Is it Time for a New SMP Server?

Is it time for a new SMP Server?

  • Yes, I want a server with PvP and a structure like one of the previous servers (SMP?, Primordia).

    Votes: 36 43.9%
  • Yes, I want a server with PvE like JtE, but with a different structure.

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • Yes, I want a server with PvP, but a totally new structure.

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • No, I love JtE!

    Votes: 24 29.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
JtE can't last forever. But when is it time for it to go?
I have been thinking about this for some time now. I really haven't talked about it that much because I don't want to sound like an old crab, but JtE's time is coming. Face the facts!​
I see you tried to use sensationalism. You haven't presented any facts yet, and you don't in the next sentence either, so I'm immediately skeptical.​
1. Player Count - Obviously the player count is down from the opening of JtE. That is perfectly normal for any server, but from what I have observed, the player count is reaching all time lows. I've been on a lot more this past week due to school being out and I've noticed very low player counts not only on the weekdays, but also on the weekends. The player counts remind me of the last days of the previous SMP, when I was one of the very few who still played.​
It's natural that player counts get lower without some form of community events. People won't have any attachment to a community they don't participate in, and for a lot of blocktopia the participation is outside of minecraft, here on the forums or ts, or in other games. As you mention below, a lot of people who once were active with the server are commonly found on other blocktopia servers now.​
And this issue hasn't been circumvented by any other SMP either, by the way. Making a new one clearly isn't the answer, because we're still doing it. If we really want to see people participating on the server, then we need to give them a reason to continue to log in, not just log in for a bit till they're bored again. The castra event had a huge turnout. And as soon as people were done with it, they logged out forever again. The point is that we know people will show up to do things, it's a matter of finding things that will keep interest over time, rather than drying up within a day.​
She said that many players didn't like PvP because they would always get killed. I feel that the players that said that didn't give PvP a try.
I don't see how what you feel about the situation has any connection to what other players have actually experienced. I was killed twice last map. Once by danni, who made a very clever and fast ambush on a few of us, and once by someone who's banned, and that person griefed to get to me in the first place.

I very much like pvp, by the way, but it's something that is terribly mishandled in minecraft. When I feel like challenging myself against other players, I get on world of warcraft, because that game provides me with a much more fair, challenging and satisfying environment for pvp (despite how it constantly has balance issues anyway). Minecraft has 2 extreme issues that need to be addressed before I'll care about pvp in it.

- First, the game has to offer a stable framerate and connectivity to all players all the time. The biggest challenge I have in minecraft pvp is not having huge lag spikes when someone is coming at me. I have no control of this, and the situation is even worse for a lot of people. I've found that between myself and someone on a similar machine, the person who gets hit first has a spike roughly 60% of the time, and dies very quickly either without or barely responding. This isn't anything to do with skill, it's a limitation provided between my hardware and the game's software. My hardware is good enough to run WoW smoothly, so clearly minecraft has some very inefficient code.

- Second, the disparity of gear is ridiculous. I don't even care about enchants either. Diamond equipment is insane compared to iron equipment. And this puts a lot of people off, because they don't want to waste their diamonds on gear that someone else may take from them, but they can't really compete without diamond gear. And completely losing your inventory because you died is a very harsh punishment, especially to people who are new to pvp. One of the things I really thought primordia did right was prevent most people from wearing diamonds. And I did think there were some balance issues with primordia too, but it still made the pvp much more interesting and fun for me.

