Haha, I've been told that by everyone, but tbh it didn't work like that for me. I just got hooked from the end of act 1, and zoomed (like really quickly) through... and now I'm on Act 6.In my humble opinion, for the first 4-5 acts you'll most likely think dafuq is this. As you go on though, and begin to catch up, and become attached to the characters, you'll start to think, how did I used to get by w/o this.
Will it be good or liek a browser platformer?Just a note, it's ending this year
And then in 2015 a Homestuck-based game will be released.
Hussie refuses to release any information on it.Will it be good or liek a browser platformer?
Is it going to get popular? Cuz Homestuck its self actually isn't, not in the outside world to be more exact. Even on the Internet this is only the second time I've even heard of it.Hussie refuses to release any information on it.he wants it to be a surprise. I'm sure it won't be browser based though, since it will be on disc or downloadable.
Is it going to get popular? Cuz Homestuck its self actually isn't, not in the outside world to be more exact. Even on the Internet this is only the second time I've even heard of it.
WELL YES$2,485,506
The website gets millions of unique hits per day.Is it going to get popular? Cuz Homestuck its self actually isn't, not in the outside world to be more exact. Even on the Internet this is only the second time I've even heard of it.
Other than this thread the only way I found Homestuck was a video of 4chan people making fun of bronies, so I guess I just didn't expect it to be that popular.The website gets millions of unique hits per day.
There is a fan base of 20 million+ on Tumblr.
Tumblr is only a fraction, so estimate maybe 1 or 2 billion+ people in the fandom
Homestuck is very spread out or not as talked about. You just have to look in the right communities.
In the creator's words: A tale about a boy and his friends and a game they play together.I would like to give this comic a chance, but I'm not sure where to read it at or what the story line is even about. Can someone explain?
Seems like it would be fun to read. Do you happen to have a link with the starting point of the story?In the creator's words: A tale about a boy and his friends and a game they play together.
But truly it is much more complex than that. It starts out incredibly simple, but then with every plot twist it becomes more and more complicated.
Here is a link that explains it pretty well without revealing plot: http://mspaintadventures.com/scraps2/homestuckKS.html.
http://www.mspaintadventures.com/Seems like it would be fun to read. Do you happen to have a link with the starting point of the story?
The beginning of every book or comic seems slow. Most of the time they're worth it though. Thanks for the help.http://www.mspaintadventures.com/
The front page has the first page. Make sure to use the Save Game feature!
Act I may be slow for you, just read and it'll become more fast-paced.