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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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The Terrenus guards had launched cows at the group. Durwin stared at it,
"Really?" Durwin lifted a hand up and the cows burst into flames, promptly showering them with cooked steak. Durwin glared up at the now cowering guard,
"I will take that as an act of aggression and as such, will now retaliate." A line of fire lit underneath the guards feet as the gate itself boomed open. Durwin yelled,
"Neither will you hurt me or my friends, nor shall you keep us from our task!" Stone bits flew away from new cracks exposed in the wall.


Two guards are engulfed in flames and immediately tip over the edge of the castle wall. The other 2 begin rolling around on the castle wall, attempting to put the flames out, but the magical fire continues to burn, leaving their bodies as empty husks.
Three bound men are groaning through their cloth gags. Desperately attempting to seek the attention of the travelers.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob arrived at his house. Still trashed beyond repair... The inside was drenched due to the holes in the roof. Maybe after this is over I'll replace it with a mansion. Should be enough treasure in the End to buy one. Blob walked inside carefully, when he noticed something shining on the ground. What's this? He picked it up and examined it. Just a chunk of iron. Blob tossed it aside and headed back to town. Meanwhile, the shining chunk of iron began to grow.


Aug 6, 2011
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[Sorry for no posts in the daytime, I was outside all day, shocker, right?]

As the group started to approach Shizuka Defiant asked, "So, Refresh, go grab your stuff..." Refresh interupted with a "Right" and left before Defiant finished his statement. While he walked to his new house he looked into other people's houses, and didn't find anybody. "Man, it's like the people just vanished, nothing is taken, lamps are still on, this is weird..."

He finally got to his house were he noticed the front door slightly open. "Did I leave that open? Thank God no one's around to take anythi--" he stopped mid-sentence and froze as he saw his bag had been open and looted from. "Oh God, out of all the ghost towns I settle in, this one happened to have greedy ghosts." He dumped the contents of the bag on the floor to count what had been lost. "Let's see, bow, armor, leather, seeds..." After counting the miscellaneous items he finally realized what had been taken "Oh no, they took the sword, they took, the sword! Even worse, they took the food! Man, this is just a bad day for me... I gotta tell the others, a looted bag means people were here!" Running to the town's center Refresh yelled for the others to come to him to share the news.


One of the men, a dirty, wiry old man with graying hair, begins opening and closing his mouth in an attempt to remove his gag. He ultimately cannot, and in a muffled voice he whimpers:
"H-Help Me!"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth walked along, poking along through the rubble, and periodically calling out "Is anyone here?"
"Most likely there won't be." he thought. "Can still keep checking, though."
He had just turned down another street when he spotted something shining in the rubble of a house.
"What's this?" he wondered aloud. "Looks like a chronometer of sorts. Inscribed "From J.S to K.S, with love. <3" Interesting..."

He put the watch into his pocket, and continued down the street.

He had just passed an alleyway when he heard what sounded to be someone moaning, as if in pain or sorrow.
"Hello? Is someone there?"
The moaning continued, but no one replied.

"Hello?! I said is someone there?"
Getting no reply, Darth looked for the source of the moans.
"They're...coming from this dark hole in the rubble..?" he wondered to himself. "Okay..."

Darth stooped and entered the mouth of the hole.
"Hello? Are you down here?"
"It looks like this entire tall tower collapsed onto the street" he thought. "Wonder who's down here?"

Darth lit a torch he found on the ground, and jammed it into a crack in the rubble.

"I SAID, IS ANYONE DOWN H-" He stopped with shock.
There was a zombie feasting on the corpse of a slain town guard.
"Oh no you don't!" Darth yelled.
He picked up the guard's pike and ran the zombie through, watching it fall over backwards.

Darth removed the pike and redrove it into the zombie's chest and deep into the rubble.
"That'll keep you, if you're not dead." he said angrily. "I wonder who this guard was..."

Darth searched the body for identification, but found none.
"Darn..." he thought. "I'd have liked to notify any surviving relatives...what's this?"
Darth picked up an object: A wallet.
"Ah, I'll look at this later." Darth exclaimed. "Now to continue my search!"

He climbed out of the rubble, and looked around. To continue onwards down the street, he needed to pass a large wall of stones and other rubble. Taking several paces back, Darth took a running leap at the wall, and managed to grab the top and pull himself over, landing in a crouch.


Aug 14, 2011
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[I'm kinda new to this, so just add me into the main story once you think I'm ready for it.]
As he jumped out of the warp gate to the world, Blinx realized that he forgot his time sweeper.
"Great," he thought. "Now people will be freaked out because I'm a walking talking cat."
Blinx thought about going back to get it, deciding that it would be wise to do so. Just as he had came, he left.

When he returned, he had his time sweeper.
"Alright. Let's do this!"
Blinx started to search for trash, oddly colored crystals, and people.
I think that going in that direction will work, he thought to hiself. Lemme see what's down there.