Another thing in JtE that ruins the fun is the Nether Network. It is very convenient and it makes travel easier, but let's face it. It's much more of a challenge to transport everything in the overworld and it's more fun too. If we had PvP, another NN would not be made I think. If one was made, it would be a hotspot for combat and many would not travel it. PvP would make travelling fun again!​
The NN was a player initiative (Snowman , thanks bro). Would it have been made with pvp? Only snowman can answer that. But I will point out that overworld travel really isn't harder than using the nether, it's just longer. Duration != difficulty.​
3. Pre-Made Towns, Trades, Emeralds - At first I thought all of these trades and pre-made towns and emerald being a major currency would be awesome, but it's not. The trades were somewhat useful in the beginning, but now they're just blah. I think they were actually too useful I think. They discouraged players from getting things on their own and they took the fun away. I don't think the trades are that good anymore now that we all have loads of supplies. This also made emeralds not rare, which isn't that big of a deal but still meh.​
I've ranted at superstein about this topic already, when he was economist. I do believe that same feedback was passed on to oak for consideration as well, so I'll spare the lengthy diatribe here. What I will say is that I have used the trades fairly rarely, and usually to save myself the time of collecting a tonne of leather (which I might not have done if I could have had 100 cows for a bit, but rules are rules), but their existence isn't just to serve me. They have to serve others as well, and I'm sure other people have used them for other things. Furthermore, these trades are the answer to disappearing resources, which you mention below.​
4. Quests - I can't say too much on this topic since I really didn't do any quests, but they are gone now anyways. Many people complained of the glitches, and I just found them unattractive. There were a lot of quests that I just felt looked stupid.​
I have to admit, I only did one quest. I was definitely excited for them, but I really focused on making my town instead, with the intent of doing all the quests when the town was done. Now the quests are out (for now at least), so I can only imagine that I missed out.​
5. Minecraft is being Updated - As we know with the previous SMP, updates can make our SMP server outdated. Another reason for updating the last SMP was the fact that it lacked natural cocoa and emerald ore. Right now JtE lacks natural quartz and it will lack naturally spawned horses, mules, and donkeys soon enough. This also brings up the issue of resources. As we all know, resources like glowstone cannot be found in the nether in great quantities anymore.​
As stated above, traders are a solution to this problem. And naturally spawned mobs? They should spawn just like any other mobs do.​
6. Application Process for Towns - ... I would choose the person with the fancy book cover, the TAG. See what I mean? This gave the smaller clan a disadvantage right off the bat.​
So your concern is that new people might be superficial? Are these really the people you want in your clan? Regardless, there are a number of factors that work against the balanced creation of clans, and it's not just the tags or chats. Mainly, people will join with other people they already affiliate with. New people will either be joining the server because a friend brought them, in which case they'll join their friends clan, or they're faced with the question of "which clan will help me best?". I'm confident the most common answer to that question will be "the bigger one". More members = more people that can help, more resources that can be shared.​
I understand that there are other opinions out there so please post away if you disagree! I encourage those who Agree to also post. Everyone's opinion is critical!
This part, I fully agree with. Now, to read the other 4 1/2 pages of this thread and pick away.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Please remember that this is just my opinion :)

In my opinion Primordia was the best Blocktopia SMP, and I also really loved the smp where there was pvp at night (not sure which one this is, but it was my first). I'd love to see these coming back, but it's very unlikely.
I actually agree with the majority on what you said on that post. I personally dislike JtE for a few reasons, and many were stated above. But what I miss the most is the pvp survival war aspect.


This server, if you don't know, had four families, each with a different element/power. These families would sometimes have conflict with each other, and members of the family would set out on quests to kill and defeat the other families. I loved it. For a time I was in dagon, it was truly epic. We all worked as a team and as a family as we were so close. I even volunteered to be the gate keeper, and I used to stand at our gate letting people in/telling them to go away. Sometimes we would go raiding, or defend our kingdom, but it was so fun and really gave off an rpg element. The class system also brought his; each member would have special abilities and would be used in different areas. Sort of like TF2. For example, a crafter would mine and craft our weapons, the warriors would battle and the Rogues would go on secret missions to assassinate targets. I was a rogue, and I will always remember the moment that I creeped into Dagon (at this point I was a lone wolf) on my own, found someone in a library and 'backstabbed' (this was an ability that a level 5 rogue had, I believe) them, stealing all of there stuff and then continuing to raid all of Dagons chests. Me and my clan (Shadow bandits!) would often go raiding at the different families, and we had a secret den where we would discuss who is our next target. I personally LOVED this server so much, and many of my best memories are from it. The leveling up system was fun too; I would often spend my nights with friends in the desert hunting mobs to level up. In fact, I was about two levels away from being able to pickpocket people when Primordia closed down ( :( ). Yes, I may have been a massive noob, but it didn't matter too much. I had fun.
EDIT: Also the fact that armour and weapons were limited for different classes balanced pvp out ;)
I also loved the airships which took you to different places in the map at the price of a piece of paper (a ticket). There was a ticket machine at spawn where you could use ingame money to buy tickets. Just these little things made the server feel better and more RPG for me.
Many of my irl friends left Blocktopia after Primordia died, which was a shame. I only really stayed because of AoD. It would be great to have this server back to get a chance at the old times again, even though it is very unlikely. And i'm sure that, even though I'm not as nooby as before, I will still enjoy it :)

