I'm of the opinion that the fear of December 21 2012 could easily cause worse problems than the date itself. The idea of a fixed doomsday makes people panic, and panicking people with the capacity to use weapons is usually considered to be a Bad Idea.
However - if I believed the end of the world was coming at that date and panicking, angry people were knocking at my door, the first thing I'd want is a set of people around me. There's safety in numbers, and living alone for the rest of a person's life just isn't practical post-2012 apocalypse. The people would need clearly defined roles and be able to fill in for one another where necessary. You need people around you capable of defending themselves and one another, with redundancy so that one loss doesn't harm the group as a whole, and with each of you capable of lasting on their own if need be. Being alone except for sporadic contact with (possibly armed) thieves for a very long time has quite a nasty effect on the human psyche, and if worst comes to the worst and your group needs to separate, you need to be able to remain sane apart from one another.
Beyond people around you, I'd suggest solar power, hydro-electricity and low-powered, resilient devices. It's easy to think of the Internet as being too large to be contained in a single HDD, but you wouldn't need the whole of it - just medical texts, dictionaries, maps, navigational aids and so on. Nobody can remember everything, and keeping knowledge stored elsewhere is an excellent idea. Make sure you memorise survival texts and first aid though, particularly dealing with anything disrupting the mind. Information is useless if you're too disoriented to understand it.
Make sure you carry non-fiat currency - gold, silver, nickel, etc are perfect for this, because they've got a physical backing. You can trade those for a higher price than banknotes and cheques.
Finally, have multiple ways of thinking and switch between them as appropriate. You can't be wholly a nomad, and you can't just make a bunker somewhere beneath Bermuda Island. Be prepared to move at any moment, (polyphasic sleeping might help, but that's a bit extreme) but make sure everywhere you stay is defensible and capable of supporting you for a long time if necessary.