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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



"Yes! We are traveling to city of Sky Base, the capital of the Soffian Empire to return you to your mother!​
Also my dear....this isn't your usual ship! Allow me, please."​
Travis extends his arm toward Duffie, offering to lead her to the ship's deck.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked sidelong at Balloon,

"Truth be told they aren't on this world. The only way to get their is this place far to the west, I was kind of hoping to not alarm you... It has guards against magic itself for thousands of miles in any direction so we must move by foot until we get there. I'm not sure what world they are on, but I can get us there, no doubt. It shouldn't take no more than a day and a half by foot, quicker if we get horses."


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
As Durwin and Balloon made their way west they came across the many terrors that Herobrine had unleashed. Towns wrecked, people homeless, jobless. Kids without parents, parents without children.

"This makes me sick, if only we could help them. But we're only two people, and even with the full group it would be hard. It's not like we can just spend all of our time building shelters, that would get us nowhere..." Durwin grumbled. He eyes hadn't been any other shade than red since Duffie's disappearance several hours earlier and they seemed to be growing darker, if that was possible. They stopped off at a barn close by, just as they had many times prior. At last they found what they sought. 4 horses.

"Amazing! And still in good shape! There, there boy, it's alright, we're friends." The horse shied away from Durwin's touch almost instinctively, but calmed quickly.

"Let em get to know you a bit before you get on, it'll make this easier." The horses sniffed at their hands and let the two pet them and finally get on them. Durwin connected his two, like a caravan driver, and Balloon did the same with his.

"Alright we'll be switching horses to lighten the load of the trip on them. Don't expect to get much sleep." And with that, they galloped off.


(Queue Music)

Travis assists Duffie out of her chair, and leads her across the dark room over towards a wooden door. Orange light peers underneath it, and faint sounds of shouting can be heard through the aged wood. With his unoccupied hand Travis clutches the doorknob, giving it a hard turn. As the door is opened, bright light relinquishes the darkness and Duffie steps outside.....
The Red Eagle
Duffie and Travis stand along a catwalk, running parallel along the ship, from bow to the stern.
Daylight begins to die in the realm of Avalon...


((My apologies guys, got a bit preoccupied over in Avalon :/ ))​
After translating Defiant_Blob 's message for 2 hrs, they shake their fists angrily at Blob.
"Ourselves made Toe-Tac-Tic! We made rules! You play by them or you talk to consequences!"​
And after another hour of translating DarthLego5679 's message, they respond.
"We need sword to kill Cat. It kill ourselves. We seek an revenge!"​


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
As the door opened, Duffie eyes grew large as to what she saw. She was on a ship, but she was in the air.

She looked around, amazed at what she say, and suddenly enjoyed the ride.

(( Also, awesome song. :D

You should also get on with Defiant's side, too. I'm going to take a break until possibly tomorrow, for I am going to play some MC now. :p ))


Aug 14, 2011
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"Whoa, what!?" Blinx replied in major shock. "What did I ever do to you? And if I DID kill you, why are you alive?"
Blinx turned to Defiant to ask for help.
"Durwin sent me and Amek here to come get your group. Duffie was kidnapped and possibly taken into another dimension."
Blinx hands the paper to Defiant, then slowly backs away from the men on the horses.


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
"Honestly, I've never even met these people! They must be crazy."
Blinx thought to himself for a moment.
Wait... These people want to get revenge on me EVEN THOUGH I never even met them, they have time controls, and they're well armed... oh, this will NOT be good...
"I think I figured it out. Here's the gist of everything. I went to the dusty old hall in the time factory, the place that supplies time to every world and dimension. While going through it, I decided to jump into a random warp gate, which popped me out into this world. I went in one direction on a dirt path for a long time, eventually running into a volcano. When the volcano erupted, I had to pause time in order to barely escape it. Time controls have a rare backfire of altering events which would have otherwise had the exact same results as if the time control was never used. This means the volcano musta killed off a lot of people, since I heard faint screams a little bit before the eruption."
Taking a deep breath, Blinx continued with the story.
"After escaping the eruption, these people probably found out what happened, being the first people to ever figure out a time control before they ever met a user of them.
"I ran into Duffie, Balloon, and Durwin after walking all the way to Terrenus, as they called it. They accepted me, and I became a part of the group. Assuming these were the theoretical "good guys," even if I didn't want to join, then I would be fired from the time factory. Does that clear things up?"


