Love that stuff, keep it coming!I sigh and lean back in my custom made swivel chair (commissioned from a diseased manufacturer in exchange for a decade in Paradise). My open air office is situated in front of the massive golden gates leading to Heaven, still as an impressive sight as always.
“Next,” I call. An old man hobbles up, still rubbing his rear end and wincing (I really need to talk to vati180 about that). I pull up his file on my sleek golden laptop (reduced Purgatory from a tech geek). “Antonio Harrison? Born May 14, 1951, died a few minutes past of natural causes.” “Y-yes sir,” he stammers. “Well let’s see,” I say, scrolling through a list of deeds, good and bad. “We have some good here, but also some bad…” I stop and consider, “Sorry Antonio, the grand theft auto thing in the 70s puts you over.” I reach across my desk for the Purgatory button. “Wait!” he squeaks in accented English, “I done other good things. I sa- save” “I have saved a life before!” he finishes in Italian. “Well,” I respond, subconsciously changing to Italian, “Now that I consider, yes you may have inadvertently saved that boy’s life by calling the police. One century in Purgatory, then Paradise.”
I press a button and he vanishes with a poof.
Suddenly my iPhone 7 rings (Whad’ya know, Steve Jobs made it to the Pearlies after all. I had pointedly requested he skip the iPhone 6). “Yes?” I ask, drawing out the word. “I-its like nothing I’ve ever seen before!” exclaims one of our scouts down on Earth exclaims, “We’ve picked up massive levels of evil emerging from underground. It seems the Guardian of the Devil himself appeared, abducted some mortals, then vanished without a trace.” “Oh dear, that is a problem” I say, then call to my secretary. “Jean, ring me up a chariot please. ASAP. Yes, a flaming one.”
Uh huh..But I like your name! Its unique~
.__.I really do!
Not saying your not.I'm serious...
So... What's wrong?Not saying your not.
thank you for that good report.REPORT TIME!
Looking over the rich green forestland, yawning, I've thought.. The only Guardian I've really spoken to lately is Kylie, the Guardian of fire. Then again, I speak to her everyday, so that's not a surprise. Where are all the other Guardians at? How are their lives? What have they been up to? These questions spin in my head as I rub my feet. Yeah, I'm rubbing my feet. They're so damn sore from wandering in the forest Kylie burnt down all day. Gosh, how I wish I could fly. My feet are killing me.. Maybe the Guardian of flight can help me? Anyway, I'm so tired. So many people have been reported sick or injured, and all my energy has been drained from this hard work. Oh well, I'd like to get to my nice, soft, cozy bed and have a bit of a snooze.
Signing out,
(This referred to my first two days at high school. Gosh. I came home today with aching feet that felt like they were going to fall off. God I'm tired ;_;. Better get used to it.. gonna be doing this everyday for the next.. 9 weeks or so? Oh the joy..)
Great! Now then, I have my own report...As we're getting closer to finding the cure to the mysterious virus (our Science Team has confirmed now that it is a virus), some endermen are already reporting, that they are no longer sick. The virus is losing it's power.
As many endermen are now able to work again, we are once again building the Endtown, so far we have completed one more living house, and 2 more are almost completed.
End of report.
I like the report, but I'm starting to feel as if you've made yourself a bit.. overpowered? I mean, finding the cure for the Endermen AND making it rain. I think there should be a Guardian of Weather or something, but in the meantime I think mintie should control the weather, well, when it has something to do with water. Like rain.So... What's wrong?
thank you for that good report.
Great! Now then, I have my own report...
I have earlier seen a village in the middle of the desert. They were out of water, and their crops were dying. I felt sad for them, and wished there was a Guardian of Rain. I decided to make it cloudy, so that it would block the sunlight for them. As I did this, something hit me. Not literally, but mentally.
"If I can do this, can't I make it rain too?"
I slapped myself. Facepalmed. Banged my head against the cloud. Why didn't I think of it sooner?
So, I made the clouds drop water droplets. And then, it became thick rain. I kept it up for a few hours, then left. But gosh, that drained a lot of my energy...
I also ran into of those plagued Endermen. I felt sad for it. I covered myself with clouds and gave him a golden gummi. As he ate it, he suddenly turned from worst to best. He began to dance, shaked my hand, and asked if he could take some more. I gave him a few more gold gummis, and he ran towards the construction of the Endertown.
A few days later, that Enderman came back, along with some of his friends. They were in much better shape. They asked for more gold gummis, so I gave them some more. The next day, that Enderman came again, with even more healed-up friends, so I gave up and gave them an entire gold gummi bush. I have a bunch more, so it's ok.
I often wonder afterwards, why did they want the gold gummis...
Honestly, before I made it rain... I received this coupon from the Guardian of Water...I like the report, but I'm starting to feel as if you've made yourself a bit.. overpowered? I mean, finding the cure for the Endermen AND making it rain. I think there should be a Guardian of Weather or something, but in the meantime I think mintie should control the weather, well, when it has something to do with water. Like rain.
Also, Mintie... Could you give me another coupon so I can make it rain again?Sorry for being away. School. Homework. Enough said.
Water Report:
I restore the water every day while the drought drags on and on. Why must we have no Guardian of Cloud, to make it rain? It would really help a lot. I just don't understand why no one volunteers. Heartless mortals. All they want are the interesting Guardian positions like Guardian of Chocolate or Ice Cream. Well, look at me! I volunteered as Guardian of Water because I wanted to help! Moving on..
The rivers, lakes and oceans are drying up, so I restore and check on them every day. I'm also sorry for my short reports. I cannot write for very long. Now I must check the water supply. See ya!