I also loved the online store where you could trade items for money. I used to always buy redstone because as a rogue I could use redstone to teleport back home, so if I got killed at my base I would quickly buy some redstone to go back. I remember doing this and managing to sneak past ConstructionBoy and balloon98, running into my mine and hiding before they eventually found me. I also remember me and my clan getting trapped in Primus, and they were all stuck but I was just like 'See ya later!' because I had redstone. XD
Good times... good times.
The old SMP:
This was my first SMP. I always remember me going and finding Peter24 and him building me a house. I then decided to make a little nooby town in his town and word spread that I was the guy who made a town in Peter's place. Peter used to always hide away at night too, as that was when pvp came out. This is what I loved about this; night wasn't just about mobs. It wasn't just, ah well it's night, I have to deal with a few mobs. Night was when the assassins came out, and when pvp started. The whole server would either go into hiding in their house or go hunting, and I loved it. It felt so RPG and it really felt like survival. I had tons of fun on this server, not just because of the night but also because it was so simple. There weren't quests or dungeons, but there was more to do. It's like when Minecraft started putting achievements and an end of the game and structures to find. I felt like it wasn't the same; even though I had been given more to do, it made the game less 'There's nothing here, just me and my island. I can do anything!', and more 'Okay, I have to do this and this and then this'. SMP was very much like that for me personally and I loved it.

And then, for me JtE disappointment me. Don't get me wrong, I am amazed at all of the hard work the staff put into this server and forever thankful, but it just felt too different from the game that I love. It seemed too different from Minecraft. I all of a sudden had quests to do and dungeons to visit - I felt like I had a set of chores, not because I was made to do these things but because they were there for me to do. I didn't play JtE much, so I'm not that wise about it, but from when I did play it I just didn't get the same feeling that I did on the other servers. It didn't feel like Minecraft anymore, which put me off.

Thank you, if you took the time reading this. And remember, it's just my opinion. :)


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Oh yeah, Primordia was fun to play, but betrayal of 2 Dagon Generals+ put me on edge.
Also I remember grinding on Shadow Bandits as Warlord. PvP was fun then.
Araidian was like: STAPH PLS after 10th kill in row and ConstructionBoy was like: Go, raxo, go!

Elysium could have something like team VS team PvP arena.
Or SMP 3 like PvP - at night only.
PvP, when under control is fun.

EDIT: Shadow Bandits were slapthings of freelancers, Aeres, Primus and Dagon.

EDIT 2: Before I was in Dagon, I was in Gaia. That family was pretty peaceful, fairly close to Elysium. I reached Nobility & Blacksmith before joining Dagon.


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
I see you tried to use sensationalism. You haven't presented any facts yet, and you don't in the next sentence either, so I'm immediately skeptical.

My english teacher told me to never start out writing with a fact. :p

I don't see how what you feel about the situation has any connection to what other players have actually experienced. I was killed twice last map. Once by danni, who made a very clever and fast ambush on a few of us, and once by someone who's banned, and that person griefed to get to me in the first place.

- Second, the disparity of gear is ridiculous. I don't even care about enchants either. Diamond equipment is insane compared to iron equipment. And this puts a lot of people off, because they don't want to waste their diamonds on gear that someone else may take from them, but they can't really compete without diamond gear. And completely losing your inventory because you died is a very harsh punishment, especially to people who are new to pvp. One of the things I really thought primordia did right was prevent most people from wearing diamonds. And I did think there were some balance issues with primordia too, but it still made the pvp much more interesting and fun for me.
So you basically gave up is what you're saying, and trust many players have did the same. Like I said when I first started, I was killed too. But it's something that takes time to learn. Did you learn how to ride a bike the first time you tried it? I didn't. It took me tons of practice to get it right.