((Whoa, cats apparently travel fast in this realm))​
The Warriors begin shouting frantically at each other.
"Đó là con mèo!Của giết nó ngay bây giờ!!"
"Lông da của nó!!"
"Trả thù cho gia đình giảm của chúng tôi!!!!!!!!"
Blinx begins speaking, and the men stand exactly still for 3 hours with swords drawn and eyes aflame, waiting for the translator to finish Blinx's tale.
The translator finishes and is about to respond to Blinx, but then he says to the man...
"Không, chỉ cần giết nó." ((Nevermind, just kill it))
The men charge upon Blinx, seeking to destroy him.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob held up his sword. Oh, yay. I get to test my sword now. The books I studied said I must find the wind scar... There! Blob swings, unleashing Tetsusaiga's power. An enormous force was let loose from the sword, vaporizing the men seeking to kill Blinx in seconds. However, the Tetsusaiga transformed into what looked like a normal steel sword. There's always a catch. I hope this is temporary. "So, Blinx, right? Anyways, I just killed forty, fifty, men for you. Give me an explanation of why they would want to kill you, or the same shall happen to you. You sure you've never seen them before?"


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Balloon and Durwin had galloped through the night. Town after town flew by, while the chaos ran with them. To keep the horses from dying they watered them regularly, and walked along side from time to time. The going was not east, rocky terrain, and lack of a path made it especially tough on the horses. Eventually it got easier as they descended down, and as day broke they were at the head a massive valley, shining with dew. Noon was high over head by the time they had gotten about half way around it. They had taken a seemingly hidden route that was to take them to the place.

"Down there," Durwin said pointing to a rock wall with vines thickly covering it.

"That's our destination, it'll still be close to dusk before we reach it but it's nice to know our goal is within reach. I'm not sure whether to hope the others call me before or after we get there."


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
"Yes, incredibly sure. They didn't look familiar at all," said Blinx with no fear in his eyes whatsoever.

"Here's what I believe happened. While I was traveling on the dirt path and came across the volcano, I realized I needed three things: Time controls, water, and food. I got all three of them at a lake near a volcano, with the time control specifically being pause. Meanwhile, there were multiple tremors which signaled that a volcano would be erupting soon. After the second to last tremor, I heard some faint screaming, which I believe were those people on horseback, as well as many others. Thinking it was just an animal's warning call at the time, I ignored it. The volcano had literally exploded, though. The pause I used saved my life, and I was hoping that the side effect of something altering the future would happen. Unfortunately for me, it did without me realizing it. I unknowingly ended up killing about half their people, and they were able to figure it out. One thing that they missed, though, was that it was rare and accidental, which they didn't give me any time to explain. I admit, it was foolish of me to have gotten them all killed by your sword, and putting your sword into this state, but if I didn't, then I would not have been able to survive, and thinking that there was nobody else in an area of about 10 miles from me, I used the pause. Besides, if you killed me, you would have a LOT of explaining to do to Durwin and Balloon." Blinx finished the paragraph in a serious tone, the same way he had started.

[I found the wipeout to be very anticlimactic. I was hoping to battle them as well. :c]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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[ StoryMaster , HarmakPaul , DarthLego5679 ]
"Bạn nghĩ bạn có thể thoát khỏi chúng ta như vậy một cách dễ dàng?" A voice from behind yelled.
Blob turned to see the whole group of men. Didn't I kill them?
"Tôi yêu thời gian dừng lại: Nó có thể là một cuộc sống tiết kiệm" their leader said. "Chuẩn bị chết!"

Did you think that you could get rid of us so easily?
I love time stopping: it can be a real life saver. Prepare to die!


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
"I knew that would happen. They have access to time controls AND a neutralizer. Guys, here are some neutralizers! We need to take theirs so that we can easily finish them off!"
Blinx looked at Defiant.
"We'll settle the other stuff afterwards."
[Thanks for using something I forgot that I technically gave them, Defiant. :3]