Let's start out by explaining your type's functions
INFP - Fi-Ne-Si-Te
Introverted iNtuition Feeling Perceiving
Introverted Feeling
Extroverted Intuition
Introverted Sensing
Extroverted Thinking
A really crappy* history on Carl Jung's Functional Analysis Cognitive Functions and Isabel Myers/Katharine Briggs and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator
*crappy because I still have a lot to learn
Carl Gustav Jung was this Swiss Psychologist and Psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology. He proposed and developed concepts of extraversion and introversion; archetypes, and the collective unconscious. What we're going to take into importance is his works on extraversion and introversion.
Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs were co-creators of an inventory of personality type known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). They're both really the starters of how many psychologists and corporations classify and quantify the workforce ((people/you)). Isbel Myers really took it further and incorporated works by Jung. Still, the history is really dicey and explaining Functional Cognitive Analysis is even more difficult because really too many cooks. More people like John Beebe Ph.D. of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Fransico, Linda Berens Ph.D of who cares, Lenore Thompson of not important really, and then Carl Jung and Isabel Myers. Literally all of these people argue with/against/for each other on how to actually approach Functional Analysis. It's a really long debate and kind of annoying to explain but if you're really interested just
read about it and hate all of them.
What Functional Analysis Is ((under Carl Jung's teachings))
Carl Jung developed psychological types based on the four functions ((Feeling, Thinking, iNtuition, and Sensing)) and then two attitudes ((Extroversion and Introversion)). DO NOT READ INTO THESE WORDS. They do not mean what you think/expect them to mean right off the bat. In order to understand basic temperaments of types you need to be able to use these carefully and understand not only how they work alone but with other types. Remember my first post:
- Eight Cognitive Functions: (shortened significantly to their dominant traits)
- External Sensing (Se): living in the moment, being totally aware of your environment
- Internal Sensing (Si): nostalgic, often compares the present to the past, traditional
- External Intuition (Ne): can predict all possible outcomes to a situation, a visionary
- Internal Intuition (Ni): knows things intuitively without evidence, has big ideas
- External Thinking (Te): by the book, organization for efficiency, systematic
- Internal Thinking (Ti): analyzing everything, wants to know how things work
- External Feeling (Fe): adapts to the emotions of others, takes care of them
- Internal Feeling (Fi): strong personal emotions, independent of others
Let's try to focus more on Carl Jung's methodology. HIS IS REALLY COOL because he uses a mental illness model of observation on people which really
had never been done before. His is really a more concise way for categorizing people. MBTI is only an overview or let's say an introduction to Humanmetrics.
Let me elaborate more on these and divide them into two categories.
Objective Functions "free of bias"
((This section comes from
here and has been moderately altered to teach this specific audience))
These functions are observed as facts-based functions. Many psychologists acknowledge that opinions of these arise, because these functions are not meant to be personalized emotions or perceptions. These functions are categorized to
look at the real world and see what is actually there. Which is why these are argued as "accurate" in terms of how these functions analyze and observe the external world
- Extroverted Thinking (Te) looks outward for its logic. It deals in proven realities in the form of textbook information citing sources or legitimate, provable, indisputable facts about the environment. Once a consensus of logic or agreement of truth is reached, Te adopts it as legitimate. It looks at a situation and sees the reality of its facts. Te seeks immediate and obvious solutions to problems. It requires external logical affirmation to feel comfortable – it needs agreement or it feels insecure, because it doesn’t trust internal logic and sees it as potentially illogical.
- Extroverted Feeling (Fe) looks outward for its morality. It deals in agreed upon ethics and moral values in the form of social norms and expectations. Once a consensus of morality is reached, Fe adopts it as a legitimate moral view. It looks at a moral situation and sees the reality of its impact. When Fe objects, it moralizes over the situation — is this ethical or socially acceptable? It will seek compromise or negotiation between conflicting views to maintain harmony in a group. Fe seeks immediate harmony. It needs external affirmation on its feelings to feel comfortable – it needs agreement or it feels insecure, because it doesn’t trust independent emotions and sees them as selfish.
- Extroverted Sensing (Se) looks outward for its source of physical stimulation. It takes the tangible facts and details of its environment and uses them to spur on immediate action. It sees what is actually there, without bias or judgment. Se seeks immediate action. It needs external stimulation to prompt action, because it cannot generate its own environment, and it hates being in a situation without exciting physical possibilities.
- Extroverted iNtuition (Ne) looks outward for its source of mental stimulation. It takes the tangible facts and ideas of its environment and uses them to create new ideas. It sees what is actually there, without bias or judgment, and generates new possibilities while building connections between its ideas. Ne seeks immediate ideas. It needs external evidence to prompt its theories, because it cannot generate its own ideas, and it hates being in a situation without exciting mental inspiration.