If people don't want to waste their diamond gear, they don't have to participate. I really don't see the point in hoarding supplies if you're never going to use them anyway. It's like money irl. Do you hoard your money all your life so that you can say, "Oh yes I am a billionaire." Then your life suddenly ends and you never got to put your money to good use and enjoy yourself. Similar to minecraft, the server might end and you never got to actually participate in anything. I never had loads of diamond, but when I did have it I used it and when I didn't have it, I used iron.
The NN was a player initiative (Snowman , thanks bro). Would it have been made with pvp? Only snowman can answer that. But I will point out that overworld travel really isn't harder than using the nether, it's just longer. Duration != difficulty.​

I disagree. Travel using the overworld would be much different in a PvP environment. If you were to travel by foot then you would have to deal with terrain, mobs, and length. It really is more challenging much more fun. And before you say something about ghasts, the NN is covered and protected. I don't think a major rail system would be made in a PvP environment. As I said, it would be a hotspot for combat and many would not set themselves up by travelling it. Would people still use the nether? Of course. But a rail system would most likely not be created unless it was for private use. Besides being creative with your methods of travel is more fun in the long run!​

So your concern is that new people might be superficial? Are these really the people you want in your clan? Regardless, there are a number of factors that work against the balanced creation of clans, and it's not just the tags or chats. Mainly, people will join with other people they already affiliate with. New people will either be joining the server because a friend brought them, in which case they'll join their friends clan, or they're faced with the question of "which clan will help me best?". I'm confident the most common answer to that question will be "the bigger one". More members = more people that can help, more resources that can be shared.​

Big clans commonly collapse because they mature too fast. Personally, in the past SMPs, I always looked for the small clan that needed improvement. It's always more fun seeing progress happen to something like that. And it's always nice to know that you were really one of the ones that did it.​

Anyway we aren't getting a new map right now anyway which you should find out by the time you reach this post, lol. Just had to defend my points.:D​


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hoping this isn't a double post, if it is I'll have to go back and combine them. 5 pages sprung up overnight, there's too much to respond to!

Honestly, I'm tired of a new SMP every half year.

What happens in 6 months then, we get yet another SMP server? We should have a server that can run for a long time but has stability between a fair playerbase and a fun environment. Meaning, if this is not happening for JtE, it has to be worked with. i.e major updates.
I like how this man speaks the truth and gets a handful of disagrees. Shows a definite force of desire over thought.

JtE is losing it's touch. I only got hooked on for a week or so before I lost interest. Why? There's actually not much you can do, In my opinion. I don't think quests are fun. Yeah, I know the server is an RPG server. But it's not fun.

So this server wasn't great for you. JtE hasn't lost any 'touch' for me, and I haven't even done much of it's stuff either.

A lot of resources can be hard to find now.
As we all know, resources like glowstone cannot be found in the nether in great quantities anymore.
It's true. Even know they opened up more areas of the map, how long is that going to last until it's gone again?

As stated in my previous post, traders are a solution. Otherwise, this will literally always happen, and your proposed solution still sets it up to happen again.

Full map reset (in my opinion) would be nice, but they're will always be that one person to disagree because they built something really nice (as in a town/city/house) and they don't want to lose it.

This arugment was had in a previous SMP. I was on the reset side. I don't see the need for a reset now, but it's not just because I've built something nice. Also, that past argument was handled rather skillfully, allowing people to have some structures transferred over to the new map. As I expected, a good number of people who transferred builds didn't stick around beyond a few weeks. But, I'm sure this same solution would appease anyone who would actually use the argument.

Dungeons is somewhat alright, but out of curiously, on average, how many times does someone use them a day?
I don't. And with some, you need big groups to actually finish them or to get in. But with player-count, it's so low that it's not even worth it.

