So, I'm new to the series, as my friend only introduced me about a month back. I've almost finally finished the current story as of the megapause.
All of these years I have heard of Homestuck. "OMG, did you hear about Karkat and Terezi!?", etc. And, all of this time, I was just like, "Whatever." As the years passed, I heard more and more, yet I wanted to check it out less and less. But, just last month, my friend told me to read MS Paint Adventures. I myself, none the wiser, checked it out, and began to read.
It was a long trip... To me, it was very dull at the start, and I just thought about throwing in the towel, and saying, "To hell with it." But, due to my completionist attitude, I stuck on board. The boat rocked for awhile. ever so often beckoning to me to hop overboard and just try to float back to land. Then one night, a violent storm came and assaulted our ship! I was thrown into a loop of paradoxes, time travel, death, empowerment, and galore! It certainly caught me off guard, but by that point, the abandoning ship notion was gone. I took full responsibility for my destiny and pressed on. Along the way, I sold my soul to a mister Andrew Hussie, his magnificent lips, and love of the equine family. And, I could not be any more happier. I became enthralled with this epic. Learning to love and hate characters, empathizing with them, and mourning their demises. Needless to say, I was in love. Just the pure blend of great story telling, passionate scenery, relatable characters, all wrapped up in a nice little* comic.
What started out as merely a chore, became a beautiful gift. It is like... A way of life. Once one gets pulled into Hussie's inevitable black hole of beauty, there is no hope of return. As previously stated, it becomes a way of life. You crave Homestuck in all its glory! You want more, as if you are a hungry scavenger, feeding off of the small rations you have left. You take what you get, and you just embrace it. You become one with the Homestuck, and it becomes one with you.
I am but merely another pawn in Hussie's great chess game, as we all are. But, I honor my duty as a small piece in this big picture of beauty.
Thank you, for listening to this crazy Homestucker's ramblings about this true paragon of its kind.