I might seem crazy...


Aug 6, 2011
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As for firearms- roll with a PDW, preferably silenced, and/or a pistol, if you get your hands on both. A bow would also be great as you can actually carve ammunition(buy a knife).

Don't get any of that sniper rifle, machine gun, assault rifle crap. You're running from people, not hiding in a fort. If they're persistant, they won't stop, and you'll be dead without mobility.
Which is why I'm buying a trench knife ;)

Pick Yer Poison

is a kid now, is a squid now
Aug 5, 2011
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You do know that the whole "2012 end of the world" business is just as unlikely as a zombie apocalypse, right? You might as well name one heads, flip a coin, and then pack accordingly. Of course, then it'd all just end up sitting in a corner anyway, because neither of them are going to happen.


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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You do know that the whole "2012 end of the world" business is just as unlikely as a zombie apocalypse, right? You might as well name one heads, flip a coin, and then pack accordingly. Of course, then it'd all just end up sitting in a corner anyway, because neither of them are going to happen.
He can always tell his children about it.

"Look kiddo, This is when I bought all that stuff for the 2012 Apocalypse!"


Aug 6, 2011
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You do know that the whole "2012 end of the world" business is just as unlikely as a zombie apocalypse, right? You might as well name one heads, flip a coin, and then pack accordingly. Of course, then it'd all just end up sitting in a corner anyway, because neither of them are going to happen.
I never said it was going to be a zombie apocalypse. The kevlar vest is for people who, as I know they will, attempt to loot my home or hurt me or my family.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Ok if the end of the world is gonna happen give me all your money you guys arent gonna need it anyway :p
Also remember the mayans also believed our skin was made out of cheese so...yeahhhh at least i think they said cheese.... it was a DAIRY product that's all I know


Aug 6, 2011
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You do know that the whole "2012 end of the world" business is just as unlikely as a zombie apocalypse, right? You might as well name one heads, flip a coin, and then pack accordingly. Of course, then it'd all just end up sitting in a corner anyway, because neither of them are going to happen.
Flip a coin, if it lands on its side and stays like that for 3 minutes, 2012 is gonna happen.



Aug 5, 2011
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the only thing 'i' need for 12/12/12​

as for zombie survival. I believe i remember Max Brooks having good things to say concerning Shaolin spades for melee, due to their length, inclusion of a bit to hold at a distance, and their use as an actual spade for digging (and their ability to behead relatively easily).​


Aug 6, 2011
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the only thing 'i' need for 12/12/12​

as for zombie survival. I believe i remember Max Brooks having good things to say concerning Shaolin spades for melee, due to their length, inclusion of a bit to hold at a distance, and their use as an actual spade for digging (and their ability to behead relatively easily).​
I think it is 12/21/12... but I get your point

Ok if the end of the world is gonna happen give me all your money you guys arent gonna need it anyway :p
Also remember the mayans also believed our skin was made out of cheese so...yeahhhh at least i think they said cheese.... it was a DAIRY product that's all I know
According to my teacher, the spiritual people (like priests, shamans w/e) also drank alcohol to get visions...
Flip a coin, if it lands on its side and stays like that for 3 minutes, 2012 is gonna happen.

Inception reference?

Pick Yer Poison

is a kid now, is a squid now
Aug 5, 2011
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oh america.
Holy fuck guys guess what


Guys there's this country full of people

And oh my god

Some of them are



That makes the whole country fucked up, right

A group with some outstanding morons makes that entire group a label for idiocy, right

Just like furries and mormons and politicians and australians and basically every named group consisting of more than thirty people ever created




I mean come on, really? It's about time you stop doing this. It's starting to bug me, both as someone who has been subject to having a group they're in labeled as something repulsive, and for being judged and/or held accountable for the actions of someone else who happens to be in that same group, whose joining it I could not have prevented and over whose actions I have no control whatsoever. Us wacky Americans, right? When will we ever learn? I'm American, and I think fatalis here is crazy for taking the idea that an ancient culture who built crap with rocks was somehow able to predict an apocalyptic game over screen that NASA isn't able to find a single trace of. But hey, I'm American. I must have no idea what I'm talking about, just like everyone else included in the approximately 312.8 million people you just lumped together in order to call one of them silly.

Oh, Australia.


Got the moves like Jagger!
Aug 6, 2011
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No Fatalis, you don't seem crazy, you seem perfectly sane.

To the point, @balloon98 , the believed that they were made of squash and corn. It's a symbol to prove how much their life relied on agriculture.

Also this whole 2012 thing is like saying "Oh look my calendar I bought is going to end in a year, IT MUST MEAN IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!"

But it's good to be prepared for everything, and these items could be beneficial to you in the future. Also just because the world doesn't end doesn't mean society will not go crazy. Crime rates will increase, and everyone will basically just go ape shit. (Just like Y2K) So it will be useful like that, and if the world ends, it's not like your gonna be able to avoid the devestation with a few bullet proof vests. (Unless those vests can take hits from meteors, volcanic explosions, tsunamis, and high winds.)


Aug 6, 2011
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I'm of the opinion that the fear of December 21 2012 could easily cause worse problems than the date itself. The idea of a fixed doomsday makes people panic, and panicking people with the capacity to use weapons is usually considered to be a Bad Idea.

However - if I believed the end of the world was coming at that date and panicking, angry people were knocking at my door, the first thing I'd want is a set of people around me. There's safety in numbers, and living alone for the rest of a person's life just isn't practical post-2012 apocalypse. The people would need clearly defined roles and be able to fill in for one another where necessary. You need people around you capable of defending themselves and one another, with redundancy so that one loss doesn't harm the group as a whole, and with each of you capable of lasting on their own if need be. Being alone except for sporadic contact with (possibly armed) thieves for a very long time has quite a nasty effect on the human psyche, and if worst comes to the worst and your group needs to separate, you need to be able to remain sane apart from one another.

Beyond people around you, I'd suggest solar power, hydro-electricity and low-powered, resilient devices. It's easy to think of the Internet as being too large to be contained in a single HDD, but you wouldn't need the whole of it - just medical texts, dictionaries, maps, navigational aids and so on. Nobody can remember everything, and keeping knowledge stored elsewhere is an excellent idea. Make sure you memorise survival texts and first aid though, particularly dealing with anything disrupting the mind. Information is useless if you're too disoriented to understand it.

Make sure you carry non-fiat currency - gold, silver, nickel, etc are perfect for this, because they've got a physical backing. You can trade those for a higher price than banknotes and cheques.

Finally, have multiple ways of thinking and switch between them as appropriate. You can't be wholly a nomad, and you can't just make a bunker somewhere beneath Bermuda Island. Be prepared to move at any moment, (polyphasic sleeping might help, but that's a bit extreme) but make sure everywhere you stay is defensible and capable of supporting you for a long time if necessary.


Aug 9, 2011
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Hah, I'll be on my computer the whole time that 2012 is supposed to happen, fuck the police.

Though, if I'd have any choice in a weapon I'd pick a crowbar/powerful shotgun. Or both. Both would be fine.

My friends are really into "zombie" things so I'd let them take control of things ;P