You don't use it, but you also don't even play on the server. What a surprise, that someone who isn't having fun with something won't use it. Also, bosses have respawn times. With one boss in each dungeon, is there any point to going in there for more than one or two groups each day? I do think that they should change the entrances to the dungeons though, so that a single player can walk in if they really want to try and solo.

What I wish could happen are:
  • Re-Build the structor of JtE
- As crazy as this sounds, I think JtE could use a little more work. Add more features! Something that users could brag about, or make it more enjoyably.

  • Look back at old SMP's
- Why not just go back to old SMP servers, and just look at the features that they use to have and look hard at what users use to enjoy a lot. I enjoyed how PvP was enabled at night. That was fun.

  • Ask us what we want?

You just told them what you want. And your answers seem to be "directors, go get more stuff for us to do, and bring back old stuff that was probably removed because it wasn't updated." As much as I endorse feedback, I have to point out here that you didn't exactly try everything JtE has to offer in the first place, so it's a bit of spit in the face.

I'm sure you'll also find people who hated pvp at night, there probably won't be many clear cut winners for things people liked. This is why directors don't just put everything to a popular vote. This is the same reason why real world politicians don't just get the populace to vote. If they did that, there's a very strong argument to be made that slavery might not have been abolished in America. People want what they like, and they don't want to know about other people who dislike it. This is why feedback is so important, because the directors get an idea of what people want, but they have to mesh that with what's feasible and remove the parts that would actually be bad. Also, plugins that only work on minecraft 1.1 aren't going to be an option. If you do have ideas, I'd suggest making sure there's something current to use for it.

- Look at it like this: Xbox One had a feature where you couldn't use used video games, the community submitted feedback to Microsoft and they listened, and they now allow used games. How about, the Admins ask what we want. We give them ideas. They take it into consideration and they try it out.
Taking into consideration doesn't necessitate trying it out. They already do take in ideas, you need to be forward with them.

And Microsoft didn't change because they got the feedback "I don't like this feature". They got the feedback "Our projected sales numbers are rapidly headed toward 0, because this feature doesn't allow people to move, have friends, or enjoy games without being overpaid." The so widely contested DRM feature that's being removed now was a complete and utter destruction of the concept of ownership that capitalism has been built upon, to the point that people actually looked at Microsoft as though it was run by Stalin.


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Well, here's opinion:


I personally really liked Primordia. I didn't play too much, but I loved the RPG element and the togetherness I witnessed as a family with others in your family. I loved the RPG Plugin (Herocraft, right?) and I think next SMP Should be similar to Primordia's layout.

The SMP's

I think the first SMP I played was SMP 2 or 3, I don't remember. I loved being a part of CTY with Jackamel and Dumbshooter, and I had a blast. I made some cool stuff, and we built a tunnel from one end of the world to another. What I didn't like, was PVP. I was building a pirate ship with Jack, and then Dlmt3 came in and killed me. I mean, yes, there's pvp turned off in cities and chest protection now, but there wasn't back then.


I love JTE's Storyline and concept, but it was dissapointing. After KoB Spiraled out of control, I stopped playing for a bit after I joined Sancti. Still dont go on much.... I'm not too good at SMP anyways. I'd much rather be with a group of Roleplaying friends, than a bunch of Competitive pvp warlords.

Now, for my dream SMP server!

I have this pretty cool idea:

There'd be a number of Factions, each based on a certain theme (Sorta like A'therys Ascended if you've heard of it, amazing server) Their server is WILDLY Popular and amazingly well done, so why can't we emulate that? They've got a stable economy, cool factions, and dungeons and lots of roleplay stuff. So, on to the factions: Something like Ancient Civs.. Egypt, China, Aztecs, Babylon.... You get the jist of it. Also, we could take a lot of influence from popular rpg games like WoW, Skyrim, etc. With different Races (Oh man would that be sweet!) and Classes and Roleplay stuff, I'd jump in in a heartbeat!

Again, just my opinions :D


Oct 21, 2011
Reaction score
The time that people want to have change has come, and thats why the sudden storm of complaints is coming.
Hah! You said storm, the irony!

Anyways I think we are getting some great ideas, but again this is ultimately up to superstein. However I would like to point out some things that I think are good ideas.