Subjective Functions "Personal functions"
These are based on personalized perceptions, which means they can’t be argued with over differences of opinion, because they
aren’t the facts. These functions
interpret reality based on personal factors rather than what really happened or what is actually there. They can be totally irrational but are always paired
with a reality-based function. Problems arise when a subjective function
overrules an
objective function (how you feel causes you to ignore the factual evidence or environment).''
- Introverted Thinking (Ti): looks inward for logic. It deals in what seems logical as opposed to external facts. It feels uncomfortable with a logical consensus among scientists, because agreement implies an absence of independent logic. It looks at a situation and seeks the meaning behind it, as opposed to the facts. It wants to understand.
- Introverted Feeling (Fi) looks inward for its morality. It deals in personal ethics and moral values. It feels uncomfortable with shared outbursts of emotion, since it is self-contained and doesn’t need external support in what it is feeling. It looks at a situation and interprets how it feels about it, as opposed to the facts. It wants to attach personal feelings to it.
- Introverted Sensing (Si) looks inward for experience. It deals in personalized knowledge. It takes in information and strongly compares itself to its own behavior and experiences. It looks at a situation and interprets it according to how it is internally impacted, as opposed to the facts.
- Introverted iNtuition (Ni) looks inward for ideas. It deals in personalized visions of the future. It creates new ideas and generates visions according to its own dreams and goals. It views the same situation from many different perspectives. It looks at a situation and interprets it according to how it is internally impacted, as opposed to the facts.
Wow now that we're done with that - INFP & Functions
Let's start focusing on the type INFP and their functions.
INFP - Fi-Ne-Si-Te
You guys are constantly looking at the world like "wow amaze wonder much explore." As children you're described to have had a "Calvin and Hobbes" type observant of the world. You may have had very real attachments to playthings or dolls and lived with them as if they were alive. Or you observed everything to have very humanistic qualities. God damn the world is just so friggin' cool innit?
Fi (dominant function): Super independent. The world affects you but you process it internally and how you're going to go about it. Example: in a family of carnivores if you truly developed your ideals that vegetarianism is the way to go you would latch onto that conviction and keep with it. Create your own path in life! You know what is good and what is bad. You want to work on what is important and aren't considering that other particular idea because it's not important. You measure actions, people, beliefs, causes, and feelings against your own. "Do I think doing this thing is wrong? If so I won't do it." "Do I think doing this thing is right? If so I'll do it." On big decisions you may require a lengthy time to think about it. You do not want to make the incorrect choice. You can also have total faith in people. With the people you do care about you know what they need and are more than willing to stand up for them. Fi Doms are able to try to emotionally support people without much effort if it matters to them.
Extroverted iNtuition (auxilary function): For Aux Ne-s they're able to see the world as many possibilities. Think of those wide eyed travelers who just get off the boat and look around going "ooo," aah." Think Kiki in Kiki's Delivery Service when she arrived to the first town she saw. You're able to tell people how many outcomes their actions could have. "What about this? Or this? Or this??? This might work." You may have a difficult time explaining these what are concrete thoughts that come out as abstract and throw people off. If they stay till the end, then it all probably makes sense. You look at the big picture with "awwwe."
Intoverted Sensing (tertiary function): You may like or may not like to think about the past. Either way, you take a lot of present insight based on information and experiences of your past. You may like going to the same supermarket everyday rather than go to a new one. You may also like using the same path. Don't take this word for word though because the tertiary as a function is a little wonky to understand. Let's just grit through it. You may have an interest in history. You will like the smell of books because it's consistent with how books have smelled to you in the past. Whenever you are upset familiar surroundings comfort you.
Extroverted Thinking (inferior function):
LET'S GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT HERE. Inferior functions do not mean they are non-existent for the person. It may mean it requires a lot more energy from the person to use their inferior function, it is not well developed, or use of it does not naturally come to the person (meaning more focus of the person is required). Try to look at inferior functions this way.
For inferior Te-s, information is processed and absorbed naturally to you like any other person, but it's difficult to pull that information back or know where it is located in your mind. You will attempt to see things logically and try to act on what you observe with your Te but may have a hard time acting on it. "I see my best friend is inefficient at this job and I should fire them. Why haven't I fired them yet?" Schedules may help keep you on track but they are moderately boorish and you don't care for them much. "I know I'm forgetting
something." "I wish I could use my time more wisely."
Toiletprincess and
Jivvi how do you feel about my explanations/analysis. Input pls