title asking.
Whenever said events don't occur, I've NEVER had experienced or seen people complaining about titles or colors, because they are mainly playing and enjoying the game.

This is probably why Zombie has not had a shop for so long.
It wasn't exactly made for things like a shop, and is mainly for just an outright, straight forward, and enjoyable experience you could pick up every once in awhile for maybe 10 to 20 minutes at the least.

A shop, in my opinion, is NOT a good way to attempt to bring players to the server, or even evolve the server as a whole. It's just generally not a good idea, and once again, probably why we've never had a server for as long as I can remember.
It's not a shop that we should be adding; It should be game-modes.
Zombie has mainly been the same formula for awhile, and certain gamemodes, like that "Panic" one idealized earlier would certainly spice up the server more than a shop would, and certainly not cause as much confusion as adding colours, ranks, titles, etc, that Zombie really doesn't need.
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