1. PvP at Night - I think this is a super idea. This could majorly boost the numbers playing on JtE. I also hear that it was fun to play with on one of the previous SMPs. Now to address everyone's concerns about it. Some people are wondering why people can't just go to the PvP side of the wall. That simply won't work. That's another reason why a seperate PvE and a PvP world won't work. We need PvE and PvP type players to work together, not become seperated. We need the beautiful cities and buildings and masterpieces of the PvE players (and some PvP players, you can build very nice things too :p), but we need PvP to put those things to use.

Hmm... that idea could work.
PvP at night... I didn't ate someones brain on SMP for almost 6 months!
What about official PvP protection for Town+, that extends 10 - 50 meters from Town+ protection zone border?

100% PvE players could travel safely trough NN ;)

Or what about PvP duel arena?

Gah, this thread is gonna get jte shut for sure...

EDIT: This thread has already 1400 views!
Heres why i disliked your post.
Pvp at night was already tried and didnt work too well. Sure you didnt know this, and im not saying you should have, but i think that if you are gonna do pvp why make it just half?
If nether was all PvE then glowstone economy would crash, because the only competition was who would get lucky with drops.
A duel arena? Sure, but you would know what you were walking into. I like free server PvP because it sneaks up on you.
Feel free to disagree and explain ^^
EDIT: storm886 Just pointing it out, its fine that you disagreed with me, thats awesome, but im on your side :s you seemed confused about that a few posts above and i never answered. I want a server similar to primordia back, where there was a different way of pvp but there was pvp.


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
A Half PvP, half PvE world isn't going to work unless of course.... now that I think about it, they each were totally seperate (like different inventories, etc). This idea was courtesy of myusername.

EDIT: Oh I thought you meant that we should move the PvP Wall to make PvP 50% of the map.
Nvm....all is well.

EDIT: Hockeyfan1852 Thank You for clarification! I was reading it as "why not just make it 50%." I do that sometimes, lol.


Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
A Half PvP, half PvE world isn't going to work unless of course.... now that I think about it, they each were totally seperate (like different inventories, etc). This idea was courtesy of myusername.
You misread pace's post which is understandable because of the way its worded.
Hah! You said storm, the irony!

Anyways I think we are getting some great ideas, but again this is ultimately up to superstein. However I would like to point out some things that I think are good ideas.

1. PvP at Night - I think this is a super idea. This could majorly boost the numbers playing on JtE. I also hear that it was fun to play with on one of the previous SMPs. Now to address everyone's concerns about it. Some people are wondering why people can't just go to the PvP side of the wall. That simply won't work. That's another reason why a seperate PvE and a PvP world won't work. We need PvE and PvP type players to work together, not become seperated. We need the beautiful cities and buildings and masterpieces of the PvE players (and some PvP players, you can build very nice things too :p), but we need PvP to put those things to use.


Sure you didnt know this, and im not saying you should have, but i think that if you are gonna do pvp why make it just half?
If nether was all PvE then glowstone economy would crash, because the only competition was who would get lucky with drops.
A duel arena? Sure, but you would know what you were walking into. I like free server PvP because it sneaks up on you.
Feel free to disagree and explain ^^
EDIT: storm886 Just pointing it out, its fine that you disagreed with me, thats awesome, but im on your side :s you seemed confused about that a few posts above and i never answered. I want a server similar to primordia back, where there was a different way of pvp but there was pvp.
EDIT: No problem storm886 I had to re-read it a few times myself to clarify it.


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Meet me halfway, right at the borderline
That's where I'm gonna wait...for you
I'll be looking out, night and day
Took my mind to the limit
And this is where I'll stay
I can't go any further than this
I want a change so bad, it's my only wish

*Italicized words were changed to fit this scenario. From Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Yet again, hoping this isn't posted in a row. Only on page 2 so far! Too much!

MBH, you say you are tired of new SMPs every half year. Why? What's the use of keeping JtE if the majority don't want to play on it anymore?
I'm pretty certain 'the majority' of people showed up for "OMG NEW SERVER" and then were gone after a few weeks/month. If you can't think of a good example, I'll point out snow. It had a much smaller portion of it's population as actually active people for a while. In the first month, a majority of their people were already gone or leaving. So, majority is gone. What's the use of keeping it around for more than 1 month?


