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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



The girl jumps into the air a few times for joy, her hair slowly bouncing off her shoulders with every hop. Her smile and eyes reflect the moonlight outside.
"I may?! We will have so much fun together! I hope we will get those evil men who locked me up here and kill them!"
"Now, I will show you the way out, but you need to do something else for me."


"It's just not possible Charles, have you taken a look outside?"
As you look outside, the perception of the dream changes to reveal that the room is floating in midair. As you turn around to try the door, you find that it is missing.
"There is only one way out, and I know the way, trust me."


"Why? I have shown nothing but kindness and thankfulness since you have come here. And you do not show want for me, you act as if I am just a weight."
The girl walks over to the window, tears begin rolling down her face.
"This is not how the story was supposed to be. I was supposed to be rescued by a brave man to come sweep me off my feet. But you have met my words with harsh ice."
She places one leg over the window, and then the other. She sits on the windowsill and looks down.
"I cannot escape on my own. You need to trust me."
The girl faces away staring out towards the only heavenly body present, the moon.


Aug 6, 2011
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Meanwhile, back in Primordia, Yayakoshii sleeps peacefully as the night engulfs the town.

Kira Shirayuki looks out toward the stars from her bedroom, thinking about Duffie and her travels, wondering about her progress in finding their mother.

She sighed, leaning on her arm as she continued to gaze at the stars.

"I wonder wha' she's up to..."

(( Just a side story to bring Kira into the picture. Probably won't be too active in the story at the moment, just bringing her in as everyone is currently asleep, and we're watching Durwin's dream. :p ))


Lili's eyes begin glowing bright red. Slightly alarmed, Durwin steps back. Lili begins hovering a few feet in the air, her hair is standing on end.
"Well my former husband, I was wondering how long it would take for you to recognize me. When you locked me in this cage, I figured this was one of your games. But you wished to be rid of me! You found new Succubi that you liked better than I."
"For thousands of years I have been waiting for your return! You may have forgotten me, but I, Lilith the Succubus, shall give you your final kiss."
Lilith flies towards Durwin, attempting to kiss the life out of him.
http://www.mythicalcreaturesguide.com/page/Succubus "Lilith has many origins. In both Arabic and Jewish myths however, she is a succubus. A demon-woman who hunts men, seduces them and drains their life with a kiss.[/CENTER]
Wiki: In folklore traced back to medieval legend, a succubus (plural succubi) is a female demon appearing in dreams who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin watched Lilith fly toward him. A smile crossed his face. Right as she was upon him, Durwin dropped to one knee and bent forward under Lilith. He came up under her stomach and between her legs, she flipped over onto her back as she crashed into one of the chairs. Durwin capitalized and jumped for her before Lilith could recover. His knees on her legs, his hands on her arms, Lilith was pinned and before she could fight back Durwin kissed her. She was so bewildered that she didn't take his life, and gazed wide eyed at him. Durwin laughed,

"That's how I got you the first time. The second part of this I can't complete correctly but I think I can improvise..." Durwin slowly got up never taking his eyes from her face, he unbuttoned his robe and gently placed his hands her once again, right below the shoulders. Lilith still didn't know how to react. Durwin heaved her in the fire. Tears flooded his eyes and he turned and walked to the window,

"I'm done!" He screamed,

"Make it stop! This is too much..." The tears wouldn't stop and his eyes went dull and lifeless. Durwin backed away from the window and a low growl emanated from within him his eyes were suddenly full of fire. The growl rose to a shout, then a roar. All the way back to the window Durwin ran, and roared, and then jumped out. The roar mutated to that of the sound of wind blowing fiercely in one's ears. It got cold, and dark very quickly. There was a tingling sensation coursing through his entire body. The wind got louder and louder, colder and colder. Durwin opened his eyes to find himself plummeting toward the ground. It took him a half a second to remember where he was, and who he was. Durwin slowed his decent to a stop and he looked up. The boat hadn't stopped, it had kept going.

"I must have fallen a kilometer by now, I hope I can catch up." Still a bit groggy his spells were sluggish in response, as well as his brain. It was a good hour before he caught up to the ship. Durwin finally grabbed a railing and pulled himself on board. He was so tired he couldn't see straight, but he managed to shuffle to below deck where the sleeping quarters were. His only goal in life was to find a bed and sleep, nothing else mattered. Durwin came to a door and found it locked. He held out a hand and the door suddenly opened. He crawled into the nearest bed unaware of the sleeping body already in it. Durwin found a nice soft teddy bear, and cuddled up with it, fresh tears still on his face, and fell into his usual dreamless, restful sleep.


((Awww, I didn't get to do the more meaningful and disturbing part of the dream. Guess I'll wait till later to deliver the message ;) Nice work though ))


Aug 6, 2011
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[ Made the terrible mistake of not checking this yesterday night. I have to start checking this thread on the hour... ]

Refresh woke from his deep slumber. His looked around the room Travis had provided for him, it was still, dark, peaceful. "Ugh, what time is it" he said stretching and yawning in a half-daze. He grabbed a cup and lifted it over his face, only to find it was empty. He peered in the glass "Yup, need more water..." He slowly got up out of the bed, only to stumble a couple of times on his way to the door. "Why don't they just put a sink in the room..."
He quietly walked down the corridor. He suddenly stops in his track, seeing a smashed window "Whoa what happened here?" he said examining it. "Meh, I'll probably find out in the moooornning" he said with a yawn. He continued walking, trying to find a sink.
He found a bathroom and used the sink to re-fill his glass. On his way back, he was stopped by a figure in the hallway. "'Scuse me, sir, just headin back to my cabin." he said using his cup to point the direction he was heading. He walked past the figure who had said nothing Boy, he thought, that was weir-- he fell to the floor, unconscious. The figure stood over him with an evil grin...

[ There, "that should keep the lab rats happy" (Lol at reference that people probably won't guess) ]

[ EDIT: StoryMaster you can jump in if you want. ]


Aug 6, 2011
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(( Well, everyone should go on to do their own thing, so we can either continue the story in the morning (inside the RP), or from Refresh's bonk on the head.

I wanted to wake up in the morning, but either way would be fine. :p

I know for sure Durwin, Duffie, and possibly Refresh have had their go for the night. Anyone else? ))


As the colors of sunrise begin to stain the sky, our heroes wake from their restless night of sleep, or lack thereof.
Travis stands leaning on the far railing, using his knife to slice a sweet mango. He gives each slice a thoughtful chew, taking in all of its flavors with his delicate pallet.


Aug 6, 2011
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As the Red Eagle sails through the morning clouds, birds sing as Duffie slowly opens her eyes. She yawned, as she attempted to stretch, only to found out she couldn't. She felt like she was in binds, only to find that someone was holding her tightly.

She went red, then screamed loudly from the awkwardness of the situation, not exactly knowing what was going on, since she had just awoke...

(( Thetogolopian ))


Oct 8, 2011
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There was a piercing noise in the air and Durwin stirred awake. He put his hand over where the source of the noise was coming from. Thinking he hit the snooze button, he lifted his hand and snuggled closer to the teddy bear. Durwin got a punch to the face,

"Oww! What was that for!" He asked as he sat up quickly in the bed. Durwin stared at the person who had hit him, it was Duffie,

"Where'd the teddy bear go?"