Right now JtE lacks natural quartz​
resources like glowstone cannot be found in the nether in great quantities anymore.​

we all have loads of supplies.
I chuckled when I noticed this as well. I felt it reasonable to let it pass though. ;)

No poll, no sole opinion, no petition will change my mind, or the mindset of the Elysium staff team. Though you can change things within the server, you're not changing the consciousness of the server. That's in my hands, and I will be the one to rule over that. I'll let you complain, they will pass in one ear and out the other.
Not sure this is necessary at all. Granted, I wouldn't give serious thought to a lot of complaints either, but that doesn't mean I'd tell people they're not going to be listened to. Also, I can't imagine you'd ignore a petition that was literally signed by 90%+ of the community. That would make you oblivious. Apart from this quote though, I'm quite happy with your response.

PvP player or not we can make a server to suit both. You are basically saying that PvP players should just not play. We lost great people including staff because they didn't like the server after one month of trying it out. You need to find something enjoyable for all types of players. We are not suggesting a "Die-Hard PvP map" We would like a server with PvP but also shops and other things from JtE that were fun things to look forward to as a non-PvP player. Lets be honest here no one will use the PvP side because griefing is enabled. There is always room for improvement to suit all types of players.
Aod is great for dedicated pvp. I thoroughly agree that griefing is one of the issues with the pvp side though, we just need to convince the guys that can change the rules.

You need to make a balanced server for all types of players and not cater to a certain group of players.
Make a server for everyone, and therefore cater to the certain group that includes every player, rather than catering to certain groups of players. Logical fallacy aside, this is definitely a lot harder than you think it is. Starcraft and Starcraft II are widely considered two of the best balanced games to have ever been made. The same company, indeed many of the same employees who work on starcraft II, also make WoW and Diablo III. All of these titles have great disparities between pve and pvp, and neither of them is fully balanced in either aspect. Starcraft II has a bunch of units in the campaign/single player that you can't use in pvp matches. Why do you think that is? WoW has to give everyone a baseline of 65% damage taken reduction so that the game is even remotely playable in pvp. Diablo III didn't even ship with pvp! Have they even patched it in yet? Balance between different game styles is incredibly difficult. And as I've posted elsewhere, I'm not the biggest fan of what JtE does, but a goal was set and the directors made an effort to meet it. I'd still like to see changes, but I'll live with what we have.

"Filler BS" he is making the point that old SMP clans were not oversize with new players because you could make a clan with your friends and not have to worry about applying, one player joining a fully developed town with 50+ people is not going to keep them as long as smaller clans from 4-15 were you feel like you are a part of team rather than recruiting central.
Aeres, Ucon, luck3rs, etc. Big clans get bigger until they fully die, some of our longest standing members have been in them. And frankly I don't see how clans or clan sizes are a good argument for a map reset either. If anything, why not just wipe clans?

He wants to hear the player-bases input there are other opinions besides yours some people don't agree with me fine they are entitled to their own opinions. He shouldn't have to just go to you if he wants to hear how people can improve the server. Your hard work is not going to be wasted you can add stuff from JtE into the new server, and help keep the balance. The directors can watch the thread and state their opinions but need to take in consideration to what the player base wants.
I believe this was particularly responding to the statement that the foundation of JtE is broken, without giving any reason why it is. There's no issue with the actual discussion going on here.

My english teacher told me to never start out writing with a fact.
Did he tell you to start out by telling people to face facts you haven't presented? If he did, please let him know he's a certified idiot. But I have a sneaking suspicion he didn't.

So you basically gave up is what you're saying, and trust many players have did the same.
That is entirely not what I said at all. In fact, I've spent many hours playing on AoD, despite the limitations (and usually on a shitty wireless connection, which is even worse). I've put more than a fair amount of time into pvp with this game, and that includes a fair amount of successes like being the sole survivor on grand library with 12 other players, but I've come to the conclusion that I have a better option. It has nothing to do with just giving up, there is a much more rewarding experience elsewhere. I'd absolutely come back to mc pvp if we put primordia back up tonight, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon.

If people don't want to waste their diamond gear, they don't have to participate.
And this is entirely the point I made. If they don't want to lose their diamonds, which some people don't have many of, then they're excluded. This isn't how you get more people to participate, and especially isn't how you get new people to participate.

I disagree. Travel using the overworld would be much different in a PvP environment.
Travel using the NN would also be much different in a PvP environment. My point still stands, the difference is length, which is not difficulty by itself.

For the rest of that part, as I said before, only snowman could tell you if he'd have made it in a pvp area. And in previous smps, I was attacked only once while going to get resources. I didn't even have them on me, I was on the adventure to get them.

Big clans commonly collapse because they mature too fast. Personally, in the past SMPs, I always looked for the small clan that needed improvement. It's always more fun seeing progress happen to something like that. And it's always nice to know that you were really one of the ones that did it.
I doubt everyone would agree with that point, but I would. I definitely find helping the small guy out more rewarding. Again though, the people joining big clans are an indication that not everyone shares this idea.

Anyway we aren't getting a new map right now anyway which you should find out by the time you reach this post, lol. Just had to defend my points.:D
Indeed, I did find it out. Still, I'm glad that ideas have been brought out. And I'm sure like 30 people got pokes from me quoting them to start an argument discussion. :D


Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
You need to make a balanced server for all types of players and not cater to a certain group of players.
Make a server for everyone, and therefore cater to the certain group that includes every player, rather than catering to certain groups of players. Logical fallacy aside, this is definitely a lot harder than you think it is. Starcraft and Starcraft II are widely considered two of the best balanced games to have ever been made. The same company, indeed many of the same employees who work on starcraft II, also make WoW and Diablo III. All of these titles have great disparities between pve and pvp, and neither of them is fully balanced in either aspect. Starcraft II has a bunch of units in the campaign/single player that you can't use in pvp matches. Why do you think that is? WoW has to give everyone a baseline of 65% damage taken reduction so that the game is even remotely playable in pvp. Diablo III didn't even ship with pvp! Have they even patched it in yet? Balance between different game styles is incredibly difficult. And as I've posted elsewhere, I'm not the biggest fan of what JtE does, but a goal was set and the directors made an effort to meet it. I'd still like to see changes, but I'll live with what we have.
Yes, it is hard/impossible to cater to all players, but we can try to appeal to more players to give PvP a try for the players that have only played JtE so far. The interest is there I would love another full map PvP with JtE features, of course it matters how the server is implemented, I have faith that the staff could create an appealing new map and blend features together to try to appeal to players. Yes, this will take time and work but I truly believe that the staff can create the best SMP yet.


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
My english teacher told me to never start out writing with a fact.
Did he tell you to start out by telling people to face facts you haven't presented? If he did, please let him know he's a certified idiot. But I have a sneaking suspicion he didn't.
A little yes, though it wasn't aimed at you if your teacher didn't say it. I have to admit I don't have much tolerance for teachers that actively disseminate bad information. Also, it's usually best to get some facts before you start writing. Gives you a better idea of where you're going to go with the piece. I find that people who don't will often write pieces that sound like they're from tabloids, which has the effect of turning up my skepticism to mega levels.


Jun 2, 2013
Reaction score
Changing Jte would be hard. Plugins are hard to make or install and they sometimes break. Even if everyone is not happy with the server, at least some people are. Blocktopia is also getting payed advertisments, so that will also take jte's popularity back. We should not worry about the future, we should be happy for what we have now


Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
Changing Jte would be hard. Plugins are hard to make or install and they sometimes break. Even if everyone is not happy with the server, at least some people are. Blocktopia is also getting payed advertisments, so that will also take jte's popularity back. We should not worry about the future, we should be happy for what we have now
We could keep the same plugins, the maps needs a refresh with new players coming in though advertisements they can see a fresh map and have a chance in building an important town. With the current staff we have now we can build a great SMP server to enjoy in an estimated 3 months time.